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Military strikes against Assad's Syria | Updates & Discussions.

religious Nutjob? really? That's the best insult you can come up with?
If it is the most appropriate, then it is the best.

Even in North Korea they allow more freedom of expression than your fascist little world.
I have Internet access. When we have a few genuine North Korean members here...:lol:
Bush Lied about Iraq's WMD, get over it, You don't have to cry over your hero lying, He doesn't really care about you!
Sure. So did the entire UN. I can get over that as easily as you ran away from the truth that says otherwise.
Dear half grain . I said you call some of your people residing within your country, as terrorist.

You asked me to show Quote : " Show me the globaltimes and xinhua articles which said that the ordinary Uyghurs involved in protests were terrorists? They didn't even called the rioters who killed people in Urumqi in 2009 "terrorists" nor did they called the Uyghurs involved in protests with the police as terrorists."

I showed you the articles where china called Uyghurs among you ( not all but some among them) as Terrorist! and thus I showed you to be naive about your own country-

I also showed where they called the highlighted claim you made- terrorists! - you say I'm trolling :rofl:

Now it seems that your IQ level did not also comprehend that I was not calling ALL of the Uyghurs as terrorists. and in spite of me repeatedly clarifying it for a slow as molasses brains- you keep saying " all" is what i said.

A knife attack on a police station is a protest?

You must be confusing me with the Indian military and media which accuses all Kashmiris who throw stones at Indian soldiers of being terrorists. Show me the globaltimes and xinhua articles which said that the ordinary Uyghurs involved in protests were terrorists? They didn't even called the rioters who killed people in Urumqi in 2009 "terrorists" nor did they called the Uyghurs involved in protests with the police as terrorists. Only the attackers on the police stations and bombmakers were labelled as terrorists.

Rebiya Kadeer herself admitted her father served in the Soviet supported Ili army and that her family was friendly with the Russians, a self admitted Soviet agent and now turncoated American agent as well. Its in her autobiography. :rofl:


I support Kashmiris protesting 24/7 against Indian occupation. They will need alot of cleaning fluid to clean up the mess, we can ship it to them.
If it is the most appropriate, then it is the best.

I have Internet access. When we have a few genuine North Korean members here...:lol:

Just because every morning you visits Foxnews.com, watch lady gaga Video and Miley Cyrus slutty videos don't mean you have access to real valuable information on the internet.:cheesy:
Just because every morning you visits Foxnews.com, watch lady gaga Video and Miley Cyrus slutty videos don't mean you have access to real valuable information on the internet.:cheesy:
But I do have access to real valuable information, like UNMOVIC for one that says you are wrong about the US 'lied' about Iraqi WMD program. Explain to me why is the website UNMOVIC is not valuable?
The Wall Street Journal has confirmed what many suspected, that the West’s so-called “evidence” of the latest alleged “chemical attacks” in Syria, pinned on the Syrian government are fabrications spun up from the West’s own dubious intelligence agencies.

CONFIRMED: US Claims Against Syria - There is no Evidence | nsnbc international

This is a plan that was mapped out LONG LONG time agooo. They want to change the middle East and draw new borders. If they want to do that, they need to come clean people on the ground should know the truth. No innocent person should DIE for security of Israel.
Interesting argument. Does that mean no one should die for the destruction of Israel as well? Or is that an exception?

No one should die for this plan, which is to divide up countries in the Middle East.

Specially Middle easterners, shouldn't you ask them before you implement this plan?

If it's about democracy, Assad already dsif elections in 2014-2015.

This is being done for the security of Israel, It will guarantee it's survival in the region.

To divide up all the countries to make Shia vs Sunni. Arab vs Kurd, all ethnic and religious conflicts so they focus on killing each other.
No one should die for this plan, which is to divide up countries in the Middle East.

Specially Middle easterners, shouldn't you ask them before you implement this plan?
Avoiding your own argument, again? :lol:

No one should die for the security of Israel. But some should die for the destruction of Israel. Is that how it works?
What choices do we have? What choices do ANY other country have? When the US elected Bush, senior and later younger, did Iran or Russia or China or Timbuktu or Klingons or Romulans or even the Vulcans have any other choices? The point here is that the argument that we 'supported' dictators in the ME missed the fact that the people seems to produce only one kind of leader: The Dictator.
i cannot speak for other countries, by respect.
but for mine, clearly we never choosed a dictator.
in the revolution time all people wanted to kick the shah. then people wanted morality and values (which the shah was missing very much) so they trusted Khomeiny words when himself said he would ask again later for referendum and more important this would be a republic (with no power - in economic or any field not religious- in the hands of religious people ; which would be there just for agreement of some morality in some matter). war was terrible and it made a disaster for us. after war basiji were used as a militia . sepah is not more an army in business having half the economy in hands.
well what i mean is that all this never happened by choices of Iranians. never.
THe only choice we made @gambit is when our elections are not cheated and we can show we want change.
but you see even for a president having far less pwoer than leader, we hope elections are respected, we hope Khamenei would accept this guy or that guy, and not only conservatives or ultras.
i have been in contacts with green movment (not a member since i don't do politics) and clearly your country totally ignored this social movment; because it was not about the leader arrested it was much more than this: it was a will that all the society would unite to express the wills of change.
Iran is really special maybe in the world: a population modern with culture and respect compared to his leader with the stupid group leading the country. there is a so huge difference between a small part of fanatics and an important part of people who always value first the education of their children, who value peace and respect. I believe in Iranians. We need a big change anyway but not a lot of people are optimistic.

anyway i understand your position. thx for your answers.
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No innocent person should DIE for security of Israel.
This is a very interesting argument.

It practically declared that what people -- non Jews -- did back in WW II when they sheltered Jews from the Nazis and many of them died in their humanitarian deeds, THEY WERE WRONG.

The argument basically said that Jews and Israel are exceptions to humanitarian impulses. The slippery slope here is that ALL people should avoid sacrificial acts in the name of humanity when they see another person being robbed or even worse. According to our female Iranian member here, it is not merely wrong but outright immoral to defend someone under threats because if now it is Jews and Israel who are exceptions to humanitarian impulses, tomorrow it could be you and your kind, whoever you are.

Congratulations to our Iranian members here. Inshallah and Allahu Akbar.
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