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Military Helicopters in Pak use

Pakistan Naval Aviation



Aérospatiale : SA.319B Alouette III Astazou
Delivered : 8
Current : 6
WFU : 1
Stored : 1
Outstanding Order : 4
Note: Reports from 2005 suggested that more examples may be acquired. The first 2 from a batch of 6 former-French military examples were delivered on 11th April 2008, having been purchased via the UK-based company MNA Technologies Ltd.

Aérospatiale : SE.3160 Alouette III
Delivered : 4
Current : 0
WFU : 4
Note: The type is almost certainly withdrawn from service.

AgustaWestland : Lynx HAS.3
Delivered : 3
Current : 0
WFU : 3
In service from September 1994 until 2005
Note: The type was withdrawn from service by 2005, with the airframes possibly due to be offered for sale for spares recovery purposes.

AgustaWestland : Westland WS-61 Sea King Mk.45
Delivered : 6
Current : 5
Losses : 1

AgustaWestland : Westland WS-61 Sea King Mk.45B
Delivered : 1
Current : 1

Breguet : Br.1150 Atlantic
Delivered : 6
Current : 1
Losses : 1
WFU: 4

Britten-Norman : BN-2T Maritime Defender
Delivered : 3
Current : 3

Fokker : F-27-200MPA Friendship
Delivered : 5
Current : 5
Note: A 5th aircraft was added to the inventory on 11th April 2008; formerly operated by Pakistan International Airlines in passenger configuration, this has now been upgraded to fulfill the maritime patrol task.

Fokker : F-27-400M Troopship
Delivered : 1
Current : 1

Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation : Z-9C Haitun
Outstanding Order : 6
Note: 6 Z-9C helicopters were reportedly ordered from HAMC in 2005 & at least 1 example was photographed in China during September 2007. None are believed to have been delivered by early 2009, although official mention has again been made of the type being inducted in the future along with the F-22 Frigates.

Lockheed : P-3C-II.75 Orion
Delivered : 3+3
Current : 2+3
Losses : 1
Stored :
Outstanding Order : 5
Note: Formerly-stored aircraft are currently being reactivated for return to service. The 8 examples on order are ex-USN aircraft being refurbished after AMARG storage. 1 example will be used for spares recovery. order delayed due to non-availability of FMS funds for their upgrade.
I think Pakistan shld also work to develop chopper manufacturing as they are doing for jet planes.
PAkistan may hav enough expe in MI-17, Cobra and Bell
I think Pakistan shld also work to develop chopper manufacturing as they are doing for jet planes.
PAkistan may hav enough expe in MI-17, Cobra and Bell

I agree, but only China seems to be the country with which we may start a joint venture, for utility aircraft like AS550 and Z-9
i think russian anti sub made heli is better choice for us if china produce its copy
hello sir i am juniour in your fourm but you dont show secret information our pakistan thank you
Pakistan Army Aviation Corps



Aérospatiale : AS.350B3 Écureuil
Delivered : 10
Current : 10
Note: Delivered in 2005 & 2006.

Aérospatiale : SA.315B Lama
Delivered : 20+
Current : 6
Losses : 4+
WFU : 10+
Stored :

Aérospatiale : SA.316B Alouette III
Delivered : 12
Current : ?
Sold : 1+
Note: transferred to PAF and PN

Aérospatiale : SA.330F Puma
Delivered : 1
Current : 1

Aérospatiale : SA.330J Puma
Delivered : 35
Current : 20+
Losses : 1+
Stored :
Note: 5-6 ex-UAE examples purchased for spares recently.
Note: Confirmed attrition loss occurred on 8th October 2007.

Aérospatiale : SE.3160 Alouette III
Delivered : 6
Current :
WFU : 1+
Note: transferred to PAF and PN

AgustaWestland : AW139
Outstanding Order : 5
In service from May 2009
Note: Of the 5 examples being acquired, 2 are to assume duties as VIP/VVIP transports whilst the remaining 3 will be fitted to undertake humanitarian relief operations. The first AW139 will be delivered in late May 2009.

Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) : MFI-17 Mushshak
Delivered : 120?
Current :
Losses : 1+
Stored :
Note: Around 300 built: mostly delivered to Pakistan AF & Army, although exact quantities are unconfirmed to date. A confirmed attrition loss occurred on 13th August 2008, with 1 fatality.

Beech Aircraft : Beech 200 Super King Air
Delivered : 1
Current : 1

Beech Aircraft : U-8F Seminole
Delivered : 1
Current : 0
WFU : 1

Bell Helicopter : AH-1F Cobra
Delivered : 20
Current : 20
Outstanding Order : 8 (order cancelled?)
Note: A total of 40 airframes are due from the US via FMS; 20 are to be used for spares only & are not included in the above totals. Deliveries expected to be concludsd by the end of 2008. On 26th September 2008 the US DSCA notified Congress of the possible sale, refurbishment & maintenance of a further 8 Cobras.

Bell Helicopter : AH-1S Cobra
Delivered : 20
Current : 19
Losses : 1
Note: 19 surviving airframes are in the process of undergoing upgrades to AH-1F configuration for conformity with newly-delivered former US Army examples arriving in 2007 & 2008.

Bell Helicopter : Bell 206B-2 JetRanger
Delivered : 10
Current : 6
Losses : 1+
WFU : 1+
Stored :

Bell Helicopter : Bell 206B-3 JetRanger
Delivered : 12
Current : 8
Stored :

Bell Helicopter : Bell 412EP
Delivered : 26
Current : 25
Outstanding Order : See Note
Note: At least 10 examples are believed to have been allocated to Army from the batch of 26 delivered to Pakistan (now delivered). On 1st June 2009 the US Army awarded a $51 million contract for 5 Bell 412EP helicopters to BHTI & it is believed the end-user might possibly be Pakistan, although this has not yet been confirmed.

Bell Helicopter : UH-1H Iroquois
Delivered : 6
Current : 4
Losses : 2
Outstanding Order : 20
Note: 40 in total due from US via FMS; 20 are expected to be used for spares: deliveries underway.

Cessna Aircraft Company : Cessna 421C Golden Eagle
Delivered : 1
Current : 1

Cessna Aircraft Company : Cessna 550 Citation II Bravo
Delivered : 1
Current : 1

Cessna Aircraft Company : Cessna 560 Citation V
Delivered : 1
Current : 1

Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation : Y-12 II Turbo Panda
Delivered : 4
Current : 4

Kazan Helicopters : Mi-172 'Hip-H'
Delivered : 3
Current : 3
Note: 3 aircraft delivered during the second half of 2008. All are configured for the VVIP & presidential transportation role.

Kazan Helicopters : Mi-17-V5 'Hip'
Delivered : 2
Current : 2
Note: 2 aircraft delivered during the second half of 2008. Both are configured for the MedEvac & SAR role.

MD Helicopters : Hughes 500
Delivered : 5
Current : 5

Mil (Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant) : Mi-17-1V 'Hip-H'
Delivered : 36
Current : 33
Losses : 3
Note: As many as 32 Mi-17-1V models are reported to have been acquired in a large batch delivered between 2002 & 2008. A further 4 Mi-17 helicopters have been leased from the US Department of Defense for use in ongoing anti-Taliban operations in the Swat Valley, having been delivered in late June 2009. The most recent attrition losses have occurred on 5th August 2004 & 3rd July 2009, the latter resulting in 26 fatalities.

Mil (Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant) : Mi-24V 'Hind-E'
Delivered : 1
Current : 1
Note: Captured ex-Afghan example believed to have been in recent use in Swat operations.

Mil (Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant) : Mi-8T 'Hip-C'
Delivered : 12
Current : 0
WFU : 12
Note: Type withdrawn from service during 1986.

Rockwell International : Aero Commander 690C Super
Delivered : 2 or 3
Current : 1
WFU : 1 or 2

Rockwell International : Gulfstream Jetprop 840
Delivered : 1
Current : 1

Schweizer Aircraft Corporation : Schweizer 300C
Delivered : 10
Current : 10

sir you didnt mentioned Eurocopter AS550 Fennec???


@thomas.. requests were made to make available cobras but US continued to "dodge" prolonged this request and now the 3rd operation is underway and no cobras in sight from US.
one question...... do we still use mi-24 and mi-6?

Mi-6 have been retired i believe, as for Mi-24 they are there in quetta but flying status is unknown as i used to saw couple of them flying in late 2001 but keeping them flying worthy would be a tough job as getting spare parts would be a problem plus they are not the part of official army aviation flying strength.
mzubair..Eurocopter Tiger Attack Helicopter ....18 Being Inducted (2009-10)
I've to disagree with you here i doubt Pak Army would pay around $480-$500 Million for 18 Tiger gunship helicopters..

My guess would be Pak Army is waiting for turkish or Z-10 mean while upgrade the current inventory and "if" US agrees to sell more Cobras.
Yeah agreed with you guys Pakistan must try with china for partnership for state of the art hellicopter.

2073 (cn 2073) The Alouette III is a true work horse and still in use in the various Pakistani military services

Aerospatiale SA-330J Puma
Before the arrival of the Mi-171 the Puma was the medium lift transport helicopter operating in the mountaineous areas of Pakistan
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