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Military helicopter crash in Mansehra kills at least nine

RIP, another one bites to dust. is it time to ground these mi17's ?
Why not procuring new from Russia?? Or upgrading old ones?? Our soldiers are at risk!!!!
May Allah bless them with higher ranks in jannah
Nation heros
RIP BROTHERS, may Allah give strength to your families and place in jannah to all of you.
RIP :(
The Helicopters are fine & technically sound.Due to the topography and wind shear /& wind gust in extremely difficult flying conditions the machines work to their extreme This usually wears of systems UN knowingly .RIP for the crew and the party a great loss for Pakistan. Inalillahhi wa in a alahi rajioon.
Rest in Peace...
We salute you for your duties to this Nation...:pakistan:
The Helicopters are fine & technically sound.Due to the topography and wind shear /& wind gust in extremely difficult flying conditions the machines work to their extreme This usually wears of systems UN knowingly .RIP for the crew and the party a great loss for Pakistan. Inalillahhi wa in a alahi rajioon.

Technically sound like what? Like cd-70 motorbike, old and reliable. But the bike has undergone lot of changes. Why dont we develop a new heli like we develop JF 17 Thunder or Al Khalid.

It looks this machine isn't for northern areas. Use a lighter one.
Twelve Army personnel, including five Majors, were martyred when a helicopter of Army Medical Corps crashed in Lassan Nawab area of Mansehra this evening.

The helicopter was its way from Rawalpindi to Gilgit.

The incident took place due to rough weather.
Rest In Peace Jawano. Another sacrifice in the month of Sacrifices. You sacrifice so we live. *Salutes*
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