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Militants gouge out both eyes of Indian Army jawan in J&K

WHERE HAVE THE INDIAN GONE?......They came rushing in venting there fury and outrage at this savage attack but seem to have done a houdini.

We are still here. It wasn't any fault of ours that we were furious and outraged, because we were misled just like you were. Look at the title of the thread. So don't make it sound like it was OUR stupidity that we got enraged. And if it turns out that it was a personal matter, what else do you want Indians to do? Write another ten pages about the danger of personal matters? If we stop commenting upon new information coming in that makes commenting superfluous, that is a good thing, is it not?
Fair enough but Pakistan does not categorize all these groups as freedom fighters either. LET is classified as terrorist outfit since 2002 in Pakistan, now how much of it is lip service is another story but if you want to call it lip service than the other countries who categorize them as terrorist outfit are also just playing lip service.

But if your own government classifies them terrorists, then how do you guys proudly call 'em freedom fighters? And since Musharraf stated that it's impossible to close their training camps, he indirectly claimed that Pakistan harbours terrorist training camps.
I thought maybe a senior indian member can put your fears at rest but if that not enough..
Jawan injured in mysterious attack in Akhnoor
Jawan injured in mysterious attack in Akhnoor - Kashmir Times

Se how the kashmir paper call it "injured in mysterious attack" while the indian media call it "Militants gouge out both eyes of Army jawan".......and you guys try telling us that the indian media is fair when it comes to the issue of kashmir and pakistan.

The Indian army itself released a statement saying that it wasn't a terrorist incident, and now the media are all reporting it. The Indian army itself is more than fair and will do its best to curb rumours.
EzioAltaïr;4112729 said:
But if your own government classifies them terrorists, then how do you guys proudly call 'em freedom fighters? And since Musharraf stated that it's impossible to close their training camps, he indirectly claimed that Pakistan harbours terrorist training camps.

Well I do not think LET are freedom fighters, if they were they would attack IA in Kashmir instead of innocents in Mumbai. It is not impossible it is just that there is no leader in Pakistan willing to stick his/her neck out to do so. Same thing with many things in Pakistan.
I thought maybe a senior indian member can put your fears at rest but if that not enough..
Jawan injured in mysterious attack in Akhnoor
Jawan injured in mysterious attack in Akhnoor - Kashmir Times

Se how the kashmir paper call it "injured in mysterious attack" while the indian media call it "Militants gouge out both eyes of Army jawan".......and you guys try telling us that the indian media is fair when it comes to the issue of kashmir and pakistan.

Fair enough, they were wrong. How does that mean we weren't justified in our outrage?
Unfortunate incident as this action is inhuman.
Just disgusting behavior.

Lol @ Hindos behavior in this thread.
We are still here. It wasn't any fault of ours that we were furious and outraged, because we were misled just like you were.

We didnt make the title the indian express did.......my first post i pointed out that it was a bit strange that the freedom fighters would take a POW and then take his eyes out and release him.....in my world that makes no sense but you indian where willing to be fed the lie without questioning it like you do with many lie that the indian media spreads about pakistan-kashmir.

Look at the title of the thread. So don't make it sound like it was OUR stupidity that we got enraged. And if it turns out that it was a personal matter, what else do you want Indians to do?

Check the story over a period of time to see who is telling the truth and not get brainwashed by soundbites and ten second anti pakistani headlines.
You guys did this during samjohta express and the bombings in india where you went to the extreme length of providing pakistan the names and address of the people involved in the attacks who happened to be living in pakistan and then after the message has been sunk into the indian mind we find out a few years later thats its your people doing the attacks.
I thought maybe a senior indian member can put your fears at rest but if that not enough..
Jawan injured in mysterious attack in Akhnoor
Jawan injured in mysterious attack in Akhnoor - Kashmir Times

Se how the kashmir paper call it "injured in mysterious attack" while the indian media call it "Militants gouge out both eyes of Army jawan".......and you guys try telling us that the indian media is fair when it comes to the issue of kashmir and pakistan.

Indian media is indeed reporting that the army has now cleared the confusion.

Jammu: Soldier found with eyes gouged out, Army rules out terror angle
Mentally sick..,maybe behavior of indian army made them so cruel.
Really heartbreaking. Pathetic person whoever did this. I hope he dies and rot in hell.
Sick what some people will do to stop occupation.

Seems Kashmiri really want Indian just gone from their land.

Just dont cry Indians when you get a taste of your own medicine.
Thousands of mass graves in IOK is called a "casuality of war", while when freedom fighters attack Indian Army base it is called terrorist attack...

History is written by the oppressors, i guess
Check the story over a period of time to see who is telling the truth and not get brainwashed by soundbites and ten second anti pakistani headlines.
You guys did this during samjohta express and the bombings in india where you went to the extreme length of providing pakistan the names and address of the people involved in the attacks who happened to be living in pakistan and then after the message has been sunk into the indian mind we find out a few years later thats its your people doing the attacks.

And how did you find that out? Because INDIAN investigating agencies uncovered the truth behind that incident, and changed their own previous stance in the light of new evidence. So just because that one incident happened, don't use that to make it sound like it is a habit with us; it is not. That was the only one.

They could just have kept silent about it and not investigated further, but did they do that? No, they continued investigating, and arrested all the culprits, including an army officer. They did not do the easy thing of keeping quiet, they admitted their mistake. Actually that whole investigation ADDS to their credibility, not dents it. So there is a reason why our agencies have a lot of credibility in our eyes - because we know that ultimately, they are interested in the truth, and not simply in assigning blame, or laying our a convenient story.

Remember this - if you can keep tom tomming the samjhauta blasts today, it is because of the work done by Indian investigative agencies. It wasn't Scotland yard or FBI that brought out the truth. It was "we guys", to use your terminology.

Samjhauta express was ONE incident. Do you know how many terror incidents India has had to date?

Sick what some people will do to stop occupation.

Seems Kashmiri really want Indian just gone from their land.

Just dont cry Indians when you get a taste of your own medicine.
Thousands of mass graves in IOK is called a "casuality of war", while when freedom fighters attack Indian Army base it is called terrorist attack...

History is written by the oppressors, i guess

The mass graves are not called "casualty of war". They are called mass graves for terrorists.

Your "freedom fighters" don't attack army bases. They only shoot people on the streets of Mumbai, or throw grenades in crowded places in Kashmir. Attacking army bases is what happens in Pakistan, like your army headquarters itself was taken over by terrorists. (Or were they freedom fighters?)

Don't live in this delusion that there are "freedom fighters" in Kashmir bravely attacking army bases. Nope. That would be beyond their wildest dreams or capabilities. Please find out when was the last time an Indian "army base" was attacked. They don't have the balls to do something like that.

When you realize that, you will start questioning why you used to call them "freedom fighters" in the first place, when they never fought the army face to face, when they never ever actually tried to free anybody. When all that they have done are cowardly terror attacks. So yes, ask yourself why your "freedom fighters" don't attack army bases. And then ask yourself why you were duped into believing that they do.
And how did you find that out? Because INDIAN investigating agencies uncovered the truth behind that incident, and changed their own previous stance in the light of new evidence. So just because that one incident happened, don't use that to make it sound like it is a habit with us; it is not. That was the only one.

That my point......its always "the only one"

They could just have kept silent about it and not investigated further, but did they do that? No, they continued investigating, and arrested all the culprits, including an army officer. They did not do the easy thing of keeping quiet, they admitted their mistake. Actually that whole investigation ADDS to their credibility, not dents it. So there is a reason why our agencies have a lot of credibility in our eyes - because we know that ultimately, they are interested in the truth, and not simply in assigning blame, or laying our a convenient story.

My entire point is based around the indian assumption that every blast or act of violence is done by pakistan and then only after investigative work is carried out we find pakistan innocent but by that time the damage has been done.

Remember this - if you can keep tom tomming the samjhauta blasts today, it is because of the work done by Indian investigative agencies. It wasn't Scotland yard or FBI that brought out the truth. It was "we guys", to use your terminology.

I dont bring up samjohta to rub it in your face but to give you one example of the same outrage that was felt at that time just as now over false allegations.

Samjhauta express was ONE incident. Do you know how many terror incidents India has had to date?

I dont know how many terror incidents have taken place in india but i do know that the list below is what we know so far hindu terrorist have done.....the list could be longer am sure if reinvestigation are opened up on previous attacks blamed on "pak-kash militants"

2008 Malegaon blasts
Mecca Masjid bombing
Ajmer Dargah attack
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