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Militants gouge out both eyes of Indian Army jawan in J&K

Who is asking you to ??? ...............:lol:

nobody is asking, im just telling no one believes in childish fantasies of ancient times like black cat passing is a bad omen and all that garbage :lol:
nobody is asking, im just telling no one believes in childish fantasies of ancient times like black cat passing is a bad omen and all that garbage :lol:

well isnt it the same as ppl believing in fantasies such as jinns, angels, satan, prophets etc...
nobody is asking, im just telling no one believes in childish fantasies of ancient times like black cat passing is a bad omen and all that garbage :lol:

Neither does no one believe childish fantasies like gazwa-e-hind and all that garbage :lol:
Well then in this case, India uses proxy in Pakistan, is a good revenge. After all it all started back in 1948.
As for Kashmir nationalism, tell me if there are occupation forces, will Baloch saying same about Balochistan, will you accept it ?

How can you term Kashmir terrorism as nationalism and freedom fight.

TTP and Taliban are also fighting to impose their version of Islam.

I mean I can't understand the argument of Pakistanis that bomb blasts in India, Mumbai attack, 20 years insurgency which has claimed civilians and soldiers life, as an independence movement, and justified.

Why a bomb blast in Mumbai, or Poonch be seen as freedom fighters' work, while in Karachi, a heinous crime.

I mean, if you think it as freedom fight, India should help Balochistan "freedom" fighters.

Fair deal ?

So lets call spade a spade. Militants gouged a soldier's eyes, would you give same logic if TTP behead Pakistani soldiers to establish their Islam I mean its a religious war for them.

Who are the victims in this game of Kashmir, innocent civilians and soldiers. We all are sitting at homes, in security, without a threat in our cozy rooms and security of our loved ones.

Keep helping these "freedom fighters", these freedom fighters have turned against you. Look at casualties figure in terrorism in India since 1989, and in Pakistan since 2001.

well we have good reason to believe that your country is already up to no good in Balochistan - though the insurgency there is a dying one and once the NATO mission in Afghanistan (something indian were piggy backing on) comes to a conclusion we'll be putting a good check on it

As for eyes gouging - I don't accept it not encourage it. Though I do support the Kashmiris because they are fighting for freedom. And I will continue to.

thats bad, but the indian army does it, they torture kashmiris, they were monster and gave birth to a monster,

karma anybody?

Precisely. .

I'm assuming most of the hindu/indian guests here do believe in this karma concept
@W.11 Yeah Right. Karma. Remember who raised terrorists against India and now killing their own masters.... Truly said.
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Guess he worked for RAW!

Now they will say Hamid Gul was not ISI agent instead preacher of Humanity. Well I am not disrespecting a soldier but what I am saying this is height of Nuisance. RAW training these militants so that they hit them back??? what does it mean?? And giving excuse of Bangladesh the way India created Mukti Bahni.. no head and no tail.
Lack of sense that is.
well we have good reason to believe that your country is already up to no good in Balochistan - though the insurgency there is a dying one and once the NATO mission in Afghanistan (something indian were piggy backing on) comes to a conclusion we'll be putting a good check on it

As for eyes gouging - I don't accept it not encourage it. Though I do support the Kashmiris because they are fighting for freedom. And I will continue to.

India has no hand in Baluchistan. It is clear that Gulf is funding the gangs there and even in Liyari as it touches the port, to destabalize the administration. AND for this reason now your government is asking UAE to invest in Ports that is why the insurgency is dying. :azn:
A piece of the puzzle perhaps. But I'm not in the intel/spook business

I trust those who are to take preventive an 'other' steps
Man they are in the army, not boy-scouts.

You guys are still crying about the eye gouging?
Any TOM DICK and Harry write name , date and Wold but that dont make Proof,

Dont make laugh.....you have probably trawled the internet for ages to prove me wrong but came back with nothing but silly requests which you can find yourself.
Just for the sake of amusement and to see your next denial.

The editor of Statesman, Ian Stephen, in his book Horned Moon writes that till the end of autumn 1947, more than 200,000 Muslims were murdered in one go.
Horned Moon By Ian Stephens 1953 - London - Chatton and Windus 9" by 6", x, 288pp plus plates * | Scarce and decorative antiquarian books and first editions on all subjects | Rare Books | Rooke Books
Horned Moon: Amazon.co.uk: Ian Stephens: Books
1953 Horned Moon by Ian Stephens FIRST | eBay

So now have got links to the book,you probably want me to buy it now and then post the actual page.After that you will ask me to put a video up with me with book in my hand just to prove i have not photoshopped it and its a real book and then you will ask me to get in contact with the author and have him say on camera that he did publish the book and at the end accuse the author of being anti indian.
All your going to do is raise the bar for the proof until it get ridiculous.....do you think i just made these names quotes up or plucked them out of the air?
I cant bothered to go through all the links you have asked for......you can research the rest yourself.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was so disgusted with the carnage that on two occasions (27 November and 25 December, 1947), he made mention of it in following words:

“The Hindus and Sikhs of Jammu and those who had gone there from outside (referring to RSS goons from Gurdaspur and surrounding areas) killed Muslims there. Their women have been dishonored. This has not been fully reported in the newspapers. The Maharaja of Kashmir is responsible for what has happened there” (Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, volume 90, page 115 and 298).

Not actually seen the above quote before so i dont use it.......if you want you can research it and tell us all on this forum if its a true quote or a false one.......you have even got the page numbers Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, volume 90, page 115 and 298

Yesterday N.K realised a Video showing US white house burning , after sometime you will show the Video to world and say hey NK burned the White house.

Like i said....always take it to an extreme example .

if you don't know, nothing is in formed accepted without links.....

Dont matter what links i put up your just going to come out something else.
You go access to a computer and am pretty sure your capable of checking things out yourself.

every other religion lives in coexistence, Hindu, Buddhism , Christian etc but where ever in the world muslim is no matter which ever religion is they have fight , they have fight with Hindu, buddhist, Christian, hans etc.

So when hindus(LTTE) where killing buddhist it was the "government forces" fighting the "rebels" not hindus killing buddhist?

Tell me one place where Muslims have lived with other religion in coexistence? Non.

Have you done history?....islamic spain....the muslims where in control of india for a long time more then enough time to wipe every temple and convert every hindu...how come they didnt if there where so extreme.
Man they are in the army, not boy-scouts.

You guys are still crying about the eye gouging?

These things are not common in this part of the world and still causes disgust.

Unlike some nomadic deserts...

Have you done history?....islamic spain....the muslims where in control of india for a long time more then enough time to wipe every temple and convert every hindu...how come they didnt if there where so extreme.

There was no "Islamic Spain" just some Arab occupation of a Christian land from where they were kicked out to the last man...

And no, in India the Muslim invaders couldn't rule without Hindu support. They couldn't go beyond a limit.

The local converts never mattered in anything.
@dabong1, thanks for your patience. Here is my reply.

Sorry for the delayed response.....been at work.

dabong, do you have a neutral source for this contention? This is very disturbing data.

After a few hours spent online (based on what you and the poster before you wrote) I know that the information exists, but I am trying to get a neutral opinion. I know that Ilyas Chattha has done work on the subject- I cam across a paper of his which I cannot trace at the moment- but he is not neutral either (IMO). Does anyone have the original UK newspaper articles mentioned substantiate this, or UN reports, etc?

Official Records of the United Nations Security Council, Meeting No:534, 6 March 1951, pp.3-4:
Kashmir References

I have not used the quote before as i have not had no confirmation from somebody that has seen it.....maybe you could clear issue and check if this quote is genuine.
I assume the libarys in india would have the works of Gandhi?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was so disgusted with the carnage that on two occasions (27 November and 25 December, 1947), he made mention of it in following words:

“The Hindus and Sikhs of Jammu and those who had gone there from outside (referring to RSS goons from Gurdaspur and surrounding areas) killed Muslims there. Their women have been dishonored. This has not been fully reported in the newspapers. The Maharaja of Kashmir is responsible for what has happened there” (Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, volume 90, page 115 and 298).

Pandit Prem Nath Bazaz is another i would check.

If true this is most disturbing. I do not reject what you’re saying out of hand, only ask for help to research this further to arrive at my own independent conclusion. But I will say that based on my preliminary readings this came as a great shock to me. It could be that they just erased this inconvenient part of our history. We’ll see.

You may not be aware of another couple of issue that are linked to kashmir and the indian insistence that one man can choose the fate of the nation,It seems very hypercritical that when the leaders-rulers of Hyderabad and Junagadh decided to join- ally with Pakistan , india would not accept that a hindu majority area could join pakistan on the whims of one man but the opposite seems to be the case when it comes to kashmir.

This is where our narratives may diverge. I am not sure at all whether this happened in the order you describe it. In fact, IMO the opposite happened. I suggest to you that in this case, your historians may not be speaking the complete truth.

I can not find a time line that i think you would call "neutral" so the best thing i could come up with was wiki
Timeline of the Kashmir conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think the time line shows me be to be correct with my version of events expect there is no mention of the "presence of Patiala State infantrymen stationed at Jammu and Patiala gunners positioned at Srinagar Airfield on 17th of October 1947" and this maybe where me might differ on date......according to the best of my knowledge the pak-tribesman did cross over until 22 October 1947.....just under a week after the indian invaded "unofficially".

But I still don’t believe the IA crossed into Kashmir first.

Terrorism in Northern India: Jammu and Kashmir and the Punjab - Ved Prakash - Google Books

"All the activity was recorded in detail in the first volume of sardar vallahbhbhai correspondence which make it clear that preperations for the invasion of kashmir where being made well before any pakistan invasion.
The sikh ruler of patiala in the first two weeks of october sent a battalion of soldiers to kashmir and when the indian regulars arrived at siringar where "surprised" to see them encamped at the airport where they had been since the 17th october"

By the way thanks for your patience and desire to engage in a civil manner.

I should be thanking you......every now and again you get to have a civil conversation with out all the rhetoric.
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