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Maulana fazlullah killed

Though a confirmation is needed and would be much appreciated, I think chance are very likely that he's killed and granted a special place in hell. Kudos to Afghan police for that.

I also think Fazullah miscalculated big time when he escaped to Afghanistan thinking he would find a safe haven there. Granted he was welcomed at first and took in by Afghan talibs but they must have gotten fed up of him pretty soon, sitting in a cave on a charpai all day consuming and depleting their food supply. Kaam ka na kaaj ka, dushman anaaj ka, said them. So, they issued an ultimatum to him to put in some serious work which doesn't involve sweeping the cave and telling fantacies of 292 hoors. They give him an AK with a nice kick on his butt to march his minions to battlefield. For Afghan talibs it's
a win win situation, fazullah and his men kill the afghan police or they kill fazullah, less of eyesore for them. A kind of double dip scanario if you will.

This is what you get for harming your country and it's people. A shameful death, on a foreign land for an unknown cause. May you rot in hell for every boy you convinced into blowing himself up.
This makes no sense - what is Shariah democratic system vs Western democracy?

Democracy is, simply put, the people selecting those who will govern them in some fashion or another. Some nations have a presidential system of government and others have a parliamentary - but it is democracy either way.

How will 'Shariah democracy' be different from so called 'Western democracy'?

In Western style of democracy , the Majority is Authority but in Shariah Democratic system the supreme law is shariah law (Quran), even majority of People could not change the laws mentioned in Quran.
Why don't you go to Afghanistan or Pakistan for Jihad - Or you are just cyber jihadi.

I dont think there is any Jehad going on in Pakistan , it is fasad.

I also dont agree with the Talaban style of government but support their struggle for independence same as Kashmir and Palestine.
But the Taliban are giving the excuse to the US to 'bomb the crap out of the country' are they not? If the Taliban decide to participate in fresh elections held in another year for example, and call for certain reforms to be implemented to make the system fairer and less corrupt, then they would call the 'US bluff', and if they are really that popular, win the elections.

And will the occupying west accept the elected Taliban if they win?
Remember the algeria model where people elected an islamic government?and the west didnt accept it n history......and till now the political turmoil continues.
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In Western style of democracy , the Majority is Authority but in Shariah Democratic system the supreme law is shariah law (Quran), even majority of People could not change the laws mentioned in Quran.

But various scholars are not in agreement on all aspects of the Quran - for example differences between various sects, and differences between conservative and liberal/moderate Islamic scholars, so obviously there is ambiguity in the interpretation of the Quran on many issues.

Whose interpretation will you go by, and who selects these people whose interpretation we follow?

There are certain basic principles of equality, justice, fairness and respect for all, enumerated in the Quran, that can form the basis of any 'Islamic constitution' and from that basis all laws can be built and judged, and to an extent the current Pakistani constitution reflects that.
And will the occupying west accept the elected Taliban if they win?
Remember the algeria model where people elected an islamic government?and the west didnt accept it n history......and till now the political turmoil continues.
If the West does not accept the 'elected' Taliban, then the West's bluff has been called and the fight against the West is justified. But the West will not oppose the Taliban's election for the following reason- The Taliban have no hope of winning in the non-Pakhtun areas which form 60% of the total population of Afghanistan, and will also not win a 100% of the Pakhtun seats, meaning that at best they will have around 20% -30% representation in an Afghan legislature.

The Taliban will therefore not be able to form a government in a democratic system unless they bridge their differences with the other Afghan groups and form political alliances with them - if they do that, then no one has anything to complain about since the Taliban will have then shown that they are willing to compromise politically and listen to the voices of those who have a different opinion on how the country is to be run.
But various scholars are not in agreement on all aspects of the Quran - for example differences between various sects, and differences between conservative and liberal/moderate Islamic scholars, so obviously there is ambiguity in the interpretation of the Quran on many issues.

Whose interpretation will you go by, and who selects these people whose interpretation we follow?

There are certain basic principles of equality, justice, fairness and respect for all, enumerated in the Quran, that can form the basis of any 'Islamic constitution' and from that basis all laws can be built and judged, and to an extent the current Pakistani constitution reflects that.

Agreed , we have five fiqa (maliki,shafi,hanafi,hanbali,jaffar) and six books of hadees , there is minor differences in their interpretation but it is healthy and positive sign .

For example during Haj Hanbali/Maliki prefer to go for Rumi early morning , which reduces the congestion.

Pakistani constitution is islamic ,we are lacking in implemetation phase , which is very slow and continous process.Unfortunately our democratic process was intrupted by miltery due to mistakes of politicians .

General public is in favour of islamic democratic system but IMF and World bank and western power are creating hurdles , we have to over come all hurdles to achieve our goal of true Islamic State inshallah.
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Afghan police claim killing Fazlullah
Friday, May 28, 2010
Is messenger of death, dead?

ASADABAD: Chief of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Swat chapter, Maulana Fazlullah may have been killed in a clash with the Afghan forces near the border, a senior Afghan police officer said on Thursday.

Fazlullah was reportedly killed, along with six of his comrades, in Barg Matal district of Afghanistan’s Nuristan province, said Muhammad Zaman Mamozai, chief of the Afghan border force for the eastern region.

“Maulana Fazlullah was killed in a direct clash with the Afghan border police last night (Wednesday),” Mamozai said. He did not have further details. The Afghan Taliban have confirmed the fighting, but said no foreign militants were involved.

The report of Fazlullah’s death comes after several days of clashes between the Afghan forces and the militants in Barg Matal. Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, the TTP head in Bajaur, denied media reports that Fazlullah was leading any assault in Afghanistan. “He could be in Nuristan, because the Taliban have been moving back and forth along the (Pakistan-Afghan) border,” he told Reuters by telephone before reports of Fazlullah’s death.

“He may be living in Nuristan, but he is not engaged in any fighting there,” he said. Jaffar Khan, a top police official in Chitral, said there were reports that Fazlullah was fighting in Nuristan during the past two days, but the reports were not confirmed.

In a BBC interview in November, Fazlullah said he had escaped to Afghanistan after a military offensive against the Taliban in Swat Valley in April last year. The death of Fazlullah would, therefore, improve security in Swat, said Swat’s top administrator, Atif-ur-Rehman.

“We don’t have any official confirmation, but if it is true, it will be a major milestone of Swat’s security operation,” Atif-ur-Rehman said. “He is the topmost militant leader in Swat and if his death is confirmed, it will definitely affect the morale of the militants who are still in the valley. It will definitely have a positive impact on the security situation in Swat,” he said.

Afghan police claim killing Fazlullah

Dude there is nothing wrong with wat yahya said..ur talkin it out of context..he means to say tht ISAF is NOT the best deliverer of democrasy they r bombin the crap out of afghanistan....why?coz they arent from this country,nor from this region nor from the same religion....dont strikes happen killin number of civilians?

There is one thing best for the country and that is PEACE. No taliban, no ISAF and nobody else, but this is the taliban who dont want peace and are happy killing their own people. the taliban are killing people 3 times more than the nato forces. there is every parallel between the taliban tactics in afghanistan and pakistan and also comparison the difficulties Pakistan army, Afghan army and Nato are facing.

There brand of democrasy is enforced by striking or invading afghanistan.......they need real democrasy not a US appointed puppet karzai......who warns of joining talibs.........they need someone from the people who doesnt give a crap about wat USA think.

brother, and why should there be a difference between puppet from Pakistan and a puppet from america? Karzai at least is an educated man unlike Mullah omar who will shoot any girl going to school.

About jihadi.....dont abuse the word its from Holy Quran these people who use religion in name of God should be blamed not the word of God.

i never abused the word jihad? can you prove it? i only pointed out the hypocracy of M.Y. If jihad is justified in afghanistan, then it is justified in pakistan too because of the valid reasons.

Also i dont support talibs but the people watever afghans like for there country.

but how do you know what people of afghanistan support until there is peace and free election, thats what the talibs dont want. according to a survery by the bbc from all provinces of afghanistan, only 6% of people were in favour of the taliban.

But do u ever wonder talibs also have support from afghans inside their own country?wat happened in marjah operation?the talibs had local support and they fled so u have to see tht aspect too.

Off course the Talibs have a support in afghanistan, did i ever deny that? but the level of support is not universal, it is limited. the same thing can be said about the pakistani taliban, they couldnt fight against the strong pakistani army without the local populatin support, they control NW and that is not a joke, they couldnt do it without the locla support, look at other parts of FATA, they are threat and active, but this doesnt mean they have full support of pakistan, they are hated, the same way afghani taliban are hated.
I dont think there is any Jehad going on in Pakistan , it is fasad.

I also dont agree with the Talaban style of government but support their struggle for independence same as Kashmir and Palestine.

"don't agree" but "support", that kind of double standard (munafqat) is the reason of growing terrorism.

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