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Maulana fazlullah killed

Fazlullah killed in Afghan clash

Swat will stabilise

Asadabad—A top Pakistani Taliban leader Maulvi Fazlullah may have been killed in a clash with Afghan forces near the border, a senior Afghan police officer said on Thursday. Maulvi Fazlullah, the head of a Taliban faction in Swat Valley, was reportedly killed along with six of his comrades in the Barg Matal district of Afghanistan’s Nuristan province, said Mohammad Zaman Mamozai, chief of the Afghan border force for the eastern region.

“Maulvi Fazlullah was killed in direct clash with Afghan border police...last night,” he said.

He did not have further details. The Afghan Taliban have confirmed the fighting, but insist no foreigners were involved.

Maulvi Faqir Mohammad, who heads a Pakistani Taliban faction based in the Bajuar tribal region, denied media reports that Fazlullah was leading any assault in Afghanistan.

In a BBC interview in November, Fazlullah said he had escaped to Afghanistan after a Pakistani military offensive against the Taliban in his stronghold in Pakistan’s northwestern Swat Valley in April last year.

Thus, the death of Fazlullah might improve security in Swat where he previously held sway, said Mehmood Shah, former security chief in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

“Swat probably will stabilise a lot,” he said. “But he was not much of a figure in the overall Taliban.”—Reuters

Fazlullah killed in Afghan clash
"don't agree" but "support", that kind of double standard (munafqat) is the reason of growing terrorism.

How it is double standard ? Style of government and Struggle for Independence are two different issues .

Insurgency or terrorisim are due to absence of right of self determination.
How it is double standard ? Style of government and Struggle for Independence are two different issues .

Insurgency or terrorisim are due to absence of right of self determination.

Do you want to give independence to such style of govt.???
This is problem of certain people who thinks that talibans are only Representative and caretaker of Afghanistan.They use to create a Justice and peace stories of taliban regime before 911 attack.
But reality is quite different when exposed.Taliban want to implement their own sect sharia forcefully all over the Afghanistan on every person.Every one should do bayt of self made amir-al momienein mullah omer.
taliban and al qaeda agenda is to implement their own sharia even all over the world with their dirty jihad.Certainly they are not alone in this game, big evils are behind all this ****** game.
Majority of their supporter intentionally/unintentionally don't aware about the game warlord, they are just supporting terrorist in against war against US.
Taliban want to implement their own sect sharia forcefully all over the Afghanistan on every person.

The problem with the taliban is that they want to implement their tribal culture which has got nothing to do with Islam on all Afghanistan and name it as Sharia.
It was our interior minister working as his spokesman denying that he was in Afghanistan. Now its proven. What a great Interior Minister we have!!!
Do you want to give independence to such style of govt.???
This is problem of certain people who thinks that talibans are only Representative and caretaker of Afghanistan.They use to create a Justice and peace stories of taliban regime before 911 attack.
But reality is quite different when exposed.Taliban want to implement their own sect sharia forcefully all over the Afghanistan on every person.Every one should do bayt of self made amir-al momienein mullah omer.
taliban and al qaeda agenda is to implement their own sharia even all over the world with their dirty jihad.Certainly they are not alone in this game, big evils are behind all this ****** game.
Majority of their supporter intentionally/unintentionally don't aware about the game warlord, they are just supporting terrorist in against war against US.

What are those big evils????

Their is no war lords any more in Afghanistan, they defeated Russians and now US/NATO facing defeat , it means they have local population support , Armies can defeat armies but not the public .
The problem with the taliban is that they want to implement their tribal culture which has got nothing to do with Islam on all Afghanistan and name it as Sharia.

Islam is their culture , they are fighting for their faith(Iman) , that is reason devine power is helping them .
their tribal culture is different from islam. please please dont insult islam and make things up against it.

Can you tell , which tribel culture is contradictory with islamic fundamentals?
How about their fondness for suicide bombings?

Suicidel attackes is not part of tribel /Islamic culture , its was started by ,Japanies,IRA,LTTE etc.
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Suicidel attackes is not part of tribel /Islamic culture , its was started by IRA etc.

EXACTLY. It is not a part of Islamic culture, but what do you see? Taliban using suicide bombers, killing themselves to avoid capture, or when an operation doesnt go their way.

And now, the IRA didnt start suicide bombimg, it has been around for centuries. But lets not go into that.

The Taliban are a bunch of fools who warp islam to suit them and you should know this much at least. Divine power? yeah right.
Talibans are actually terrorists.
They follow their own sort of religion which has nothing 2 do wth Islam.
Suicide attacks r Haram in Islam.
May Allah save Pakistan 4rm this Cancer.
How about their fondness for suicide bombings?

How are suicide bombings part of tribal culture, please point out in the pashtunwali where it says this? Otherwise please stop being a racist buffoon.


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