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Massive violence erupts in Egypt

Guy, one of rthe first thing MB did was attack Churches and burn them and then bravely fled to their homes - so not so innocent these MB, So they can run but they can't hide.

Again, you seem to think that Islamists are like any other political party - you are wrong - Their message is politics tied to Salvation, this a very potent and a murderous idea -- this idea is not open to compromise, it's not open to anything other than tit's fulfillment -- Didn't the authorities say, "go home quit the protest" ? but doing that would make their ideology a lie - this ideology will not wither it will not die, it must be killed

MB was moderate islamist party, they are not armed. If you cant deal with them and bring them under democracy they you cant bring democracy to ME at all.
Trust me, give the islamists rule for a few years, and see how many of them defect to other side. Power is corrupting, and soon they will realize ruling is not easy thing.

This way you are just creating terrorist, I am sorry to say but egypt's future looks bleak.
Why Don't they do re-election, Because the Muslim extremists now they will lose, Everyone have seen their true colors.
Well people who died today will become a reason for resistance. There is turning back now for either party unless current government makes a sensible decision of holding elections asap. This will clear up who enjoys majority in egypt but i guess current government knows the answer to that question.

Election which is illegitimate?? Opposition protest to morsy ouster even brotherhood respecteed...They would have agreed for early election...Oppsition protest, still ok...But they took help from army...thats some thing too bad...Unless opposition repents..nothing can save egypt...

Army is so oppenly planning to release mubarak...bring them back mubarak erra polices...
MB was moderate islamist party, they are not armed. If you cant deal with them and bring them under democracy they you cant bring democracy to ME at all.
Trust me, give the islamists rule for a few years, and see how many of them defect to other side. Power is corrupting, and soon they will realize ruling is not easy thing.

This way you are just creating terrorist, I am sorry to say but egypt's future looks bleak.

That's just what happened and 20 million Egyptians could not move Morsi to be reasonable. Is burning Churches moderate? Or slaying Shiah? or labeling those who disagree with the MB as Apostate (read Wajib ul Qatl)?

Moderate and islamist, I must admit I find it difficult to relate the two other than with the moderate ending up dead
That's just what happened and 20 million Egyptians could not move Morsi to be reasonable. Is burning Churches moderate? Or slaying Shiah? or labeling those who disagree with the MB as Apostate (read Wajib ul Qatl)?

Moderate and islamist, I must admit I find it difficult to relate the two other than with the moderate ending up dead

Contrary to your belief, moderate muslims exists (ok moderate islamist might be putting it wrong way).. basically who is willing to listen to others and agree to lot of modern things we care about

I say this because I see parallel between these and hindutva groups, who came to power, got corrupted and within a few years probably have alliance with Indian muslim league.
That is the will of people, just killing some BJP cadre will give rise to extremists. Wait and watch and things will work out in long run.
Sometimes corruption of ideology is a good thing. :)

There was no way MB could have become all powerful when army was not theirs.
That's just what happened and 20 million Egyptians could not move Morsi to be reasonable. Is burning Churches moderate? Or slaying Shiah? or labeling those who disagree with the MB as Apostate (read Wajib ul Qatl)?

Moderate and islamist, I must admit I find it difficult to relate the two other than with the moderate ending up dead

Why couldn't the 20m Egyptians wait for a few years until it's the election time? Did MB ban elections in the new constitution?
Why couldn't the 20m Egyptians wait for a few years until it's the election time? Did MB ban elections in the new constitution?

According to Egyptian logic, if there's 20 million Egyptians trying to bring down the country plus a joke-Army, well congratulations, that's MAJORITY RULE.

Lol. you're right. Elections are the way to go, not coups.
Turkey's democration model is not different. Turkey's mindset of their people is different.
Everytime we disagree we don't pull out our ak's to shoot each others skull in. This has been a big lack of the Arab world.
They can't show any patience. Anything can change in mass violence in the arab world.

The democracy that was put in action in Egypt only lasted for 1 year. This is my personal opinion.

Egypt is not ready for democracy.


I wouldn't go that far, the situation in Egypt is different from the situation in Tunisia .. etc. Not sure about judging a whole broad base of human being.

I'm just glad that we are isolating ourselves from violence in our society, maybe it is because we are different.
Why couldn't the 20m Egyptians wait for a few years until it's the election time? Did MB ban elections in the new constitution?

Why should they ?? They wanted Morsi gone - and seeing this extraordinary situation what did the great democrat do? He dug in and thumbed his nose at the people he was supposed to represent -- You guys seems to think that democracy is some sort of deal, where once you are in, there is no way you will leave - Egyptians disagree, They were told, they were pleaded with " leave, go home" so now they got what's coming their way
Why should they ?? They wanted Morsi gone - and seeing this extraordinary situation what did the great democrat do? He dug in and thumbed his nose at the people he was supposed to represent -- You guys seems to think that democracy is some sort of deal, where once you are in, there is no way you will leave - Egyptians disagree, They were told, they were pleaded with " leave, go home" so now they got what's coming their way

There is a way to leave, bring in a no-confidence motion or elect a new govt after the first one completes its tenure. What will happen if a new govt is formed and MB brings a million on road after 6 months? Tehrir Square III?
Egypt problem is not democracy , its poverty and poverty lead to extremism and intolerance. And lots of people in and around to cash out Egyptian issues.
Just because there are poorer countries doesn't mean that Egypt is not poor. Less-poor, but still poor.

poor is used who per capita income is below $2,000 , from $2000 middle income country (financial term)
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