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Massive violence erupts in Egypt

poor is used who per capita income is below $2,000 , from $2000 middle income country (financial term)

Oh, in terms of economics, yes. We're not saying though, that Egypt being classified as a "Poor-Country" by an economic institution cause unrest. We're saying that the people being poor caused unrest. So at that point, economic terms shouldn't be the number one indicator but the situation on the streets where, yes, people live in poverty.
Several television stations ran footage of what appeared to be pro-Mursi protesters firing automatic rifles at soldiers from behind sandbag barricades.
At a hospital morgue nearby, a Reuters reporter counted 29 bodies, including that of a 12-year-old boy. Most had died of gunshot wounds to the head.
The health ministry put the overall death toll at 95 people, including both police and civilians, with other sources saying at least 17 were killed in Fayoum province and five in Suez.
Mursi supporters besieged and set fire to government buildings and several churches were attacked, state media said.
Mohamed El-Beltagi, a leader of Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood movement that has led the protests, said his 17-year-old daughter had been killed in the clashes.
Nine hours after the start of Wednesday's operation, crowds of protesters were still blocking roads, chanting and waving flags as security forces sought to prevent them from regrouping.

"At 7 a.m. they came. Helicopters from the top and bulldozers from below. They smashed through our walls. Police and soldiers, they fired tear gas at children," said teacher Saleh Abdulaziz, 39, clutching a bleeding wound on his head.

"They continued to fire at protesters even when we begged them to stop."

The move to break up the camps appeared to dash any remaining hopes of bringing the Brotherhood back into the political mainstream, and underlined the impression many Egyptians share that the military is tightening its grip.
The operation also suggested the army had lost patience with persistent protests that were crippling parts of the capital and slowing the political process.

It was the third time since Mursi's ouster six weeks ago that security forces had opened fire on protesters in Cairo, killing dozens of people on each occasion.

Egypt imposes state of emergency after 95 people killed

El Baradei resigned, army appears to be doing an old fashioned "pogrom" on the MB.
Have you got any proof for these claims.

My sincere request mate. Go see a fuckin Psychiatrist on urgent bases.

It's all over the news,they're burning churches because the coup was a "coptic christian plot":hitwall:

The islamists went full retard on this one,but so did the army when it opened indiscriminate fire on everyone,i doubt that all are "terrorists".
Why should they ?? They wanted Morsi gone - and seeing this extraordinary situation what did the great democrat do? He dug in and thumbed his nose at the people he was supposed to represent -- You guys seems to think that democracy is some sort of deal, where once you are in, there is no way you will leave - Egyptians disagree, They were told, they were pleaded with " leave, go home" so now they got what's coming their way

In a democracy how do you decide who people want to see gone or who they want to come? If you think democracy is the way then you are not supposed to impose undemocratic conditions to establish it.
There is a way to leave, bring in a no-confidence motion or elect a new govt after the first one completes its tenure. What will happen if a new govt is formed and MB brings a million on road after 6 months? Tehrir Square III?

I suppose it will depend on whether or not the Egyptians will get another MB type of leader ---
In a democracy how do you decide who people want to see gone or who they want to come? If you think democracy is the way then you are not supposed to impose undemocratic conditions to establish it.

Last year in Romania some 20-30.000 people protested for about 8 days.At the end the prime minister resigned
In Bulgaria,last year some 50.000 people protested for a week,at the end the prime minister resigned.Now that's democracy.
In Egypt 20 million were on the streets protesting and Morsi blew them off not wanting to resign.
Last year in Romania some 20-30.000 people protested for about 8 days.At the end the prime minister resigned
In Bulgaria,last year some 50.000 people protested for a week,at the end the prime minister resigned.Now that's democracy.
In Egypt 20 million were on the streets protesting and Morsi blew them off not wanting to resign.

Now there are millions of MB supporters protesting, why don't you expect from the interim government and army to leave?
Policeman allegedly shot dead by Pro-Morsi protesters in Kurdasa.

Now there are millions of MB supporters protestint, why don't you expect from the interim government and army to leave?

Talk of millions is a myth on both sides. Those who opposed Morsi outnumber those who support him by far, Morsi managed to anger people in one year that the military couldn't in 60, the A-political Egyptians.
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If not wrong Saudi govt recently provide huge aid to Egyptian govt, including cash and oil to support its economy.
Now there are millions of MB supporters protesting, why don't you expect from the interim government and army to leave?

Well,actually I would expect that,i would expect them to take it to the polls and not butcher them in the streets.From what i know the MB rejects new elections?
What the army did is unjustifiable, too much killing and force.

Yes, I agree. But, what about setting three churches on fire, marching toward the presidential palace with Molotov's?

You have just seen pictures of killed people man, and you are congratulating people here?:pissed:

Dude, clam down, I haven't seen @Imran Khan for ages :pissed:

If not wrong Saudi govt recently provide huge aid to Egyptian govt, including cash and oil to support its economy.
The economic-package was set to be give in 2011.
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This happened after Morsi was ousted from his presidency by force. Do check the date and also keep in mind how many Brotherhood members have been killed today. Nothing of this sort happened before today. Branding them as extremists after what has been done to them is pure fascism as no one would stand for these atrocities.


I have seen people shooting with their Aks actually, and there are casualties among the police. The disgusting thing about the MB is using children and women as human shields in Rabaa Squire. Nevertheless, nothing can justify what the army did today, nothing.
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