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Map row: India calls China’s action as unacceptable


Apr 8, 2007
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New Delhi/Beijing: India termed as “unacceptable” China’s representation of Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin as its territory on their new e-passports, a step that led to retaliatory action by New Delhi.

China sprung the surprise on India when it showed these territories as part of its own in the maps on their new e-passports. The Indian Embassy in Beijing responded by issuing visas to Chinese nationals with a map of India including Arunachal and Aksai Chin as part of its territory.

In India’s first official reaction, External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid said,”We are not prepared to accept it.”

“We, therefore, ensure that our flags of disagreement are put out immediately when something happens. We can do it in an agreeable way or you can do it in a disagreeable way,” he told NDTV.

China, on its part, sort of fudged the issue with its Foreign Ministry Spokesperson saying that the matter should be dealt with in a “level headed and rational manner” to avoid “unnecessary disruptions” to people to people exchanges.

“Hope the countries regard it in a cool-headed manner. China would like to maintain communication with other counties to ensure convenience of travel for both Chinese and foreigners”, she said in Beijing.

After the Chinese government started issuing new e-passports, carrying pages with watermark Chinese maps
including Arunachal and Aksai Chin as its parts, India hit back by issuing visas to Chinese nationals with a map of India including these places as part of its territory.

Earlier also, China had triggered a diplomatic row by issuing stapled visas to residents of Jammu and Kashmir, terming it as a “disputed territory” and denied visas to those hailing from Arunachal Pradesh.

Peeved over this action, India lodged a strong protest with China which subsequently reverted to issuing normal visas to residents of J-K but without officially admitting that they were doing so.

China’s claim to Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh, which shares a 1,030-km unfenced border with it, is not new. In 1962, China and India fought a brief war over Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh, but in 1993 and 1996 the two countries signed agreements to respect the Line of Actual Control to maintain peace and tranquility.

Significantly, these developments occur even as a high-level team of Chinese diplomats, for the first time, visited Sikkim in connection with consular issues, which was seen as reconfirmation of Beijing’s stance of accepting the state as part of India.

The development comes even as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao on the sidelines of the Asean summit in Cambodia where the two leaders discussed ways to move forward on the vexed boundary issue.

National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon is expected to visit Beijing soon for the next round of boundary talks at the level of Special Representatives with his Chinese counterpart Dai Bingguo.

The maps in the new Chinese passports have also irked the South East Asian countries which have maritime differences with China as nine dots on the map indicated the disputed parts of the South China Sea as part of the country.

While India retaliated by stamping the passports with its maps, the Philippines and Vietnam have lodged protests with China stating that the map could be a ploy to legitimise Beijing’s claims over the disputed South China Sea over which they have staked claims.

Their concern is that Beijing could claim that the visas on the passport is a tacit approval by them.

Besides the two, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan too have disputes with China over the sovereignty of various islands in the South China Sea.

The map on Chinese passports also shows Taiwan as part of China, in line with Beijing’s longstanding position that it was part of the country.

Significantly, the map did not draw any objection from Japan over the disputed islands in the East China Sea.

China began to assert pressure in a big way on Japan on the issue since September this year after Tokyo bought the uninhabited islands from private parties.

Japanese Embassy officials here said the disputed islands called Senkaku by Japan and Diaoyu by China appeared to have not been included in the map as a result they are not taking any specific measures in this regard.

Defending the map in the passport, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said the passport was introduced to the “countries across the world prior to its launch” in May this year.

“The passport is not designed to target any specific country. We hope relevant countries regard it in a level headed and rational manner so as not to bring unnecessary disruptions to normal people to people exchanges,” she said.


Map row: India calls China’s action as unacceptable | Firstpost
China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

China’s newly introduced e-passports have a map depicting Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin as part of its territory. Beijing has also included its claims over South China Sea, on maps printed in the passports, irking Vietnam and the Philippines. India had protested against this development by issuing visas with a map of India showing Arunachal and Aksai Chin within its borders.

According to sources, the issue had cropped up “about two-three weeks ago”. China claims the entire territory of Arunachal Pradesh, which it calls ‘South Tibet’. China used to issue stapled visas on the passports of Indian citizens domiciled in Jammu and Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh earlier. It had even refused visas to Arunachal residents, claiming that since the residents alread stay within the Chinese territory they do not require documents to visit China. While India has chosen to quietly protest the e-passport issue, the Philippines and Vietnam, who have long-standing disputes with China over claims in the South China Sea, have made vociferous complaints.

“The Philippines strongly protests the inclusion of the nine-dash lines in the e-passport, as such image covers an area that is clearly part of the Philippines’ territory and maritime domain,” Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said. Similarly, Vietnam made clear its grievance, and asked China to “reverse their incorrect content”.

Responding to international agencies, China’s foreign ministry said: “The passports’ maps, with their outlines of China, are not targeting a specific country. China is willing to actively communicate with the relevant countries and promote the healthy development of Sino-foreign personnel exchanges”.

Good point .... The Indians have been trying to do the same with Talpatty Island.

I doubt Talpatti Island is big enough to even register on a small scale map. Besides its already under water.

Atleast Chinese are showing their own territory as China. Think about it how Pakistanis feel when indians show IOK(Maqbooza Kashmir) as indian state.

Aksai Chin might be under Chinese control, but Arunachal Pradesh is not and is an Indian state with democratically elected government.

China’s new passport map includes Arunachal Pradesh, Aksai Chin in its territory

New Delhi, Nov 23 (ANI): China has reportedly depicted Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin as part of its territory in its new passports.

China irked Vietnam and the Philippines as it also included disputed South China Sea Islands on maps printed inside new passports.

According to media reports, the Philippines ‘strongly protests’ against China’s move, its foreign affairs ministry spokesman, Raul Hernandez, said.

“The action of China is contrary to the spirit of the declaration of conduct of parties in the South China Sea,” Hernandez said.

Vietnam’s government lodged a formal complaint with the Chinese embassy in Hanoi.

China's new passport map includes Arunachal Pradesh, Aksai Chin in its territory

China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

China’s newly introduced e-passports have a map depicting Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin as part of its territory. Beijing has also included its claims over South China Sea, on maps printed in the passports, irking Vietnam and the Philippines. India had protested against this development by issuing visas with a map of India showing Arunachal and Aksai Chin within its borders.

According to sources, the issue had cropped up “about two-three weeks ago”. China claims the entire territory of Arunachal Pradesh, which it calls ‘South Tibet’. China used to issue stapled visas on the passports of Indian citizens domiciled in Jammu and Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh earlier. It had even refused visas to Arunachal residents, claiming that since the residents alread stay within the Chinese territory they do not require documents to visit China. While India has chosen to quietly protest the e-passport issue, the Philippines and Vietnam, who have long-standing disputes with China over claims in the South China Sea, have made vociferous complaints.

“The Philippines strongly protests the inclusion of the nine-dash lines in the e-passport, as such image covers an area that is clearly part of the Philippines’ territory and maritime domain,” Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said. Similarly, Vietnam made clear its grievance, and asked China to “reverse their incorrect content”.

Responding to international agencies, China’s foreign ministry said: “The passports’ maps, with their outlines of China, are not targeting a specific country. China is willing to actively communicate with the relevant countries and promote the healthy development of Sino-foreign personnel exchanges”.


Xi is not like Hu Jintao. Under the leadership of Xi China will turn back the tide that was for centuries in favour of the zionazis. I won't be surprised if Xi decides to re-establish China's sovereignty in South Tibet. That will be a good example for the entire region.
Xi is not like Hu Jintao. Under the leadership of Xi China will turn back the tide that was for centuries in favour of the zionazis. I won't be surprised if Xi decides to re-establish China's sovereignty in South Tibet. That will be a good example for the entire region.

Now the world would love to see that don't they? But the Chinese are too clever for that
Now the world would love to see that don't they? But the Chinese are too clever for that

Why drag world into making making false indian claim that was inherited from british? india can not do anything on their own without riding on someone else shoulder.
Xi is not like Hu Jintao. Under the leadership of Xi China will turn back the tide that was for centuries in favour of the zionazis. I won't be surprised if Xi decides to re-establish China's sovereignty in South Tibet. That will be a good example for the entire region.

Only if wishes were horses ....

Why drag world into making making false indian claim that was inherited from british? india can not do anything on their own without riding on someone else shoulder.

The people of Arunachal Pradesh are loyal citizens of India .

We don't give $hit to anybodies opinion on that especially that of a bangladeshi .

Who is talking about wish here? China claims that South Tibet is part of China and historically that is the fact. How could that be my wish? As for giving $hit, we don't care whether you sit on $hit or swallow it like a dog?

Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India.The only thing chinese can do is to dream about it.

Writing in bold doesnot give it authenticity and you care otherwise you willnot be cheer-leading in this thread which has got nothing to do with bangladesh.
Xi is not like Hu Jintao. Under the leadership of Xi China will turn back the tide that was for centuries in favour of the zionazis. I won't be surprised if Xi decides to re-establish China's sovereignty in South Tibet. That will be a good example for the entire region.

Indeed so will we, give's us one good reason to pay back the return favor for 1962, between it will also cause a new urge to implement the look east policy. I say go for it if China has the balls i would like to see it implement it's rhetoric into action.

till then :blah:
Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India.The only thing chinese can do is to dream about it.

South Tibet is an occupied territory and the new Chinese leadership are thinking about ending the indian occupation.

Writing in bold doesnot give it authenticity and you care otherwise you willnot be cheer-leading in this thread which has got nothing to do with bangladesh.

I never asked for an indian certificate of authenticity, if I do I'll let you know. As for cheer-leading, let me remind you that indians like you are doing a very sexy job in threads which have nothing to do with india.

South Tibet is an occupied territory and the new Chinese leadership are thinking about ending the indian occupation.

Writing in bold doesnot give it authenticity and you care otherwise you willnot be cheer-leading in this thread which has got nothing to do with bangladesh.

I never asked for an indian certificate of authenticity, if I do I'll let you know. As for cheer-leading, let me remind you that indians like you are doing a very sexy job in threads which have nothing to do with india.

Mate what have you been smoking? between your cheer leading for the Chinese just does not seem to stop there does it. I am sure they are getting overwhelmed, and your hypriocsy does not seem to end as well.

let me correct you by saying that its the Bangladeshi's that interfere and ruin the threads... After all i am yet to find any reference to Bangladesh in this thread. So just STFU and stop with hypocrisy already, that's the last thing we need. i already made reference to China if they think they can get back AP, let them do it i will love to see it happen hopefully in this lifetime itself.
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