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Maoists are 'patriot of a kind': Arundhati

:agree: the Orissa tribals (supported her) infact handled BJP goons quite well by hurling shoes on those BJP goons who were protesting Arundhati's arrival there. The

And the lady has enough courage to tell the media that BJP has the right to protest and she has the right to speak the truth so she didnt mind those goons' protest ;)

Why do you think they are goons???

So you dont consider Maoists as patriots ?

Do you consider TTP as patriot???

Don't run away from like you usually do after trolling.
Mrs. Roy hates everything related to India. She is in favor of chaos through out the country. We should think about different way to deal with such people.
I was suspecting it before when she made her in"famous" comments on Kashmir, but i have become completely sure by now after hearing these comments.

This lady has suffered massive brain seizure and requires immediate medical help. My god can any body go to such end to just get media presence. How cheap can people be, no doubt brutal force is required against such individuals first and foremost. Infact she is right maoists are indeed patriotic to a certain cause, they have set values and ideals. They do not flirt with media just for sake of fame. It is these kind of backstabbers that have over the history of our country that have bought us shame, the irony is that these people thinking that they are special and work a greater cause bring about massive societal damage.

Either she is deluded or the worst kind of fame monger.
Why do you think they are goons???

due to many reasons

1. Anyone that assaults a person physically just because of different view is indeed a goon .

2. Indian media reported BJP as well as saffron brigade involvement in this incidents and Saffron people are goons

Do you consider TTP as patriot???

Don't run away from like you usually do after trolling.

So you consider Indian Maoists as TTP ??

Thats what i am asking you if Maoists are traitors or consider themselves as Indians?

Look at all Indian replies here which are no more than trolling instead of any countering. Maoists have been fighting you since decades and all these decades bhartis have been saying its just a movement for their rights and not separation If NOT then come up with arguments tell the world who is wrong and what basis.

Tell the world that Indian govt failed to mitigates their grievances therefore they are fighting. And if it is wrong then come up with clear stand on Maoists if they are patriots or terrorists.
I was suspecting it before when she made her in"famous" comments on Kashmir, but i have become completely sure by now after hearing these comments.

This lady has suffered massive brain seizure and requires immediate medical help. My god can any body go to such end to just get media presence. How cheap can people be, no doubt brutal force is required against such individuals first and foremost. Infact she is right maoists are indeed patriotic to a certain cause, they have set values and ideals. They do not flirt with media just for sake of fame. It is these kind of backstabbers that have over the history of our country that have bought us shame, the irony is that these people thinking that they are special and work a greater cause bring about massive societal damage.

Either she is deluded or the worst kind of fame monger.

C'mon man! You have been on the forum long enough to recognise the likes of her. Their idea is to make outrageous statements that garner attention, provoke a counter reaction, enjoy the limelight some more(If someone gets riled up & says/does something stupid, all the better!) and move on to the next outrageous statements. You didn't think that trolls existed only on forums, did you? You treat her like you treat them! Press the ignore button!
Mrs. Roy hates everything related to India. She is in favor of chaos through out the country.

Any reason ? Why she wants that ? any logical reasons can you put forward?

Is she getting money for that ? If yes then from whom? or any other benefit ?

We should think about different way to deal with such people.

So you dont consider Maoists as patriots ?

No, the present Maoist problem is a struggle for power where tribal who are caught between two conflicting sides are getting the end of the stick.

You should read the interview of original leader of naxalbari movement, and his opinion about present maoist problem.

What are your memories of May 25, 1967, the day the Naxalbari movement began?
For us, May 24 is the Naxalbari day. That day, the police were informed that some leaders of the Naxalbari movement were hiding in Boro Jhorojote village. There were no leaders there but a huge gathering of peasantry and tea garden workers. One police officer was killed there. Since the peasant understood and accepted our politics and took up arms on their own, we celebrate that day as a victory of our political ideas. Other groups observe May 25 as Martyrs’ Day, when 11 activists were killed.

In retrospect, do you think that Charu Mazumdar's “annihilation of class enemy” line was a historical error?
It was not only a historical error but also a fundamental deviation from Marxism-Leninism and the thoughts of Mao. But remember we did not follow the annihilation line (forming small squads and killing landlords, policemen and other class enemies) in the Naxalbari struggle. Only one landlord was killed during the struggle. In practice, the annihilation line was first followed in Srikakulam area of Andhra Pradesh in late 1969.

Why did the Naxalbari movement fail?
We had a strong base among the peasants and the tea garden workers. But we carried on the movement without a proper party structure. That was the main reason.

What are the long-term gains?
There was no protection to sharecroppers earlier. We captured land in Naxalbari and the peasants are still in control over the land. After 1977, the West Bengal government was forced to bring the Bargadari Act through which some hereditary rights were given to the sharecroppers. Another question that came up is that if we want to lead an agrarian revolution, we need a strong party. Consequently, the CPI (ML) was formed in 1969.

But that too wasn't successful in the long run because Charu Mazumdar's annihilation of class enemies line prevailed. In a very subtle way, he said that peasant committees and associations are not necessary. Neither were mass organizations necessary. Only form small squads and start annihilation of class enemies. So I don't agree that after forming CPI (ML) agrarian struggle started in new areas. Mobilising and organizing peasants and taking them ahead in the struggle was not done.

Did you meet Mao secretly in 1967?
Yes. It was a 45-minute meeting. We went by road to Kathmandu. From there Chinese comrades took us by jeep to Peking. We stayed in Tibet too. We reached China on September 30. The next day we saw them celebrate October 1 as National Day. I could see people weeping after seeing Mao. We met Mao, Chow En Lai and the commander in chief. Mao's advice was: whatever you learn in China, try to forget it. Go to your own country, try to understand the specific situation and carry the revolution forward.

If you were the chief minister of West Bengal today, how would you have dealt with Nandigram?
I can only answer the question from a peasant organiser point of view. I feel the issue cannot be resolved. If you think deeply, Nandigram isn't just about the March 14 police firing. It is a question of policy. They say that agrarian reform is done. So we are opting for industrialisation. But the truth is that they have not completed the task of agrarian reform in West Bengal. Besides, thousands of industries have been closed. The entire 150-year-old tea industry is facing a deep crisis but the CPI (M)-led state government has been unable to resolve the problem. We should be asking whom does the industrialization benefit. During the French revolution, under the leadership of the bourgeoisie, land was given to the tillers. They should follow the French model.

What is the larger point emerging from Nandigram?
India still needs an agrarian revolution. Without solving the agrarian problem, you cannot develop the country by industrialisation.

The Maoists are present to a greater or lesser degree in over 150 districts. What is their future?
The Maoists are sure to meet with failure. In an Andhra Pradesh village, where they are very powerful, I found out that some peasants were not tilling their land. I asked them, why? They said, “If we do so, the landlords will come and ask for the produce. And if we do what the Maoists tell us, the forces will come.” The Maoists, in spite of having guns, have failed to assure the peasants that they should serve a radical land reform in the countryside. Back in 1969, when CPI (ML) was formed, we used to say after one action in a district that agrarian revolution is going ahead. And that guerrilla warfare has started. The Maoists have started the same thing in a wider form. Only now guns are more easily available. But I can say that they are detached from the people.
The Maoists cannot see. Earlier this month people revolted in Ranchi against Reliance Retail. The Maoists are active in the areas in and around Ranchi but they cannot see what is happening. They just want state power first. They feel that by killing some policemen and blasting some police jeeps, the agrarian revolution is going ahead. In Iraq, people have no option but fight the American forces. That's what the Iraqi people are doing. They feel if we kill more and more foreigners, they will go back to their own country. Such an option is justified in Iraq. But not in India.

When I met Kanu Sanyal : India : Avijit Ghosh : TOI Blogs
After facing protest from local population of every place she visited, she's now softening her stand...remember the way she was shown black flag by lock ABVP workers...the more she soften her stand, the more she look Idiot in her own statement ...She deserves more respect, more fan following & more appreciation... so we should gift a jem like her to our dear neighbour...madam jana can host her better than us....lol
Any reason ? Why she wants that ? any logical reasons can you put forward?

Is she getting money for that ? If yes then from whom? or any other benefit ?


Yes indeed , since she is a news maker or rather creator, she makes/ will make a lot of money from giving away interviews for media's.

Even you can invite her to ur country , pay some hard cash and can ask to bash more "india" and get cheered up like.. :victory::victory:

She has nt been seen writing anything good after her first book, maybe she needs these sort of publicity to survive..

Anyway thanks to her , you have found a "patriot" out of a billion population. :lol::lol:
No, the present Maoist problem is a struggle for power where tribal who are caught between two conflicting sides are getting the end of the stick.

You should read the interview of original leader of naxalbari movement, and his opinion about present maoist problem.

I know the history of Maoists very well. And starting the talk from 67 is not at all justified. It goes back to 48 and i am sure if any of you know the history of Maoists' struggle you will know what i am saying.

Now coming back to the current Maoist struggle: If you think this is now not the same and has become "terrorism" then why India is reluctant to have clear stance ?
I know the history of Maoists very well. And starting the talk from 67 is not at all justified. It goes back to 48 and i am sure if any of you know the history of Maoists' struggle you will know what i am saying.

Now coming back to the current Maoist struggle: If you think this is now not the same and has become "terrorism" then why India is reluctant to have clear stance ?

It's not the history of Maoism that is a matter of concern here but the history of tribal struggle which should take more preference on Govt's policy.

The tribal movement predates Mao by almost two centuries. It's their land, their forest. They not only lived there for millennia but also took care of the mountains and forest which they consider to be sacred, they should be main stakeholder of whatever development GoI wants to be done.

Let's not confuse Maoism which is an obsolete ideology to that of tribal struggle for self determination which is as old as time.
Yes indeed , since she is a news maker or rather creator, she makes/ will make a lot of money from giving away interviews for media's.

I dont know if Indians can be this much ignorant not knowing that there is NO money paid for interviews :)

May be in bharat you get interviews in your favour by paying lolz but the world over there is NO such rule.

Even you can invite her to ur country , pay some hard cash and can ask to bash more "india" and get cheered up like..


She has nt been seen writing anything good after her first book, maybe she needs these sort of publicity to survive..

By risking her life at the hands of saffron fanatics???

I dont think so she can survive by inviting anger of Hindu hardliners in India infact these were the same fanatics who killed Gandhi whereas in case of Arundhati even educated Indians like you are calling for killing her just because she opposes Indian policies.

Anyway thanks to her , you have found a "patriot" out of a billion population.

:no: Dont talk about billions there are many loopholes in the claim
due to many reasons

1. Anyone that assaults a person physically just because of different view is indeed a goon.

What they did? Who assaulted her physically??? BJP?? If anyone than she has court to take action.

2. Indian media reported BJP as well as saffron brigade involvement in this incidents and Saffron people are goons

Earlier you called BJP as goons??? What happened to it??? You don't have any respect for your political parties what why do you think we should act like you???? Don't generalize BJP with radicals. They have protested but that has nothing to do with radical groups.

So you consider Indian Maoists as TTP ??
No but the problem is somehow same regarding the situation of both countries.

Thats what i am asking you if Maoists are traitors or consider themselves as Indians?

What has a traitor anything to do with Indian????

Look at all Indian replies here which are no more than trolling instead of any countering.

You are the master of trolling, so don't call it others. Here I have posted something.....


Maoists have been fighting you since decades and all these decades bhartis have been saying its just a movement for their rights and not separation If NOT then come up with arguments tell the world who is wrong and what basis.

You want to differentiate maoists with bhartis. but what ever the do harmful to bharat but they are still bhartis, learn this first lesson and than come.

If NOT then come up with arguments tell the world who is wrong and what basis.

The world is not asking anything but you because you enjoy this. Arundhoti roy suddenly became as an angel for you for her anti-India remarks. What does it show?? Anything anti-India is something great for you. So stop asking for something that you don't bother.

Tell the world that Indian govt failed to mitigates their grievances therefore they are fighting. And if it is wrong then come up with clear stand on Maoists if they are patriots or terrorists.

Why you bother about the world???? Let the world ask not you. Under the cover of 'the world' you are doing this the world itslef don't bother about ti. lol Indian govt is doing whatever needed to meet law and order situation in the country. You are not in any position to ask that, are you?

And if it is wrong then come up with clear stand on Maoists if they are patriots or terrorists.

They are not patriots nor terrorists, they are anti-social radicals groups.

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