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Maoists are 'patriot of a kind': Arundhati

Maoists supported by local people, biggest joke I have ever heard. Have you ever been to India? Hahaha....:angel:

It’s high time to open your myopic eyes.

Amazingly, in an information explosion era there are still fools that believe one has to be in India to know the things.

Hope you can still Hahaha at your Maoist gun point.

I come from an area in one of the maoist red zones and I am sorry to have to splash water on your dreams... the local people have no sympathy to them... simply because the maoists are ruthless butchers. I have see with my naked eyes the types of justice they deliver to the same people who they claim to represent. Only a barbarian would be happy with their style of justice. I hope you got the picture without having me to describe the graphic details here.

The maoist leaders take advantage of the illiterate tribals in the area and with the promise of either land or money, they influence these innocent people to take up arms.

So you imply that TOI poll is not conducted in Maoist areas?

Give me you proof.
It’s high time to open your myopic eyes.

Amazingly, in an information explosion era there are still fools that believe one has to be in India to know the things.

Sir I seriously recommend you to consider using some grey matter before giving your expert opinions.......:disagree:
Bungalow of Arundhati Roy's husband illegal: Court

HOSHANGABAD: A local court here has upheld Revenue Court's decision declaring 'illegal' a bungalow built by Pradeep Kishan, filmmaker and husband of activist Arundhati Roy, in a village in Pachmarhi hill station.

Sub-Divisional Magistrate V Kirangopal dismissed the appeal of Kishan and three others, who also have their houses in the same area, yesterday, Kishan's counsel Sushil Goyal said today.

In their appeal, Kishan, Aradhana Seth, Jagdish Chand and N Yadav said they had built their dwellings lawfully in revenue area and not in forest area.

Kishan and others filed the appeal in the SDM Court on a direction from the Madhya Pradesh High Court in February. They had filed a writ petition in the HC seeking setting aside of the Revenue Court's order of 2003 quashing their ownership right on the land.

The four had bought land in Bariam village in 1993 and got their houses built in 1995 after seeking all mandatory sanctions, Goyal claimed.

However in 2003, sub-district revenue officer on a report of a junior revenue official, cancelled their land rights, stating the houses had been built on forest land area, where sale or purchase of property is banned, he said.

"We are going to file an appeal with the Hoshangabad Divisional Commissioner's office against the dismissal of our appeal," Goyal said.

she and her family are such a disgust:tdown::tdown:

Read more: Bungalow of Arundhati Roy's husband illegal: Court - The Times of India Bungalow of Arundhati Roy's husband illegal: Court - The Times of India
Arundhati must be jailed for her comments..
I dunno what our IND govt is doin ....
And the propaganda machine goes to work..
God bless AR.. wish we had somebody like her in Pakistan..
Would shed the true light on the Baloch issue..
If she would have been a resident of china/north korea/iran and spoke something
against the government she would have been jailed\shot\hung....

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