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Manmohan Singh to China's Wen Jiabao: Back off on South China Sea

Oh , so you should learn more about Legendary Baiyue hero , not Han hero Like Quan wu or Zhang Fei :lol:

The Incredible. The Unbeatable. Nguy

We chinese never claim to be the only one who possess national hero...your vietnamese hero of course can't be writting into Chinese history book because....you don't want to consider yourself as Chinese...

In south China, Vietname is only country cultury relate to China, use Chinese character, adopt chinese political structure, but you guys stubbornly deny you affinity toward China..instead of chosing your own path.
Notwithstanding the vitriol abundant from chinese friends on this thread, the simple message that MMS gave Wen is = we are not questioning ur territorial integrity. We are permitted by Vietnam who by UNCLOS has sovereign rights on the blocs where Indian commercial interests are surveying and hence China does not need to be worried because India is not doing something illegal.

That said, the communist party squirming is understandable because all their lives they have just believed that they can evict people by force for their greedy land grab. Communist party did this in china and it is to this day their most profitable commercial activity. But communist party needs to realize that this idea cannot work on other countries. Now when the chinese people will see that other country are not scared of the communist party, even the local chinese people will get strength and stop this greedy communist party from evictions in china too.
China knows we are heading for a major regional war. But China is smart. Our new weapon systems will be ready in a few years, and then our attack will win the future regional war decisively. This war will also end india's existence as a single country.

@sinochallenger first you added fatty J-20 pic and claimed to rule world. Now that didn't worked so u adding chinese NOISY submarine and claiming to rule world?.... isn't china's newest submarine noiser than 70s soviet era submarines? Click here
man i can't wait P-8i to fly over indian ocean. P-8i loves noisy submarines.... P-8i is hungry flying shark....
this does not sound like the usual false threat making full of crap PM MMS, anyone from UPA would take crap from anybody let alone China this UPA gov't does not even do anything against the Sri Lankan barbarian navy who terrorizes Tamil fishermen at times like this we need some one from the Center to the Right wing to be leader
China knows we are heading for a major regional war. But China is smart. Our new weapon systems will be ready in a few years, and then our attack will win the future regional war decisively. This war will also end india's existence as a single country.

You can bring home those toys and play with it, no countries cares about your toys at all. Besides, they like to use China toys as for excuses for them to arms races and sell arms.
You can bring home those toys and play with it, no countries cares about your toys at all. Besides, they like to use China toys as for excuses for them to arms races and sell arms.
LOL..... submarines aren't for you. Our T-99A2 tanks will flatten Hanoi. In 1979, we turned all your northern provinces into wasteland. This time, it will be the whole of Vietnam.
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