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Manmohan Singh to China's Wen Jiabao: Back off on South China Sea

If you push Indian so hard , they will support VN space program to shoot down CHina satellites heheheee......so CHina control the river flow, we control CHina tele-communication :lol:

Woooo..that's new to me :D we evil chinese learn new thing every day :lol:
Woooo..that's new to me :D we evil chinese learn new thing every day :lol:
So you must learn More from now , VN already have USSR Russia-USA-Japan support in space programs(maybe to continue 'Star wars ') now , so when we can control CHina tele communication , Evil CHina can never wage any war against humnity any more , except your general dare to ride on horse and fight like Medieval war :lol:
So you must learn More from now , VN already have USSR Russia-USA-Japan support in space programs(maybe to continue 'Star wars ') now , so when we can control CHina tele communication , Evil CHina can never wage any war against humnity any more , except your general dare to ride on horse and fight like Medieval war :lol:

Sure we evil chinese will crawl to Hanoi and begging for pardon...how dare us the evil-one to defy the mighty Vietnamese
Sure we evil chinese will crawl to Hanoi and begging for pardon...how dare us the evil-one to defy the mighty Vietnamese
Hehe, we just need to take back Quang Dong and Quang xi only , give it back to Baiuye people, and we will make No harm to CHina :cool:
The ambitious character of Quang Trung is legendary in Vietnamese history. He ordered the melting of Vietnamese coins to make cannons, and hoped to seize the Chinese provinces of Guangxi and Guangdong.[2] Several stories tell of his ambitious plans and indirect challenge to Qianlong. Quang Trung even proposed to marry one of Qianlong's daughters, an indication of his intention to claim Chinese territory.
Tây S
Damn it happend that I'm a cantonese...so we must be related...why don't you join us the evil chinese Instead...than south Chinese will be your
Oh , so you should learn more about Legendary Baiyue hero , not Han hero Like Quan wu or Zhang Fei :lol:
The Victory Over the Qing

The final item on his agenda, was the containment of China. In beginning to modernize his military, Emperor Quang Trung sent a clear signal to the Qing, that if they ever tried to invade again, the losses would be much, much greater than the gains. Every Chinese Dynasty in the past demanded that Vietnam send gifts as a sign of respect to the Chinese Empire, symbolizing their tributary relationship. Nguyễn Huệ, however, rejected the Qing’s demands, clearly stating that Vietnam and China are equal, and that it was out of the question to comply with such a trivial request.

Nguyễn Huệ wanted more than just the containment of China, he also aimed to retake the provinces of Guangxi and Guangdong (Quảng Tây and Quảng Đông). In ancient times, Guangxi and Guangdong were part of Vietnam. However, the Han Dynasty captured these provinces during their invasion of Nam-Viet. For this reason, Emperor Quang Trung was determined to take them back.

Using his diplomats, Nguyễn Huệ demanded the Qing return these provinces, and that failure to comply would result in the invasion of China by the army of Vietnam. Fearing further conflicts with the Vietnamese Emperor, the Qing Dynasty reluctantly accepted. With his plans in motion, the future looked bright for Vietnam. In four years of his reign, Vietnam was starting its transition from a medieval kingdom into a powerful modern state. However, before Quang Trung could complete his ambitious goals, tragedy struck.
The Incredible. The Unbeatable. Nguy
chines babies cry even louder..no one is gonna give a **** about it...
our responds is quick and swif :

The Hindu : News / National : China signs contract for Indian Ocean mining rights

you will get more from China: we will make you multiple pay backs for your single adventure.

do you bother reading your own link? really, this is near africa. India does not have warped sense like you guys have off owning everything in the Indian Ocean. and your response was not quick nor swift- that deal is been on the table for years now... its old news. :P
Wen is a not the head of the Chinese. Instead, Singh should tell Hu Jintao: back off, you hear me? back off, now. Singh is barking to the wrong tree. You know what I am saying? Wen is premier. Not head of state.
it's that so :lol:...only if you undertand why Chinese didn't want to sign the water treaty...then you think twice before saying that?

As I said b4, we can reduce the flown into ganga from other tributary rivers that flow from China accross nepal and we can work the way out to prevent any flows (underground or on surface) from Tibet into the head water of Ganga new chinese border...if only we reduce 1% to 5% of Ganga water..400 millions Indians that use that rivers will suffer enough

you can't do squat and nor will it every happen. even with 4 wars with pakistan India never turned off the water supply. Why? because that guarantees a nuclear strike and mutual destruction. why? because if you starve off a country that is the ultimate " reason" to go for broke and nuke you...

But why am I explaining this to you... it's apparent you are not mature to handle any critical thinking..
you can't do squat and nor will it every happen. even with 4 wars with pakistan India never turned off the water supply. Why? because that guarantees a nuclear strike and mutual destruction. why? because if you starve off a country that is the ultimate " reason" to go for broke and nuke you...

But why am I explaining this to you... it's apparent you are not mature to handle any critical thinking..

actually you are wrong...in none of the four wars we or they had the nuke capability....you can say that furing kargil they had....but tht was rudimentary one-digit-kiloton or sub-kiloton bombs...

we did not stop the water supply because our war was never against civilians....it was against the state...in this i would ccommend the pakistani army tooo....in none of the wars they targeted any civilian centres...or atleast that i know of.
actually you are wrong...in none of the four wars we or they had the nuke capability....you can say that furing kargil they had....but tht was rudimentary one-digit-kiloton or sub-kiloton bombs...

we did not stop the water supply because our war was never against civilians....it was against the state...in this i would ccommend the pakistani army tooo....in none of the wars they targeted any civilian centres...or atleast that i know of.

Yeah ure right _ I meant to write- in the present tense it would mean a nuke attack ( did not communicate it well). I was trying to pay more attention on emphasizing that it means all out lights out war till one or the other is wiped off...if someone goes to starve another countries vital resource like water and another one is - you don't attack eachothers nuclear reactors.
Yeah ure right _ I meant to write- in the present tense it would mean a nuke attack ( did not communicate it well). I was trying to pay more attention on emphasizing that it means all out lights out war till one or the other is wiped off...if someone goes to starve another countries vital resource like water and another one is - you don't attack eachothers nuclear reactors.

true...i get it....

but everyting can be done in a very gradual way that the effects are so minute and they get accumulated over time to serve their purpose.....;)

after the decade long terrorist attacks by pak backed elements that killed numerous indian civilians, and their own citizen's apathy towards that... i'm one of those who believe tat they should be dealt in their own currency...if the dams that are being built all around kashmir is one such step..so be it...
As I said b4, we can reduce the flown into ganga from other tributary rivers that flow from China accross nepal and we can work the way out to prevent any flows (underground or on surface) from Tibet into the head water of Ganga new chinese border...if only we reduce 1% to 5% of Ganga water..400 millions Indians that use that rivers will suffer enough

This puzzles me... If this is, really the case, then why not do so!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do it right now, why threat............

Threat comes because you really do not have power of what you are speaking or control of!!!!!!!!!!

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