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Malayasian airlines Flight crashed in Indian Ocean, no survivors likely

I doubt the plane landed on Diego Garcia since the GRU, the Chinese, and probably the Indian military have cameras snapping pictures of that island all the time to keep track of what the US military is doing.

Also if you look at the island you can see it not very large and it would be pretty difficult hiding a plane. Just the runway takes up like 1/3 of the island
I doubt the plane landed on Diego Garcia since the GRU, the Chinese, and probably the Indian military have cameras snapping pictures of that island all the time to keep track of what the US military is doing.

Also if you look at the island you can see it not very large and it would be pretty difficult hiding a plane. Just the runway takes up like 1/3 of the island

If B-52s, and B1Bs can land there, so can a 777. The plane was lost at night so, i doubt that anyone has any photos.
If B-52s, and B1Bs can land there, so can a 777. The plane was lost at night so, i doubt that anyone has any photos.

I have no doubt that it would be possible to land a plane there. But then what. Rip the wings off and hide it in one of the hangars. Drive if off the runway and retract the wheels and cover it with brush. Or just quickly take off again.
To me its a message to the relatives...... Do not hope for a come back.... We Know nothing about it... But we believe we lost it....
It's a theory, just like many other's.

True, but a theory that explains everything without stepping into the crazy zone, he even predicted the south Indian ocean crash before it was confirmed.
If B-52s, and B1Bs can land there, so can a 777. The plane was lost at night so, i doubt that anyone has any photos.

I had a theory before, considering increased levels of radicalism in Malaysia, I had thought that they wanted to blowup the plane in Iran. Malaysia Friday prayers are very effective at promoting hate, hell they even promote prosecution of religious minorities on public radio. Yet they are worried about situation of Sunnis in Iran, I have been to Malaysia on numerous occasions, I even buy my VPN from one of the providers there, but I could say when it comes to rights of religious minorities, Iran is a paradise compared to Malaysia.

When your biggest national issue is the usage of the word "Allah" by followers of other faiths, any scenario is plausible.
Suicidal pilot??????? The passengers were most possibly asleep and wud'nt even have known when the plane changed it's course and it was flying over the Indian Ocean. The rogue pilot prob incapacitated his colleague and locked the cockpit door o_O
If he really wanted to suicide he would have done that at home unless he had a grudge against authorities of Malaysian airlines.
yes...and by fall in the pressure in cabin they will have difficulty in berating....right....
but that is the reason oxygen masks are provided so, they can breath properly ..at time like this.....
That report says the masks would not help in case of severe fires.

Connect all the world events and then you will see what i mean.
Are you relating Crimea to Malaysian airlines incident???
If he really wanted to suicide he would have done that at home unless he had a grudge against authorities of Malaysian airlines.

Malaysian authorities would love that scenario. Because then they could crush the Malaysian opposition. Especially since its leader is on trial over the allegations of sodomy.

Anyway, of course passengers would have noticed the change of flight path, when I travel with plane I always look at the map for hours, I'm sure some of the passengers had done so too. Lol once I even called stewardess to ask why the plane was not following the exact appropriate flight path, she didn't know. But I noticed that was because of the weather condition over the Atlantic, my case wasn't that obvious, but an extreme detour would be too noticeable, you can't miss it ;)
Malaysian authorities would love that scenario. Because then they could crush the Malaysian opposition. Especially since its leader is on trial over the allegations of sodomy.

Anyway, of course passengers would have noticed the change of flight path, when I travel with plane I always look at the map for hours, I'm sure some of the passengers had done so too. Lol once I even called stewardess to ask why the plane was not following the exact appropriate flight path, she didn't know. But I noticed that was because of the weather condition over the Atlantic, my case wasn't that obvious, but an extreme detour would be too noticeable, you can't miss it ;)

Your species is definitely rare.I have rarely seen anyone with a map on flight :-)
I might try that next time.:)
But what if there was fire on board and pilot had informed the passengers about it.

Your species is definitely rare.I have rarely seen anyone with a map on flight :-)
I might try that next time.:)
But what if there was fire on board and pilot had informed the passengers about it.

Yeah, it calms me down a little bit. But if you hear it from me, never ever fly over Pacific (that is if you have a choice), because the turbulence is BAD, and I mean very, very bad! Usually! In my experience it is worst around September! I prefer to circle around the world rather than to fly over the Pacific.

I know it was off-topic, but I'm sharing my years of experience of getting scared $#@$less! :D
If he really wanted to suicide he would have done that at home unless he had a grudge against authorities of Malaysian airlines.

That report says the masks would not help in case of severe fires.

Are you relating Crimea to Malaysian airlines incident???
Just a stupid theory of mine, I find the electrical fire one more plausible now, actually feeling bad for tarnishing a man who cant even defend himself now :(
Apart from all the theories , I was terrified to think if any passengers were alive and awake, what they could have been hoping for the whole 4 or 5 hrs of the flight path until it crashed (possibly out of fuel) - fear full

Only Chinees, Australian & French satilites spotted the debris , why not the might USA & Russia who are the leaders in that technology
Just a stupid theory of mine, I find the electrical fire one more plausible now, actually feeling bad for tarnishing a man who cant even defend himself now :(
He could well be a hero for he tried his best to save the flight.But we might never know about it now.
Apart from all the theories , I was terrified to think if any passengers were alive and awake, what they could have been hoping for the whole 4 or 5 hrs of the flight path until it crashed (possibly out of fuel) - fear full

Only Chinees, Australian & French satilites spotted the debris , why not the might USA & Russia who are the leaders in that technology
Worst was no radars detected it.
Next if the terrorists want to use a flight as a weapon this is exactly how they will proceed.
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