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Malayasian airlines Flight crashed in Indian Ocean, no survivors likely

Yes, that is logical, but in a high dive even a deadbody would wake up. And that was supposed to happen after the air-pressure goes below normal. It is extremely unlikely that majority of the passengers would be fast asleep throughout such a tumultuous course. Even more so, when they have supposedly fallen asleep within an hour or two after the plane took off. Such a quick retire to bed right after take off is not a norm, and probability is even lower in a big crowded plane like this one..

follow up - Kremlin Take

Prior to entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370″significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia

Critical to note about Flight 370′s flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed.

China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues.

However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m.

What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes.
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. Even more so, when they have supposedly fallen asleep within an hour or two after the plane took off. Such a quick retire to bed right after take off is not a norm, and probability is even lower in a big crowded plane like this one.
My flights to India are max 4hours.And I travel mostly at night.
Most of the passengers are fast asleep within an hour.Only few like me are awake.
So may be the most of the passengers were indeed fast asleep before they came to know of anything that was happening.
Only the top brass of these nations would actually know exactly what happened, so they will make search rescue efforts to make appear as a real search and those involved in those efforts actually believe they're out there to compile results. A military may have accidentally tested a weapon or something unnatural occurred which we won't know about.

If it was terrorism I don't think they would hide it, they would inform us and go after those who committed such a thing.

If it was a natural explosion that's uncommon they would still hide it since it may scare people from flying on airlines and hurt the industry.[/quote

Rip to all....
Dont worry onus will not be on Osamaji anymore ...
Lets wait whats comes out...
Just came to know the wreckage could have gone down as much as 8000m below the surface of water.Thats a Mount Everest inverted.
May be you are right....we will never know the reason.
there can be other reason too......
you know when there is a engine failure of something like crash in air ...many part of the plane rip off and may be a part of fuselage of the plane have been blown off in case of an accident and the blackbox may have fallen some where other place..where there is no chance to search.......
and you don't have to worry about the inverted Everest....Indian ocean is not that deep....avg. depth of indian ocean is approx 4000 mtrs...but yes there is a point where the depth of the indian ocean is approx 8000 mtrs....called diamartina trench.....but you know what....if the plane is found in the perth basin of australia as claimed.....these trenches are there only......
may be we will never be able to find the reality of the plane..what happened there...:(
My flights to India are max 4hours.And I travel mostly at night.
Most of the passengers are fast asleep within an hour.Only few like me are awake.
So may be the most of the passengers were indeed fast asleep before they cane to know of anything that was happening.
Aapke lakhan Ullu se milte hai yar.....
My flights to India are max 4hours.And I travel mostly at night.
Most of the passengers are fast asleep within an hour.Only few like me are awake.

I too have the habit of staying awake during flights, irrespective of the hour. But in all the flights I took from Delhi to Dubai that last about 3:30 hours, people always appeared to be only resting as if they are asleep. The moment refreshment arrives, they sit upright quicker than a commando, like they were never asleep.

I am not saying they don't fall asleep in time. But think of it - The flight takes the wrong course, okay still asleep, then sudden change elevation - how can they miss that? And there are always people in flights like you and me who would never sleep. But no one bothered to send any text or ring to their loved ones? People did that 13 years ago in 9/11 flights, and those flights are taken as prime examples on how quickly you should contact the world on ground.

I am not completely negating what you are saying, what you say is very much possible, but I always go with probabilities. And the probability of the story, put forth but the officials as being true, appears a bit too low to me.
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there can be other reason too......
you know when there is a engine failure of something like crash in air ...many part of the plane rip off and may be a part of fuselage of the plane have been blown off in case of an accident and the blackbox may have fallen some where other place..where there is no chance to search.......
and you don't have to worry about the inverted Everest....Indian ocean is not that deep....avg. depth of indian ocean is approx 4000 mtrs...but yes there is a point where the depth of the indian ocean is approx 8000 mtrs....called diamartina trench.....but you know what....if the plane is found in the perth basin of australia as claimed.....these trenches are there only......
may be we will never be able to find the reality of the plane..what happened there...:(

Ohh about that inverted Mount everest I heard on CNN.
I hope they recover the blackbox asap,which right now looks very unlikely.
follow up - Kremlin Take

Critical to note about Flight 370′s flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed.

China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues.

As to how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone-type aircraft.

However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m.

What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes.

I think @Aeronaut too talked about the Diego Garcia theory. But those islands are not in the neighborhood that the plane could just get over there without getting detected by any radar.

The latest report clearly says that it took a high dive and came down to 12,000 feet - if that is true, then there is no way the plane could have even fallen near Deigo Garcia. At lower altitude the fuel economy comes down drastically.
Ohh about that inverted Mount everest I heard on CNN.
I hope they recover the blackbox asap,which right now looks very unlikely.
but the main question is why did this plane went off course and that too....in its 180 degree direction......
there is certainly something fishy going on here...and many thing are in hiding.....
lets see what happen....
Not so looney when you read the explanation given by a professional pilot few days ago, seems like he was spot on:
A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet | Autopia | Wired.com

Thanks for for that link.Thats an excellent explanation by a professional.
I too have the habit of staying awake during flights, irrespective of the hour. But in all the flights I took from Delhi to Dubai that last about 3:30 hours, people always appeared to be only resting as if they are asleep. The moment refreshment arrives, they sit upright quicker than a commando, like they were never asleep.

I am not saying they don't fall asleep in time. But think of it - The flight takes the wrong course, okay still asleep, then sudden change elevation - how can they miss that? And there are always people in flights like you and me who would never sleep. But no one bothered to send any text or ring to their loved ones? People did that 13 years ago in 9/11 flights, and those flights are taken as prime examples on how quickly you should contact the world on ground.

I am not completely negating what you are saying, what you say is very much possible, but I always go with probabilities. And the probability of the story, put forth but the officials as being true, appears a bit too low to me.

Well its a known fact that unless an aircraft is flying very low and within range of a cell tower, cellular calling from a plane does not work. Your phone will not pick up a signal. Some airplanes, however, are equipped with special technology that permits calling via satellite or using VHF frequencies to transmit cellular calls. I’m uncertain if Malaysia’s 777s have this technology, but even if they do it could have been intentionally turned off, similar to how inflight Wi-Fi, a transponder, and other communications equipment can be switched off.
But somehow you hit the nail about passengers getting alert like commandos when the refreshment arrives.:D
Aapke lakhan Ullu se milte hai yar.....
No matter how much I try,i can not resist having butterflies in my stomach throughout the flight journey. :)
And I never miss the movies available aboard so thats another reason I stay awake:

but the main question is why did this plane went off course and that too....in its 180 degree direction......
there is certainly something fishy going on here...and many thing are in hiding.....
lets see what happen....

Dont miss the report posted by @Bilal.
You will get answer to the 180degrees turn.
Thanks for for that link.Thats an excellent explanation by a professional.

Well its a known fact that unless an aircraft is flying very low and within range of a cell tower, cellular calling from a plane does not work. Your phone will not pick up a signal. Some airplanes, however, are equipped with special technology that permits calling via satellite or using VHF frequencies to transmit cellular calls. I’m uncertain if Malaysia’s 777s have this technology, but even if they do it could have been intentionally turned off, similar to how inflight Wi-Fi, a transponder, and other communications equipment can be switched off.
But somehow you hit the nail about passengers getting alert like commandos when the refreshment arrives.:D

No matter how much I try,i can not resist having butterflies in my stomach throughout the flight journey. :)
And I never miss the movies available aboard.

Yes you are right, the cellphones would be out of the network area. But won't the plane phones work? I have never used them, but I was told that in business class you do not need to swipe the credit card, and it can work directly. I am not well aware of its functioning. So you may be right about cell phones being useless. So what do you make of people claiming that their relatives showed online on messaging services and that their phones rang even a day after?

And about refreshment, I always tell the hostesses to get me all the beer I want, and I will be the quietest guy on the plane... and then we have a mutual agreement :D
So what do you make of people claiming that their relatives showed online on messaging services and that their phones rang even a day after?
Ohh somehow even with the most professional theories I cant solve this mystery.
I hope there's good explanation to that.
You will get answer to the 180degrees turn.

Missing Malaysian flight MH 370: Computer sent plane off flight path

Washington, Mar 18: The first turn to the west that diverted the missing Malaysia Airlines plane from its planned flight path from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing was carried out through a computer system that was most likely programmed by someone in the plane's cockpit who was knowledgeable about airplane systems, according to senior US officials.
Thanks for for that link.Thats an excellent explanation by a professional.

Well its a known fact that unless an aircraft is flying very low and within range of a cell tower, cellular calling from a plane does not work. Your phone will not pick up a signal. Some airplanes, however, are equipped with special technology that permits calling via satellite or using VHF frequencies to transmit cellular calls. I’m uncertain if Malaysia’s 777s have this technology, but even if they do it could have been intentionally turned off, similar to how inflight Wi-Fi, a transponder, and other communications equipment can be switched off.
But somehow you hit the nail about passengers getting alert like commandos when the refreshment arrives.:D

No matter how much I try,i can not resist having butterflies in my stomach throughout the flight journey. :)
And I never miss the movies available aboard so thats another reason I stay awake:

Found more credence to your explanation here:

IN THE AGE of smartphones and social media, one question surrounding the disappearance of the Malaysian airliner is why none of the passengers tried to contact relatives.

Even the absence of phone calls or emails from those on board the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 could provide clues for investigators struggling to solve one of the biggest mysteries of modern aviation.

It may indicate that the plane was flying too high or was over water, or that the passengers were unconscious, possibly due to a change in cabin pressure.

Experts say the chances of the 239 people on board Flight 370 being able to use their mobile devices would have been better the closer they were to a mobile network on the ground.

Many are sceptical that the passengers or crew would have been able to establish and maintain a call using mobile phones while travelling at speed, particularly at cruising altitude.


For mobile phones to be used, there must be a contact between the handset and the network — known as a “handshake”. This requires a strong enough signal from both a transmission tower and the phone.

“Theoretically, 23,000 feet (7,000 metres) and 45,000 feet are a cell range that terrestrial mobile network could work with,” said telecommunications consultant Koh Chee Koon, referring to unconfirmed reports of changes in the plane’s altitude after it lost radar contact.

But given the limited transmission power of a commercial mobile phone, as well as the barrier presented by the plane body, “for the mobile phone to connect to the mobile network with acceptable strength and quality would require some luck”, added Koh.

Experts note that in the case of the September 11 2001 attacks in the United States, the planes were flying at relatively low altitude over areas with mobile phone coverage.

In any case most of the calls on the flights are believed to have been made from seatback phones and not mobile devices.


Recently some airlines have introduced technology to enable passengers to use their phones in the air using a small base station on board, but Malaysia Airlines said this service was not available on Flight 370.

Without this, a mobile cannot be used at an altitude of more than roughly 0.5 kilometres in the case of a commercial airliner, and must not be too far from a cell tower, according to AK Dewdney, professor emeritus of computer science at the University of Western Ontario in Canada.

“No cellphone could possibly succeed from an airliner in mid-ocean, even if flying low over the water,” he said.

“At normal cruising altitude no cellphone could possibly succeed in making ground contact as it is completely out of reach of the network of towers, in any case,” added Dewdney, who conducted experiments after the 9/11 attacks to test the capability of mobile telephones to make calls from the air.

Phone records under investigation

Malaysia Airline chief executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said on Monday there was no evidence of any attempt by the people on board to make calls, but he added that “millions of records” needed to be processed.

“It’s being done as part of the investigation,” he said, without elaborating on the type of records being checked.

Deepening the mystery, Chinese media have reported that relatives heard ringing tones when trying to call passengers’ mobile phones.

But experts believe this does not necessarily mean the phones were still functioning.

Even if nobody on board the plane tried to make a call, logs of the “handshakes” might provide some clues about the route taken by the jet after it disappeared.


While many phones would have been switched off in line with airline rules, some people may have forgotten to deactivate their devices or simply may not have done so.

But to trace any “handshakes” investigators face the challenge of collecting the unique identity numbers for the passengers’ mobile devices, as well as signal data from network operators in countries along the possible flight paths, such as Burma which still has limited network coverage.

As the flight turned back and crossed over Malaysia after disappearing from radar en route to Beijing, it probably passed over a network area.

After that, the chances of any “handshakes” depend on how low and close to mobile towers the plane flew.
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