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Malala aspires to be prime minister

Honourable Sir,

In case you have forgotten, Malala Yusufzai was flown out of Pakistan from Military Hospital Peshawar when she was in critical condition. It is thanks to Col Junaid Khan Neurosurgeon of CMH Peshawar & Dr Javed Kiyani of University Hospital Birmingham, who happened to be in Pakistan at that time that she is alive and well today. It appears that some of my countrymen will never forgive Malala for surviving the Taliban attack.

In my days every school kid wanted to be either a doctor or an engineer; naturally not everyone succeeded. Malala probably wouldn't get there either, but what is the harm in dreaming about it?

There is no harm in dreaming.... who so ever called it wrong... did wrong. Equally wrong is falsely accusing others of crimes they never committed.

However, i do take note of stark contrast between dreams of Pakistani kids limited to become doctor and Malala's aspirations of becoming PM of a state, to whom she always held responsible for circumstances even beyond her unfortunate attack.

Discussion was not about her recovery.... where you even failed to fill many important gaps, from her attack to her special flight to UK.

Yes... she was the lucky child among the others, who was flown out of Pakistan for recovery, why not, when UK step forward for this particular Child.
Treatment happened in CMH, before her flight was of much more importance and life saving and she was flown to UK under the care of CMH doctors. All nation supported and prayed for her recovery..... rest you can assume any thing about Pakistanis, and true heirs of Islam.etc. etc.

Matter of fact is that after recovery, she failed to thank her saviors and well-wishers in Pakistan, what she did instead is world knowledge. Which started from her father's interview to BBC where he spoke a lot beyond her attack, it was him who said... what kind of talibans speak English and smoke expensive cigarettes, wear boots. etc. such maligning continued after her recovery...

In short, after all the opinions she made about Pakistan and her true saviors, her talk doesn't fit to her walk.
Rest of the reasons, I have already given.
And the conspiracy theories have started already. She's only 17 years old for God's sake.

Even if she does become the PM a few decades from now, she'll surely be better than the lot we have been dealing with lately.

Some of you folks need to get a grip. Honestly.
Even if she does become the PM a few decades from now, she'll surely be better than the lot we have been dealing with lately.
Many of us always hope that but so far tell me 1 foreign bred who has done good for Pakistan without filling their own pockets? Just 1 name will do! :tup:

So it is natural to have fear of history repeating itself....
why not, she is nobel laureate for goodness sake, liberal and pro development. I am sure that under her leadership pakistan will grow by leaps and bounds and terrorism will be suppressed.

How is she pro-development?

Merely regurgitating non-specific nonsense about education etc doesn't mean one is able to actually make things happen.

Policy is a very different thing altogether. And usually I have seen liberals like her only good at speaking rather than getting anythings done.
And the conspiracy theories have started already. She's only 17 years old for God's sake.

Even if she does become the PM a few decades from now, she'll surely be better than the lot we have been dealing with lately.

Some of you folks need to get a grip. Honestly.

What conspiracy theories?

There are far brighter kids than US president in Pakistan... why not we pickup even better kids?

As I said, being a celebrity is no criteria of becoming PM.
Why most of Pakistan's PM's are groomed in UK?

To learn directly from their colonial masters. After all it is UK that created Pakistan!

saw the interview , she has a lot of potential and can make a difference .

I am surprised Digvijay Singh Ji!

Osama Ji may not approve if he was here.

Malala is too young, but she would make a great Minister for Education in Pakistan when she has enough experience. Or some sort of UN post. She has confidence and poise well beyond her years.

Bilawal, sorry but he is just a spoilt rich kid, born into a political family by accident. I doubt if he can run a hen coop let alone a country of 300 million people...kind of like our Pappu.

What "experience" does Malala possess?
She is a brave girl. But then their are lots of brave people in that part of the world. I think she has become a pawn for Western propaganda. Elevating a 16-year old girl on a pedestal is dangerous and reflects poorly on society. A bravery medal for her bravery ought to have been enough.
My dp is enough to describe my thoughts.
Kafi dair se yahi dp hai..change karke ye wali rakhlain :D
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To learn directly from their colonial masters. After all it is UK that created Pakistan!

I am surprised Digvijay Singh Ji!

Osama Ji may not approve if he was here.

What "experience" does Malala possess?
She doesn't have any experience right now. Read my post, what I said was that once she is old enough and has enough experience, they should consider making her education minister. She is very passionate about the subject and would work sincerely.
The girl actually does very good interviews and is remarkably poised in front of world leaders, probably because everyone is nice to her, but still for such a young girl to make speeches like she does is something to be appreciAted
Staying abroad & talking for Pakistan is no good for her. She is only getting prepared by the enemies of Pakistan for her future return to Pakistan & cause chaos in Pakistan. I believe she is part of a very corrupt plan which is build by the enemies of Pakistan & therefore, in future she should not be allowed to be part of any political activity in Pakistan.
If Nawaz can, if Zardari can, if Zia can..... then so can a donkey!

But I don't think that she can ........

why not, she is nobel laureate for goodness sake, liberal and pro development. I am sure that under her leadership pakistan will grow by leaps and bounds and terrorism will be suppressed.

Liberal ????
Yes why not. Malala is a pride for Pakistan.

Friendly advice: if you want people to take you seriously, remove that profile picture :lol:

its the same "colonial rule" only with the brown skin puppet!

No but everyone is curious to know where her money is going when she uses the begging bowl in the name of Pakistan....it is the same case with every other PM ....Uses Pakistan but we see the money not being used FOR Pakistan!

She is living abroad and dreams of ruling her country when she is fearful to even come back and spend the days in it? Sooo many gals are going to school in her village....soo many kids are going to school in villages like hers....So many are not being shot and soo many can be shot...NOW THAT is bravery not living off in a different country and preaching about Pakistan is bad - all that the media wants to hear and STILL have the audacity to want to be PM?

As for your 1st part....yes military flew her out...How did she thank them? By staying abroad? By saying she is inspired by the likes of goray but not a single Pakistani (only in this article she brought in BB but previous stories before noble prize all indicated goray and even Obama ) inspires her? Then how is she going to lead Pakistan when she doenst like a single person who is doing good for the very country she aspires to lead?

If I were to call her brave, it would be to leave UK once healed of course after thanking everyone for what they have done...until and unless she has to pay back by being a poster face ...NOW leaving luxury would be brave...What she is doing now is enjoying life not being brave or doing something out of the ordinary!

She needs a good education to be an effective ruler, so she is correct to stay there. It takes a lot to impress me and she has not managed to yet. However, she is very brave for her age and a good kid. As long as she is not a puppet for the West, whether we like her or not, we should support her. She may not be the best thing to happen to the country but in these times, she's still a good thing for the country with the lil bit she is. I think we need to appreciate our people a bit more, instead of criticizing. At the end of the day she is a pakistani and a woman and thus, my people. so i will give her the benefit of the doubt, whenever I can :)
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most likely

then maybe its time for her to reconsider her poster image and do something for Pakistan that is worth the poster her face is printed on!

but she's young. She has a right to her life, as well. She's already been through and done more than many of us did at that age. We should probably give her some more time to develop before we judge her. But when it comes to being pm, I don't think she has what it takes to lead pakistan. The only person I think that can be a good leader for that country is Fatima Bhutto, but she's too soft and honest. However, she is the only pakistani that has the brains to lead Pakistan into a better future......a very intelligent and wise woman and the only bright mind there at the moment.
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