China will never be a global hegemon like the US. Because for it to become first has to take a tiny island next to itself called Taiwan...
Wake me up when it does that. If at all...
Then, it'll have to risk sending soldiers around the world to suppress anyone acting against Chinese interests. Then we'll see if the Chinese are who they say there are. Obviously, take Taiwan first and show everyone if you actually have what it takes to surpass the US.
for a country to be golbal hegemony it must chek off these attributes
1-Most powerful military .... china is currently not
2- Developed and biggest economy.... china is neither of those things yet
3-haveits currency as world reserve.... china has yet to tick this boss
4-have global cultural influence..... china is not
e.g: the whole world speaks english.... when avengers come out everyone knows no one can tell which chinese movie is coming out...the globe knows michael jackson etc etc
5- have global softpower influence..... china only has softpower with pakistan and north korea
6 - most advance in science & technology holisticallu
7-control the global financial system.... china tried with BRICS but so far unsuccessful
example is how US is the only country that can put sanctions on everyone its because their financial system is adopted by the entire world and thier laws applies to ut