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Made in Iran

I get so impressed with Iranian designers and their products..It is a huge loss that Iranian economics attaché are not up to the job promoting Iranian products abroad...I heared Iran barely has a handful of them in the embassies..Iran needs a comprehensive export plan ..Iranian products can be so competitive in price and performance...
I couldnt agree more.
When you think about it iran has a lot of advantages,it has cheap energy and abundant natural resources,plus an educated population.Not to mention with most of the foreign competition cleared out of the local market thanks to sanctions,there are now opportunities for local manufacturers that once couldnt have been dreamed of,and of course once local needs have been met you then have the rest of the mena region........and beyond.
It`ll also be interesting to see where things go with russia,as with most of the foreign producers of various goods gone,there will need to be replacements and alternatives found,both for components and finished products.
I get so impressed with Iranian designers and their products..It is a huge loss that Iranian economics attaché are not up to the job promoting Iranian products abroad...I heared Iran barely has a handful of them in the embassies..Iran needs a comprehensive export plan ..Iranian products can be so competitive in price and performance...
Yes, given the brilliance the IRI has demonstrated in a variety of quarters there seem to be some major blind spots. Your example is one. Another is Iran’s outrageous love affair with garbage combustion engine cars and trucks. Iran also doesn’t seem to sufficiently espouse non oil based energy sources especially solar. Given Iran’s current needs, these seem to be low hanging fruit to me. Yet I don’t see measurable movements in these arenas.
Yes, given the brilliance the IRI has demonstrated in a variety of quarters there seem to be some major blind spots. Your example is one. Another is Iran’s outrageous love affair with garbage combustion engine cars and trucks. Iran also doesn’t seem to sufficiently espouse non oil based energy sources especially solar. Given Iran’s current needs, these seem to be low hanging fruit to me. Yet I don’t see measurable movements in these arenas.
Might be unfeasible due to the excessive water usage that is required to clean them after they will get easily dusty after 1 day. I remember reading about this being a major issue of this type of renewable energy.
Yes, given the brilliance the IRI has demonstrated in a variety of quarters there seem to be some major blind spots. Your example is one. Another is Iran’s outrageous love affair with garbage combustion engine cars and trucks. Iran also doesn’t seem to sufficiently espouse non oil based energy sources especially solar. Given Iran’s current needs, these seem to be low hanging fruit to me. Yet I don’t see measurable movements in these arenas.
The info you need is in the " infrastructure" thread...there is movement on both subjects..EV and solar plants...a solar photo voltaic plant is now pumping panels and cells ..All the stuff is in that thread with the details and photos...take a look if you get a chance.
Really,really glad to finally see this done,also a very valuable lesson for iran:
Never ever rely on the west as your sole supplier of critical medical products,you`re literally asking to be blackmailed.
It was things like this that allowed the west to claim that medicine and medical products werent subject to secondary western sanctions.
This was a particularly nasty example of what was known in the west as "smart sanctions".🤮 ie you dont actually need to sanction medicine or medical products if the company refuses to sell it out of fear of being hit with fines or other punishments,or it other sanctions have made it exceptionally difficult,if not impossible to pay for these medicines or products.
See,the west did learn some lessons from all those dead iraqis after all,sadly just not the right ones.
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