I am not arguing who lodged the cases and when. Upon coming into power, IK went hard after NAB cases given his promise on accountability to the nation. He tasked his DG-ISI (current CoAS) to drive those cases by furnishing the JITs/NAB with proof (ISI does not need to be part of NAB, rather has operated in a capacity to gather proof/evidence). The point is that the then DGI saw some signs of corruption in IK's family/friends circle while being asked to help prosecute cases against another former PM and his family. At this point, he rightfully called that out to IK.
Har jaga hota hai. Let's stop this silly self-flagellation:
Military is about pomp and tradition. So what if government officials, GHQ, services officers and their families were invited to the change of command ceremony? Selectively posting videos to put our own down is simply in bad taste.