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Long Range SAM System For PAF To Counter Indian MRCA+PAK-FA

India has Started Moving towards Indigenisation Of Defense Products, Such as Submarines,Fighter Jets,Aircraft Carrier,Missiles,Frigates,Ships etc etc..... And Thats The Best You need to do.....

If India is Also Making weapons and Is well Experianced in It like USA, Russia and France.... The Joint Ventures Between India and Russia will be beyond Excellent ....

This is exactly what pakistan needs to Do If It has To put any kind of pressure on India and To catch Stable position In Asia...
The possibility of detection is there as long as there is any kind of emission around. The AESA radars are difficult to detect but the emission is still there and to reduce it, emission cancellation device is needed to effectively counter any threats in the area otherwise its chances of detection and destruction are there.
Can you elaborate. I had different info about working of AESA.

Can you explain just why the Americans stopped delivery of Vera Radar to China? What was the concern there?
How did the US 'stopped' the sale of <something> from one country to another? Anyway...The concern here is that the Vera system would give China an edge over US allies in the region.
Suppose I remove the transmission part. Depending upon emission of the target only, not even TV/FM signals. Would not passive sensors detect the emission of old/non Aesa radars?
Yes it would. But the problem here is how would you take active defensive measure without your own radar? This is what the Kolchuga salesmen does not bother to elaborate. Air defense rely on EM transmissions that is under its own control. Kolchuga is a passive sensor system that at best can only give air defense systems approximate location of the hostile aircraft. Once the SAM is launched, it will need active radar guidance for a certain amount of time from the ground controller then from its own radar. A SEAD package can contain 'stealth' and 'non-stealth' attackers. The air defense system will go after the electronically more prominent 'non-stealth' attacker and once it transmit its own radar, the 'stealth' attacker will have the location of the air defense radar.

You know better than I do just how US is able to use her influence on different defense sales agreements around the world and so they did in case of Vera deal for both China as well as Pakistan. Remember, Pakistan evaluated Vera back in 2005-06 and they were impressed by its performance but the sale never went through.

In your next sentence, you proved my point.

yes i agree with veera deal with czesh republic but i think pakistan has to get better long range surfae to air system and better and lethal radar system becoz the radars which we have now ground based can't track stealth fighter jet in 7 years IAF have stealth fighter jet which will be a probleum for our sovernighty and whene ever they want they can use our aerospace the thing pakistan need better radars with sam system
@Super Falcon

Our land radar coverage is very good if not excellent to say the least. The AN/FPS-117 long range 3D radar coupled with Chinese YLC-2 long range 3D radar are more than enough for long range coverage. Coupled with TPS-43G and others. With the induction of a stealth detection passive sensor, it will become even more comprehensive. I doubt if any conventional ground based radar can detect stealth for now. We dearly need a passive sensor for all round coverage and a high altitude SAM. Last i heard was Pakistan was interested in Chinese FD-2000/HQ-9A high altitude SAM system.
Chinese FD-2000/HQ-9A SAM system is the best option for Pakistan air defence. When India gets PAK FA the system may be upgraded with HQ-19 and anti stealth radar systems.
@Super Falcon

Our land radar coverage is very good if not excellent to say the least. The AN/FPS-117 long range 3D radar coupled with Chinese YLC-2 long range 3D radar are more than enough for long range coverage. Coupled with TPS-43G and others. With the induction of a stealth detection passive sensor, it will become even more comprehensive. I doubt if any conventional ground based radar can detect stealth for now. We dearly need a passive sensor for all round coverage and a high altitude SAM. Last i heard was Pakistan was interested in Chinese FD-2000/HQ-9A high altitude SAM system.
Just because the system is a passive sensor, it does not automatically equate to defeating US low observable aircrafts. At best, against a bi-static configuration, an F-35 would go from being an insect to a bird. Or may be from a sparrow to a pigeon.
this is a good set of videos for all those who support the LR-SAM systems

this more or less clarifies that LR-SAMs are not *** effective as thought....
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i think we have to look after anti radiation missiles to to aviod hit from them to our radars and one more thing in this regard i think long range sam will help us alot and i bellieve there is some sort of land based radar which can detect stealth fighter jets radar also comes with S 400 sam system and veera too also detect stealth fighter jets but dont know why pakistan is closing its eye
I think best way to counter indian acusations of fighter jets every day growing with tejas pakfa and mrca and after that they will buy other 100+ fighter jet to take all jaguars out of IAF we all are talking what fighter jet paf buys to counter it buying fighter jet is a big headache to a country like pakistan and maintaning it is a big ask for pakistani think PAF should not waste its money after getting J 10B and than go for lattest SAM system which is on offer to PAF i know we are getting SPADA 2000 but it is medium range if we need to vounter IAF we need long range sam system of high quality and may be other one to if we have to defend pakistan from sea two sam system will do better low cost it will hit its targets 100 percent sure and twice the speed of fighter jet what paf needs more but with it paf has to look for state of the art jamming system to jam the radars of fighter jets of IAF who want to destroy pakistan's SAM system batteries with anti radiation misssiles and harpy drone and our fighter jets should be in border of pakistan and india looking for air threats if they cant bring them down than sam system will make them grounded so i bellieve that S-300 copy from china is going to be priority for PAF but other sam system has to be from europe of high quality what it should be S-400 willl be out of reach of PAF

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i think we have to look after anti radiation missiles to to aviod hit from them to our radars and one more thing in this regard i think long range sam will help us alot and i bellieve there is some sort of land based radar which can detect stealth fighter jets radar also comes with S 400 sam system and veera too also detect stealth fighter jets but dont know why pakistan is closing its eye

pakistan is persuaing the SPADA missile system that is a point defence system. coupling this with the HQ-9/FT-2000 would be a perfect idea. :pakistan:

FT-2000 Anti-Radiation SAM

In 1998 CPMIEC revealed a unique anti-radiation surface-to-air missile system FT-2000, which was designed engage airborne warning and control system (AWACS) and other electronic warfare aircraft at long ranges. Based on the HongQi 9 design, the FT-2000 is fitted with a passive radar-homing seeker and is launched from a 8X8 transport-erector-launcher (TEL) vehicle carrying four missile tube launchers.

The FT-2000 is a scaled down version of the HongQi 9 fitted with a passive radar seeker that homes the missile using the electronic emission of enemy AWACS and electronic warfare (EW) aircraft. When the missile detects and locks on to the radar or jammer, it can home on the target autonomously at 1,200m/s while sustaining a 14G overload. The FT-2000 can also be used in co-operation with friendly aircraft when the onboard radar warning receiver detects hostile signal. In addition, the FT-2000 missile has a built-in inertial navigation system, so that whenever it has acquired a lock-on, it will continue towards the target even if the emitter is shut down, although the missile's accuracy would seriously degrade in this case.

For the detection and localisation of hostile radar emissions and jammers the FT-2000 makes use of four ground-based Electronic Support Measures (ESM) sensor posts, each of which is mounted on wheeled vehicles and can together track 50 targets simultaneously. The ESM sensor posts are deployed at a distance 30km from each other. The missile launchers are deployed near the central ESM sensor station at a distance of 150 metres. Additionally, the missile can also be used in conjunction with surveillance and target acquisition radars.

Despite being regarded as the first of its kind in the world, the real effectiveness of the FT-2000 in operation was somehow doubtful. The missile caught great attention when it was first revealed in 1998, but did not enter production due to lack of interest from either domestic or international market.

I think best way to counter indian acusations of fighter jets every day growing with tejas pakfa and mrca and after that they will buy other 100+ fighter jet to take all jaguars out of IAF we all are talking what fighter jet paf buys to counter it buying fighter jet is a big headache to a country like pakistan and maintaning it is a big ask for pakistani think PAF should not waste its money after getting J 10B and than go for lattest SAM system which is on offer to PAF i know we are getting SPADA 2000 but it is medium range if we need to vounter IAF we need long range sam system of high quality and may be other one to if we have to defend pakistan from sea two sam system will do better low cost it will hit its targets 100 percent sure and twice the speed of fighter jet what paf needs more but with it paf has to look for state of the art jamming system to jam the radars of fighter jets of IAF who want to destroy pakistan's SAM system batteries with anti radiation misssiles and harpy drone and our fighter jets should be in border of pakistan and india looking for air threats if they cant bring them down than sam system will make them grounded so i bellieve that S-300 copy from china is going to be priority for PAF but other sam system has to be from europe of high quality what it should be S-400 willl be out of reach of PAF

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