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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

Can someone explain to me how this is related to London riots?

CV: It sounds you like you love the UK a little too much. Did you forget your history?

Can you tell me why there are no "peaceful protesters" in countries like UK and US when they are so 'liberal' and 'vibrant' while in countries like China all protesters are "peaceful protesters" despite the fact that they violently flip over cars, burn buildings, torch people alive, stone people to death, etc.

And I am quite surprised at how ignorant and in the dark you are despite living in a "democratic" country like India with "free press" and what not to not know that there are over 10s of thousands of protests happening every year in China. People in China can protest about anything they want, anything except for over throwing the government or causing social instability.

He cannot help it. Remember, India has been completely ruled by the Britain for centuries. These people called Indians have no national pride. They see westerners, especially those in US and UK as idols and they worship them like such as it is clearly obvious for anyone to see.

@ChinaVietnam Galaxy loves to kiss his master's behind every now and then, and he just can't help himself with tail between his legs.
These riots just seem to be spontaneous bunch of youths who gather in an area and start looting. What happened in Totenham 3 days ago just seems to have triggered this rioting. However the current rioters don't seem to have anything to do with that incident. They just seem like pure opportunists making the most of the chaotic situation.
No, I remember History and geography very well. looks like you don't remember before 1947. Do read more history or should I explain ??. Yes, I appreciate U.K. Even with so much of ethnic groups, there ain't any violence.

Who told you that ? Communist Government ?? Come on man, Even a Kid would say "This is not a true". All protest are peaceful in Europe, US. There are some cases of small violence, Looting in U.K and Police takes actions against such act and they are labelled as "Rioters". Nothing is wrong in that. It happens once in 1,000 times. There is daily 100 of small protest, Hardly heard any violence even small. They are Liberal with 100% Freedom. leave it, you won't understand how Democracy, Free Speech,Media works.

In China, if 10,000 people protest, Then they would be killed by Military Tank by Communist government. At least this much every knows in the world.

lol give me a break. stop being incredible and start being credible. you cite "china is gonna break up like the soviet union, theres 10,000 protest there every year" and in the same breath say "protests are illegal in china, no one can protest or they will be killed". So which is it lol?

Nope, this is why every company run by Indians, not in India is doomed to fail and is stuck permanently as downstream business process outsourcing AKA backoffice grunt work. This is why India is so poor and hundreds of millions of Indians go to bed hungry.

Too many Indians don't know shame. They don't know logic. They only know mindlessly following others. The "middle class" in India (making less money of course than the poorest of the poor in China) comfort themselves with lies like "well, the Americans (white Anglos!) and British (more white Anglos!) SAY that China is a 'cheap labor copycat economy' and India is a TRULY INNOVATIVE, GREAT SCIENTIFIC AWESOME INDUSTRIAL SERVICES SUPERPOWER so we are destined to overtake China! It must be true because a white man said it!"
Why you are speaking in English ?? U.K. one ? Talk in Chinese with those who understand Chinese. Why not talk on Japanese ? Even if you can't become like Japanese after 200 years.

Bollywood ? Strange, Even You know Bollywood. I don't even what is Chinese Film industry called.

You have such low quality post, One need not to reply.

Very strange indeed, isn't it? How does a someone living Communist China know so much? How is it possible? How?

Makes you wonder which country is really eating up that propaganda, huh?
He cannot help it. Remember, India has been completely ruled by the Britain for centuries. These people called Indians have no national pride. They see westerners, especially those in US and UK as idols and they worship them like such as it is clearly obvious for anyone to see.

What an epic fail, 89 years isn't even a 100 years let alone 100s of years.
its mostly teen agers ceasing the oppertunity to break into shops and get hold of free drinks and anything..they are using social networking websites to brag about their loot..inspiring others to do the same...schools and colleges are on holidays and weather is exceptionally warm....further adding to the trouble..
not to mention the anger of people about recent public spending cuts which had to show someday.
These riots just seem to be spontaneous bunch of youths who gather in an area and start looting. What happened in Totenham 3 days ago just seems to have triggered this rioting. However the current rioters don't seem to have anything to do with that incident. They just seem like pure opportunists making the most of the chaotic situation.

Something to do with austerity measures? People in general are upset in UK.
Also university tuition fees have been increased from about £3300 to £9000. Many youngsters obviosuly cant afford this hence the frustration coming out. Also unemployment is ramptant amongst the youth. Its interesting and pleasing to see how no asians (desis) have been involved in any of this rioting. Its mostly low class whites areas and blacks areas.
Something to do with austerity measures? People in general are upset in UK.

What are you on about? How do you know whats behind these riots? JDME stick to what you know. People are not prepared to take the hostility police show in their heavy handed tactics.
well I was stunned to see the shops being closed in my local town because of these riots. My area is so far among the safest places in London and no riots has occurred so far but still most of the shop owners closed their shops early today and those off licence or 24 hours shops are also closed today.

Very surprised to see this happening in London


One thing we are ignoring is

The touchpaper for the unrest was lit on Thursday when police shot dead Mark Duggan, a resident of the multi-ethnic district of Tottenham in north London, after officers stopped the taxi in which he was a passenger.

is it not similar to Karachi incident when the man was killed and the whole world was running behind our security forces?
Also university tuition fees have been increased from about £3300 to £9000. Many youngsters obviosuly cant afford this hence the frustration coming out. Also unemployment is ramptant amongst the youth. Its interesting and pleasing to see how no asians (desis) have been involved in any of this rioting. Its mostly low class whites areas and blacks areas.

This is well thought out. Good point bro
This is well thought out. Good point bro

That's a good point but my austerity comment wasn't? Do you even know austerity means? What do you think is fueling higher university price or unemployment??
Also university tuition fees have been increased from about £3300 to £9000. Many youngsters obviosuly cant afford this hence the frustration coming out. Also unemployment is ramptant amongst the youth. Its interesting and pleasing to see how no asians (desis) have been involved in any of this rioting. Its mostly low class whites areas and blacks areas.
Tuition fees sure are expensive, but most in the states pay way more than that, beside UK also comes with heavy subsidies in term of eduction. I guess most people used to live the good life for so long that they have forgotten that eventually there is going to be an end to all these "socialist measures".
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