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Life in Australia as an Immigrant

This is a person who is definitely out of touch with reality. When did you get your residency ??? Things have changed a lot since

I am not a resident, I am a Citizen! and I know ground realities because I am constantly in touch with those who go through residency procedures.

My friend in Austalia told me it takes longer for Pakistanis to get security clearance (for immigration). I am not taking about the AFP clearance. In some cases they don't even ask Indians for it.

There is no 'security clearance' scenario other than AFP check which is mandatory. Perhaps in some cases they don't even ask Indians to fill out applications for residency....ask your friend, he might know better then some one who has over 10 years of experience and who has gone through all the procedures from a student visa to citizen!

Matter of fact it reminds me that Indians on average get their residency after Pakistanis. I got my PR within 5 weeks of application and my Indian friends got theirs months after that, sometimes varying as much as 1.5 years. Most of my Pakistani friends got their PR within 6 months of application, ofcourse these are stats from 2003. The process may be taking longer now with new twists and turns but any suggestion that Pakistani get 'security clearance' later then Indians is absolute BS.

Those people were from mostly Britain, Europe. When did students from the subcontinent started coming to Australia en masse ? 10 years ago max

During my student years I came across more students from Asia (China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) etc. then any other region and I am talking 2001. Even now the trend is same. I seriously doubt that Europeans/British were coming to Australia for education.
OMG!! Developereo, you all right buddy.. I don't know what's the cause of your ire as the thread was pretty calm and informative to certain extent before your arrival and then you came with your double aussie false flag accusations.. I would definitely like to know the reason of accusation keeping just this thread in mind and context..

Actually, Aussie4ever attacked me first early in the thread. Because I took him to task long time ago for justifying the cronulla race riots. The false flag comment was a general comment; not about this specific thread.
I am enjoying your pathetic dance to squirm out of your racist hole. Nowhere did I imply anything about skin color. It's only You who made the subliminal connection that Indian = dark and Australian = white so, to prove that you are 'Australian', you showed us your white skin. And you said "my skin color shows that I'm not [Indian]".

As if white skin somehow constitutes proof of being Australian v/s Indian.

The sad part is that you won't even understand your racism, no matter what.

You implied that being critical of Western governments makes someone unAustralian.

I respect Indians who are sane. But there are many, the majority here, who engage in comical chest thumping.

You offered your white skin as 'evidence' that you are Australian. If you don't understand the innate racism of that statement, you are truly beyond help.

How nice that you didn't provide a link to that post so people could get context. More importantly. both sides in this conflict were Australian. It was white Australians against middle eastern Australians. Both sides were teenage boys, hence white boys v/s middle eastern boys. The "white boys" were bashing anyone who was not white, including a Bangladeshi!

The real clincher of your racism was your repeated use of "Lebs v/s Aussies", as if "Lebs" are not "Aussies" also. According to you, the term "Aussies" implies whites; the "Lebs" are not Aussies in your book.

The police investigations revealed a pattern of animosities both ways going back several months. I like the way you repeat the racist justification for the riots, even though it has been debunked by the police.

1-I showed you a pic of my skin to prove that im not indian which you were accusing me of you desperate sado.

2-I never implied that criticising western goverments makes you unaustralian you accused me of bigority i showed you that all your posts are aimed at indians or westerners and so your hardly in a position to accuse me of bigotry or racism.

3-You respect indians but then you generalise them in your posts lollll.

4-I showed you my white skin to proof that im not indian you accuse me of thinking on racial terms but look whose jumping across the fact that i showed my skin to prove im NOT indian.

lol@ them being australian you have no proof that all of them were born here and 2ndly they burned australian flags went around on you tube saying **** Australia if they dont class themselves as australian then neither should i or anyone else.

I like the fact you call them "brown people" but call white australians White boys.

The riots started because of the bashing of an australian lifeguard even if there was past offences.

So stop twisting everything i say and stop living in denial.YOU HAVE HUGE DOUBLE STANDARDS.
I drove there before via Albany hwy and didn't see no mountains.
Perhaps if you take a de-tour and go via Stirling ranges there are some magnificent views and mountains.

If you are driving down from Perth, try and get to the southeastern tip of the coast. That's where the Indian Ocean meets the Pacific Ocean out there somewhere. You can see whales far out if you bring binoculars.

Also, just down from Margaret River is one of the best surfing spots in Australia.
Actually, Aussie4ever attacked me first early in the thread. Because I took him to task long time ago for justifying the cronulla race riots. The false flag comment was a general comment; not about this specific thread.

Big deal you subliminally called me a Indian in another thread because someone elses name was 5ever and was also from Perth.
Actually, Aussie4ever attacked me first early in the thread. Because I took him to task long time ago for justifying the cronulla race riots. The false flag comment was a general comment; not about this specific thread.

I am sorry to say this was your first post on this thread if I am not wrong

Australia is like any other country. You have decent people and you have idiots.

Don't form your opinion of Australia from posters on this forum. Many of them are Indians hiding behind double Australian flag to peddle their anti-Muslim, anti-Arab or anti-Pakistan bigotry.

The Australian media is absolutely crap, but the ordinary people are fine.

You are clearly accusing some double Australian flag posters as Indian and anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, anti-pakistan.. I didn't see anybody posting negatively about any of the thing you mentioned at least in this thread. Asim was here posting too he would have surely replied back before you.. I guess you have brought your fight from some other thread into this one which was opened by a newbie to get some answers from people like you who are already settled in Australia..
blah blah. You just outed yourself. Now trying to dance your way out of it.

Because they, i.e. the white teenage/early 20s boys, were hitting anyone brown, including a Bangladeshi guy!
And because they openly claimed it was to keep their beach white.

Like I said. You keep repeating the excuse used by the racists to justify the riots even though Australian police themselves don't buy it.

The only people who keep repeating this excuse for the racist riots are bigots.

Lol blah blah? i didnt out anything i proved im not indian.

Where did they claim the beach was white?And lebanese gangs went around hitting women and other white people.You got an excuse for that 2?

Im not making excuses its the truth unlike you.
If you are driving down from Perth, try and get to the southeastern tip of the coast. That's where the Indian Ocean meets the Pacific Ocean out there somewhere. You can see whales far out if you bring binoculars.

Also, just down from Margaret River is one of the best surfing spots in Australia.

Thanks mate, yes i have been to Augusta where the oceans meet.
Western Australia is by far my favorite state for untamed natural beauty. Much better than NSW and QLD which are overdeveloped, overpriced and overhyped, IMO.

WA still has the magic of wild Australia.
Go coral bay , very nice place

---------- Post added at 02:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 PM ----------

Western Australia is by far my favorite state for untamed natural beauty. Much better than NSW and QLD which are overdeveloped, overpriced and overhyped, IMO.

WA still has the magic of wild Australia.

The only problem is that everything is so far away.

I went Gold Coast loved it defently could live there.
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