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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

I think you meant can't do jack. actually, the resolution says any means short of boots on the ground i.e. they can also shoot the artillery and tanks

I forgot to add - "If". :rolleyes:

Anyways this is a wait and watch game. Where's my popcorn ?

this is not argh ----people chatting away only- these are videos being sent and seen. These are 4 NY times journalist who been kidnapped by the Libyan govt because they ventured and caught scenes of murder and mayhem...

Same can be said about Kashmir. See media in today's world are a law unto themselves.You cant blindly believe what is being said.

that's the madman's ceasefire and it means nothing to the US/ NATO. you do know he is also going to be indicted for crimes in the international courts. its a done deal, he is finished ruling that country. they have to still take out the air defenses and not bound by his cease fire.

Even in a madman's ceasefire, the Guns dont fire. Lets get it straight I think the Brits are just itching to avenge the Lockerbie fiasco and now have got a good reason to do that.Too bad that Qadaffi has declared a ceasefire now.

:D what hell has your gas to with it other than the prices will still be up if India agreed or not...

Oil prices have reduced about 3 dollars after the ceasefire announcement and I would hope the French and the Brits dont do anything stupid to exacerbate the situation.

OIL FUTURES: Oil Prices Flat On Libya Cease-Fire Uncertainty - WSJ.com

the larger point was who has changed the Palestinian policy of a two state solution? Not India . it is good with both countries

Still doesnt prove your assertion that supporting Palestine vociferously got us any favours from the Arab world.

1 ) The US does not support them attacking unharmed civilians or its people. The Arab league is cracking down and suadia arabia's army is in bahrain. The US supported these countries but has always told them they need to get more democratic. 2 ) Just one month before Egypt revolution- the US sec of state gave a speech in Egypt asking Egypt Mubarak to institute more democratic reforms. The US did not come to Mubark's aid during that revolution. Infact the entire Egyptian Military leadership were in the pentagon ( pre determined visit) when the revolution in egypt broke out. and US exerted presuure on the military to not attack its people.

Oh C'mon enough of this ;

1) A foreign nation's troops going into another country to suppress a peaceful protest by a large majority of the country's discriminated citizens and the best the US can come up with is just a statement that they need to be more democratic. Again, C'Mon !!!

Saudi troops bombed the $ out of the Shia protestors in its eastern provinces who were demanding end to the discrimiantion, but did we hear a whimper from the US ?

2) Coming to Mubarak ; the US was anything but critical towards Mubarak. It never publicly criticised Mubarak while maintaining a very ambivalent stance saying that people's wish should be respected.

There is nothing for you to defend here. The US will sleep with the worst of the dictators if it is of any use to America and that is how it should be. And this is how I would like India also to be.

these are NOT western policies, these core Indian , Gandhian policies of human rights... since when did it become fashionable otherwise ?

Oh these Gandhian Values are long passe. If India needs to be a great power, she must learn to play the double faced game of the great powers. Enough of this moral BS. Chanakiyan diplomacy FTW.
Here's a summary of events so far today:

• The Libyan government announced a ceasefire in the face of the imminent threat of international military intervention. The statement by foreign minister, Mussa Kusa, came after France said airstrikes could be launched within hours in the wake of the resolution for a no-fly zone, passed by the UN security council.

• Despite the announcement, bombardment of opposition-held territory by Gaddafi's forces continued with 25 people killed in the eastern city of Misrata according to a doctor. The opposition council in Benghazi rejected the ceasefire amid the continued attacks and US secretary of state Hillary Clinton demanded to see "action on the ground", rather than just words.

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ----------

Despite all evidence to the contrary, the Libyan government has claimed that it has started the ceasefire and wants Turkey and Malta to "supervise and help implement the ceasefire". Government spokesman Mussa Ibrahim told Reuters:

"Libya has already implemented the ceasefire. We have not carried out any military operations today on Misrata or anywhere else in the country."

He added

"We don't know who to reach at the (U.N.) Security Council to work out the technicalities of the ceasefire. That is the problem at the moment which we are trying to resolve." ... that sure draws a rofl:
Following in the footsteps of Hillary Clinton, French Foreign minister Alain Juppe has given a cautious response to the Gaddafi regime's declared ceasefire. He told Reuters:

We have to analyse the conditions of the ceasefire. It has to be on all of the territory of Libya and not only Benghazi, and we think that Libya must comply with all the resolutions of the (UN) security council.

Regarding military strikes, he added:

"We are ready but I cannot give you more details."
its just shows how spineless our foreign policy is .. we are indirectly supporting a lunatic :cry:
its just shows how spineless our foreign policy is .. we are indirectly supporting a lunatic :cry:

Supporting whom?
It just shows that we can think and act for ourselves, not as somebody's "poodle".
We have a living example where that could lead to.
I forgot to add - "If". :rolleyes:

Anyways this is a wait and watch game. Where's my popcorn ?

Same can be said about Kashmir. See media in today's world are a law unto themselves.You cant blindly believe what is being said.

Even in a madman's ceasefire, the Guns dont fire. Lets get it straight I think the Brits are just itching to avenge the Lockerbie fiasco and now have got a good reason to do that.Too bad that Qadaffi has declared a ceasefire now.

Oil prices have reduced about 3 dollars after the ceasefire announcement and I would hope the French and the Brits dont do anything stupid to exacerbate the situation.

OIL FUTURES: Oil Prices Flat On Libya Cease-Fire Uncertainty - WSJ.com

Still doesnt prove your assertion that supporting Palestine vociferously got us any favours from the Arab world.

Oh C'mon enough of this ;

1) A foreign nation's troops going into another country to suppress a peaceful protest by a large majority of the country's discriminated citizens and the best the US can come up with is just a statement that they need to be more democratic. Again, C'Mon !!!

Saudi troops bombed the $ out of the Shia protestors in its eastern provinces who were demanding end to the discrimiantion, but did we hear a whimper from the US ?

2) Coming to Mubarak ; the US was anything but critical towards Mubarak. It never publicly criticised Mubarak while maintaining a very ambivalent stance saying that people's wish should be respected.

There is nothing for you to defend here. The US will sleep with the worst of the dictators if it is of any use to America and that is how it should be. And this is how I would like India also to be.

Oh these Gandhian Values are long passe. If India needs to be a great power, she must learn to play the double faced game of the great powers. Enough of this moral BS. Chanakiyan diplomacy FTW.

come to the light , look at me ....come over to the light ! you are sleepy! -You will leave the dark side and I will get you there :D
come to the light , look at me ....come over to the light ! you are sleepy! -You will leave the dark side and I will get you there :D

Mera Bharat Mahan :D

Are you from Atlanta ?
yes, Hot Lanta... its 75 F degrees today already.or getting there..whoo. gonna see a lot of diasy dukes

Oh seriously 75 degress is just warm !!! Here is 41*C and the summer has not even started fully.
Obama speaks. "In the last few weeks the world has watched the events in Libya with hope and alarm," he begins, saying that demonstrations in Libya "were met with an iron fist" by the Gaddafi regime:

Muammar Gaddafi clearly lost the confidence of his own people and his legitimacy to lead.

Gaddafi, Obama says, "chose the path of brutal suppression," listing attacks on hospitals and other sites as part of a "campaign of intimidation and repression".

If others failed to act against the Gaddafi regime, "the words of the international community would be hollow," says Obama.

The UN security council was responding to calls for action by the Libyan people and the Arab League, says Obama, and includes the enforcement of a no-fly zone and strengthens sanctions against Libya's government:

Now, once more Muammar Gaddafi has a choice - the resolution that was passed lays out very clear conditions that must be met.... A ceasefire must be implemented immediately. That means all attacks against all civilians must stop.

Gaddafi must stop and pull back his troops from Benghazi and other cities, and allow water and power supplies to be reconnected and humanitarian assistance allowed in for the people of Libya, Obama said, adding:

Let me be clear: these terms are not negotiable. These terms are not subject to negotiation.

If Gaddafi does not comply, the international community will impose consequences, and the resolution will be enforced through military action.

Obama's statement continues:

I also want to be clear about what we not be do – the US is not going to deploy ground troops into Libya. And we are not going to use force beyond a defined goal, specifically: the protection of civilians in Libya."

Without such action, according to Obama, there was every reason to believe Gaddafi would commit atrocities and that thousands could die as a result.

He mentions that "members of the Arab League have already committed to take a leadership role" – but makes clear that the US will be taking a significant role itself.

As of now, no Arab League countries have gone on the record as offering forces to the sanctions – although Jordan, the UAE and Qatar are the most likely participants.

Today's statement by Obama was a fairly punchy one – reassuring US citizens that America is not planning to deploy ground troops while making clear that the US military will play its part – "as part of an international coalition" – in enforcing the UN resolution.
gadaffi has played a good card by declaring cease fire. right now he has regained control over libya. but i think U.S led forces will still intervene despite ceasefire.
at least when calling someone a dim wit know your damn histiory oh child of the lesser gods- you are not even " world power" today.. a regional power at best- last time I checked you were begging for aid still and calling yourself a developing country.

Yep, so right. These Chinese brainwashed maniacs swarm all over the place thumping their chests as if they are some great nation the world was waiting for. They are the most disliked nation on the planet. None of their neighbours likes them, barring Pakistan. Japan, Vietnam, India, South Korea, Russia - you name it, they are all sick of this scourge called China.
Gaddafi has announced unilateral ceasefire and invited rebels for peace talks , no operation anytime soon now.
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