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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

UN is just a christian agenda forwarding corporation all its resolutions are in favour of breaking up muslim lands -

When ever its convinent the group of christian leaders meet and they decide fate of muslim lands - while on other hand they veto anything that happens against their beloved child you know who ...
And obviously the fact that Qaddafi is killing your own Muslims doesn't matter to you at all. Sometimes I wonder if Muslims really care about fellow Muslims as they claim, or they just care about their oil/resource rich lands.:confused:
Qadaffi was sitting at home when US gave weapons to malitia and said go start killing and lotting people in Libya - yea I don't suppose they got those heavy guns and anti tank weapons from ebay did they ....

Last time I checked Libya was doing well infact Italy was giving it 6 billion dollars annually to make sure no immigrants came to italy from libya

The no fly zone is just another step for US and british to gain control of oil resource in Libya -

Why don't the American and British go and liberate Palestine ? Oh wait may be because Jesus will not come unless Israel is formed yep ... that is what they teach in their fundamentalist churches - no wonder no Christian American President dare say nothing against his faith

This whole UN thing is none sense - drama - because we all know , Libya has no S300 and they don't have airforce so the BRAVE soliders are going to liberate Libya how convinent lol
No, unlike you i care about death of innocent people even if they themselves died hating me and Israel. Children have a chance, that chance was taken from them by that monster.

An Israeli caring about non-Jewish human life? Please pinch me, am I dreaming. Actions should speak louder than words, writing comments on PDF do not support the Israeli attrocities against civilians for the last 6-7 decades.
An Israeli caring about non-Jewish human life? Please pinch me, am I dreaming. Actions should speak louder than words, writing comments on PDF do not support the Israeli attrocities against civilians for the last 6-7 decades.

Whats wrong in his statement? Is he not a human being? ... Do you have to stereotype everyone from what you hear in the news?
I am not saying China should have vetoed the resolution. I was just saying how is logic, that the western countries adopted this resolution so that they can capture Libya's oil is flawed. Cause if that was case, China and Russia would have surely vetoed it.

:coffee: That is North Africa, so the oil will belong to Europe. If Gaddafi go to hell, Chinese govt is willing to reimburse his hell way ticket.

In the future, Libya's oil will belong to the USA.

Plz think carefully about that, a few days ago, the USA demanded the arms embargo, Who are the beneficiaries of the arms embargo? Gaddafi's weapons-rich, and Rebels‘s weapons-poor!

Plz think carefully about that, When Gaddafi wants to flee abroad, Why USA announced an international arrest warrant and Gaddafi's overseas assets frozen? Why USA to force Gadhafi fight to the last?

Plz think carefully about that, Libya's nuclear power plant control by the Americans, Gaddafi has been helping the Americans against al-Qaeda.
Chinese knows that China can not get Libya's oil, it is the European and American competition.
China only hope the war will end soon, Oil prices return to normal.

U.S., UK and French diplomats have forced the UN to impose a no-fly zone over Libya tonight, with reports allied bombs could 'drop within hours'.

The dramatic intervention comes as Colonel Gaddafi this evening warned rebels in Benghazi to lay down their arms or expect 'no mercy' as his forces push towards their stronghold.

The news follows a reversal in rebel fortunes, with reports anti-Gaddafi militias had used up to three 'stolen' fighter jets and a helicopter in a desperate bid to halt the advancing army.
Fight back: reports have emerged of rebels flying at least three jets and a helicopter against loyalist Gaddafi forces. This jet crashed due to 'mechanical failure' according to witnesses

After weeks of hesitancy over imposing a no-fly zone in Libya, the United States made a dramatic about-face, calling for even more expanded action, including strikes on Gaddafi's ground forces besieging rebel-held cities.

The U.N. Security Council voted this evening on a resolution that would open the way for that, establishing a no-fly zone but also authorising member states to take 'all necessary measures' to protect civilians from attacks by Gaddafi's forces.

The BBC reported that China and Russia, usually opposed to such actions, abstained from the vote.

It is also expected that if the resolution goes ahead, planes from at least five Arab nations will join the international force in strikes and patrols over Libya.

The BBC also said British and French war planes would be among the first to launch an attack if the go ahead were given, with the U.S. joining the campaign at a later stage.

The change reflected the past week's swift reversal of the realities on the ground, where once-confident rebels are now in danger of being crushed under an overpowering pro-Gaddafi force using rockets, artillery, tanks, war-planes.

That force has advanced along the Mediterranean coast aiming to recapture the rebel-held eastern half of Libya.

Gaddafi troops encircled the city of Ajdabiya, the first in the path of their march, but also had some troops positioned beyond it toward Benghazi, Libya's second largest city and the headquarters of the opposition's leadership.

In an address this evening, Gaddafi proclaimed that the 'hour of decision has come' and that his regime would begin 'tonight' to put an end to the rebellion.

'The matter has been decided ... we are coming,' he said, calling in by telephone to state TV and addressing the people of Benghazi.'

'There is amnesty for those who throw away their weapons and sits in their house ... No matter what they did in the past, (it's) forgiven,' he said.

But for those who resist, he said, 'there will be no mercy or compassion.'

The warning comes after Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, currently in Tunisia, spoke of bombing Libyan targets.

She said: 'A no-fly zone requires certain actions taken to protect the planes and the pilots, including bombing targets like the Libyan defence systems.'

Visiting the region for the first time since protesters in Tunisia and Egypt toppled their long-time autocratic rulers, Clinton said the U.S. would support U.N. actions that gain a 'broad base of participation, including from Arab nations,' and that military action short of boots on the ground might be needed.

Gaddafi must go,'she said, calling him 'a ruthless dictator that has no conscience and will destroy anyone or anything in his way.'

'If Gaddafi does not go, he will just make trouble,' Clinton said. 'That is just his nature. There are some creatures that are like that.'

Several witnesses said rebels in Benghazi succeeded in shooting down at least two of the attacking aircraft. Mohammed Abdel-Rahman, a 42-year-old merchant who lives nearby, said he saw one of the warplanes shot down after striking Benina - a civilian and military air facility about 12 miles from the centre of the city.

He said the strikes caused light damage.

Another witness, medical official Qassem al-Shibli, said he saw three planes attack the airport and nearby rebel military camps before two were shot down.

A third witness saw fire trucks fighting a blaze at the airport, and black smoke billowing from the area. Another witness reported that a rebel war-plane crashed north of Benghazi, apparently after running out of fuel.

At the same time, the rebels were sending their own war-planes in an attempt to break the regime's assault on Ajdabiya, a city about 100 miles south-west of Benghazi that has been under a punishing siege by Gaddafi's forces the past two days.

Three rebel warplanes and helicopters struck government troops massed at Ajdabiya's western gates, said Mustafa Gheriani, a spokesman in Benghazi, and Abdel-Bari Zwei, an opposition activist in Ajdabiya.

The U.N. negotiations took place against a backdrop of increasing scepticism in Congress about the Obama administration's Libya strategy.

Questions focused on what action the U.S. was willing to take to back up its strong calls for Gaddafi's ouster and whether the crisis could lead to military conflict.

Both the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Democratic Senator John Kerry, and the top Republican, Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, expressed frustration with the administration and its articulation of policies.

Burns said Gaddafi's forces 'have made significant strides on the ground over the course of the last 24, 48 hours ... taking full advantage of their overwhelming military.'

He said a Gaddafi victory could mean a reversion toward terrorist support and could destabilise the region.

But he said U.S. action must occur with international support.

We 'need to approach them with a sense of humility about our role and our influence,' Burns said.

'That's why we've attached so much emphasis to making this an international response authorized by the U.N. Security Council and attach so much importance to active Arab partnership, not just declarations.'
Doctors working at a local hospital join other protesters in calling for a no-fly zone over Libya during a rally at a square by the sea side in the eastern Libyan town of Benghazi

Clinton said discussions were going beyond specific actions toward broader authorization so countries can enforce any U.N. measures, though no ground intervention is being considered.

But with Gaddafi threatening to 'rescue' the people of Benghazi from 'traitors' and promising no mercy to those who resist, it was unclear if the U.N.'s efforts would be concluded in time to protect areas remaining in opposition hands.

Senators were in disagreement over the no-fly zone. Lugar doubted that U.S. interests would be served and said the step would require a declaration of war from Congress under the War Powers Act. He asked that Arab governments pay for any U.S. military involvement.

Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican, said the administration's response was too weak and relied on Russian and Chinese support for a U.N. resolution.

Rubio questioned whether the U.S. had a backup plan if the resolution failed.

U.S., UK and French diplomats have forced the UN to impose a no-fly zone over Libya tonight, with reports allied bombs could 'drop within hours'.

The dramatic intervention comes as Colonel Gaddafi this evening warned rebels in Benghazi to lay down their arms or expect 'no mercy' as his forces push towards their stronghold.

The news follows a reversal in rebel fortunes, with reports anti-Gaddafi militias had used up to three 'stolen' fighter jets and a helicopter in a desperate bid to halt the advancing army.
Fight back: reports have emerged of rebels flying at least three jets and a helicopter against loyalist Gaddafi forces. This jet crashed due to 'mechanical failure' according to witnesses

After weeks of hesitancy over imposing a no-fly zone in Libya, the United States made a dramatic about-face, calling for even more expanded action, including strikes on Gaddafi's ground forces besieging rebel-held cities.

The U.N. Security Council voted this evening on a resolution that would open the way for that, establishing a no-fly zone but also authorising member states to take 'all necessary measures' to protect civilians from attacks by Gaddafi's forces.

The BBC reported that China and Russia, usually opposed to such actions, abstained from the vote.

It is also expected that if the resolution goes ahead, planes from at least five Arab nations will join the international force in strikes and patrols over Libya.

The BBC also said British and French war planes would be among the first to launch an attack if the go ahead were given, with the U.S. joining the campaign at a later stage.

The change reflected the past week's swift reversal of the realities on the ground, where once-confident rebels are now in danger of being crushed under an overpowering pro-Gaddafi force using rockets, artillery, tanks, war-planes.

That force has advanced along the Mediterranean coast aiming to recapture the rebel-held eastern half of Libya.

Gaddafi troops encircled the city of Ajdabiya, the first in the path of their march, but also had some troops positioned beyond it toward Benghazi, Libya's second largest city and the headquarters of the opposition's leadership.

In an address this evening, Gaddafi proclaimed that the 'hour of decision has come' and that his regime would begin 'tonight' to put an end to the rebellion.

'The matter has been decided ... we are coming,' he said, calling in by telephone to state TV and addressing the people of Benghazi.'

'There is amnesty for those who throw away their weapons and sits in their house ... No matter what they did in the past, (it's) forgiven,' he said.

But for those who resist, he said, 'there will be no mercy or compassion.'

The warning comes after Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, currently in Tunisia, spoke of bombing Libyan targets.

She said: 'A no-fly zone requires certain actions taken to protect the planes and the pilots, including bombing targets like the Libyan defence systems.'

Visiting the region for the first time since protesters in Tunisia and Egypt toppled their long-time autocratic rulers, Clinton said the U.S. would support U.N. actions that gain a 'broad base of participation, including from Arab nations,' and that military action short of boots on the ground might be needed.

Gaddafi must go,'she said, calling him 'a ruthless dictator that has no conscience and will destroy anyone or anything in his way.'

'If Gaddafi does not go, he will just make trouble,' Clinton said. 'That is just his nature. There are some creatures that are like that.'

Several witnesses said rebels in Benghazi succeeded in shooting down at least two of the attacking aircraft. Mohammed Abdel-Rahman, a 42-year-old merchant who lives nearby, said he saw one of the warplanes shot down after striking Benina - a civilian and military air facility about 12 miles from the centre of the city.

He said the strikes caused light damage.

Another witness, medical official Qassem al-Shibli, said he saw three planes attack the airport and nearby rebel military camps before two were shot down.

A third witness saw fire trucks fighting a blaze at the airport, and black smoke billowing from the area. Another witness reported that a rebel war-plane crashed north of Benghazi, apparently after running out of fuel.

At the same time, the rebels were sending their own war-planes in an attempt to break the regime's assault on Ajdabiya, a city about 100 miles south-west of Benghazi that has been under a punishing siege by Gaddafi's forces the past two days.

Three rebel warplanes and helicopters struck government troops massed at Ajdabiya's western gates, said Mustafa Gheriani, a spokesman in Benghazi, and Abdel-Bari Zwei, an opposition activist in Ajdabiya.

The U.N. negotiations took place against a backdrop of increasing scepticism in Congress about the Obama administration's Libya strategy.

Questions focused on what action the U.S. was willing to take to back up its strong calls for Gaddafi's ouster and whether the crisis could lead to military conflict.

Both the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Democratic Senator John Kerry, and the top Republican, Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, expressed frustration with the administration and its articulation of policies.

Burns said Gaddafi's forces 'have made significant strides on the ground over the course of the last 24, 48 hours ... taking full advantage of their overwhelming military.'

He said a Gaddafi victory could mean a reversion toward terrorist support and could destabilise the region.

But he said U.S. action must occur with international support.

We 'need to approach them with a sense of humility about our role and our influence,' Burns said.

'That's why we've attached so much emphasis to making this an international response authorized by the U.N. Security Council and attach so much importance to active Arab partnership, not just declarations.'
Doctors working at a local hospital join other protesters in calling for a no-fly zone over Libya during a rally at a square by the sea side in the eastern Libyan town of Benghazi

Clinton said discussions were going beyond specific actions toward broader authorization so countries can enforce any U.N. measures, though no ground intervention is being considered.

But with Gaddafi threatening to 'rescue' the people of Benghazi from 'traitors' and promising no mercy to those who resist, it was unclear if the U.N.'s efforts would be concluded in time to protect areas remaining in opposition hands.

Senators were in disagreement over the no-fly zone. Lugar doubted that U.S. interests would be served and said the step would require a declaration of war from Congress under the War Powers Act. He asked that Arab governments pay for any U.S. military involvement.

Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican, said the administration's response was too weak and relied on Russian and Chinese support for a U.N. resolution.

Rubio questioned whether the U.S. had a backup plan if the resolution failed.
The Lybian rebels are spent force and lybian government won't be a match for US force.
Firstly why would you start 2 threads?
On topic: This news is quite welcome actually. Gaddafis troops have pushed the rebels back and have almost crushed the rebellion. A no fly zone would be a welcome move.
:P Qaddafi always has a plan -

Mashroom Cloud

The rebels are like 100-200 thugs bought by CIA to kill people in city and control it and Western media just shows these thugs killing people with guns and controlling

Who do you think were the Saudi clan ?? same 100-200 malitia member , funded by CIA

I mean how can local police fight vs CIA funded thugs with heavy weapons ?

Prayers are with Mr Qaddafi's forces to bring order to Libya -

And I hope he has few suprises instore for christian forces
Firstly why would you start 2 threads?
On topic: This news is quite welcome actually. Gaddafis troops have pushed the rebels back and have almost crushed the rebellion. A no fly zone would be a welcome move.

As a person who allowed the US to bomb my country for the "greater good", I can safely say US coming to bomb your country is never a good thing. Bass kardoh bass!
U.K & France may strike Libya early on Friday

France, the United Kingdom, Qatar and the U.A.E. may carry out airstrikes on forces of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi early on Friday, shortly after the Security Council vote, Western media said.

The reports came as the UN Security Council gathers for a vote on a draft resolution, imposing a no-fly zone over the African state and authorizing all "necessary measures" to protect Libyan civilians. The vote is expected at 22:00 GMT.

A senior government source told BBC that "British forces could be in action over Libya as early as Friday, if a UN resolution is agreed."

France's foreign minister headed Thursday to New York to press for action against Gaddafi.

Meanwhile, the Libyan leader said his forces would assault the opposition stronghold of Benghazi early on Friday.

"No more fear, no more hesitation, the moment of truth has come," Guardian quoted Gaddafi as saying. "There will be no mercy. Our troops will be coming to Benghazi tonight."

He also warned that any foreign military intervention in would put air and maritime traffic in the Mediterranean area under threat.

Mass riots demanding the end of the regime of the country's strongman, Muammar Gaddafi, have been raging in Libya since mid-February. On Thursday, Gaddafi said the confrontation between authorities and the rebellious opposition would end very soon.

U.K., France may strike Libya early on Friday | World | RIA Novosti
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