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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

If you are not aware of USA is already taking leading role and trying to utilize it as a mass business opportunity by selling arms to the rebel from the 30 billion USD freeze libyan money. Who gave the right to US to mishandling these libyan people money in this way by selling arms to the rebel and giving money from that... who are these rebel... do they have backing of majority of the people??? if so what is the percentage??? Why suddenly US is so interested on libya instead imposing the same on bharain, saudi arabiya and apartheid Israel..

Lol on the apartheid Israel comment. :rofl:

Calm down first and debate sensibly. You are talking very similarly to the son of Gaddafi (Saif al Islam)... the day he appeared on the television.

Tell me if you support the actions of the Libyan army killing and firing indiscriminately on the civilians?
Wonder why China didn't veto the resolution then. Doesn't China have a lot of stake in Libyan oil? I know you are going to say UN is run by Zionists or something along those lines, but what the heck worth a try!:undecided:
Chinese are hiden Zionsist and Lebanon with Hezbollah in goverhment that voted for that resolution is Zionist too. Nasrallahs real name is Eliezer Rabinovich.
Wonder why China didn't veto the resolution then. Doesn't China have a lot of stake in Libyan oil? I know you are going to say UN is run by Zionists or something along those lines, but what the heck worth a try!:undecided:

10% of Libyas oil production end up to China.
Dont be shy, say trillions! :woot:

I think you are already aware of majority of the conflict that is going on in the middle east is based on 2 secret memo or plan produced by the zionist israeli including current Israeli PM benjamin netyahu... and their agents within the US administration.....These are :

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Project for the New American Century

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

N this iraq and afghanistan war is part of that plan which killed millions and counting going on... n all other surrounding conflict..

No doubt, Bangladesh is extremelly poor because of Israel.

No Bangladesh is not poor cause of Israel but cause of looting by the british and then by the pakistanis...

But BD is moving forward from all these bad past events... BD is already reffered as one of the next 11 emerging country and that is also reflected by present CITI groups 3G report... BD will be worlds 5th largest graduate producing country by 2030...

Just you zionists need to come out of the ignorance that all muslim countries are poor and bullsh*t without looking how fast every countries are changing... by 2050 Indonesia will be worlds 4th largest economy, nigeria 6th, egypt 10th, iran, bangladesh, pakistan, turkey and probably saudi arabiya will be within top 20... economy..

But what about Israel.. will it remain even within top 50????
Lol on the apartheid Israel comment. :rofl:

Calm down first and debate sensibly. You are talking very similarly to the son of Gaddafi (Saif al Islam)... the day he appeared on the television.

Tell me if you support the actions of the Libyan army killing and firing indiscriminately on the civilians?

Look at my above posts... n Israel is apartheid is not only said by few but majority of the worlds people and majority of the country are against illegal settlement activity and land grabbing and stealing of Palestinian lands and oppressing them...
Wonder why China didn't veto the resolution then. Doesn't China have a lot of stake in Libyan oil? I know you are going to say UN is run by Zionists or something along those lines, but what the heck worth a try!:undecided:

Italy has major stake in libyan oil and gas resources so they opposed sanction and I think germany also opposed sanction for the same reason...

Italian firm seen loading Libyan oil despite sanctions - Arab News

Eni calls for lifting Libya sanctions
Look at my above posts... n Israel is apartheid is not only said by few but majority of the worlds people and majority of the country are against illegal settlement activity and land grabbing and stealing of Palestinian lands and oppressing them...

Sami, how does Israel's actions in Palestine justify Gaddafi indiscriminately bombing civilians in Libya? I think you need to lie down for a bit

On topic, apparently 2 Arab nations (yet to be named) are to participate in imposing the no fly zone and carrying out air strikes..

AlJazeera reporting that Egyptian Army have started arming the rebels. in the last few minutes
I think you are already aware of majority of the conflict that is going on in the middle east is based on 2 secret memo or plan produced by the zionist israeli including current Israeli PM benjamin netyahu... and their agents within the US administration.....These are :

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Project for the New American Century

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

N this iraq and afghanistan war is part of that plan which killed millions and counting going on... n all other surrounding conflict..
US bans Israel to sell its own radars to China and India, but according to your conspiracy Israel is so powerful that can order US to attack any country it wishes? :lol:

And by the way, before US invasion in Iraq, Israel explicitly told the US that Iran is bigger danger than Iraq and that Iran should be dealt first.

No Bangladesh is not poor cause of Israel but cause of looting by the british and then by the pakistanis...

But BD is moving forward from all these bad past events... BD is already reffered as one of the next 11 emerging country and that is also reflected by present CITI groups 3G report... BD will be worlds 5th largest graduate producing country by 2030...
But I thought most of problems are because of Israel. :rolleyes: What about Yemen? Poorest Arab country. For sure its Israel's fault. No?

Just you zionists need to come out of the ignorance that all muslim countries are poor and bullsh*t
I dont care about your poverty problems, I just wondered because u said that all problems are because of Israel.
Wonder why China didn't veto the resolution then. Doesn't China have a lot of stake in Libyan oil? I know you are going to say UN is run by Zionists or something along those lines, but what the heck worth a try!:undecided:

Most likely pressure from the arab league.
Look at my above posts... n Israel is apartheid is not only said by few but majority of the worlds people and majority of the country are against illegal settlement activity and land grabbing and stealing of Palestinian lands and oppressing them...

Yeah I saw your post after I posted mine. There is a reason why the protests are continuing for such a long time. The regime has been oppressive for a decades and has looted the public wealth into their own coffers and the loyals close to Gaddafi.
Imagine a country who has the largest oil reserves in the whole of Africa and still not able to share its profits with the people. Compare any oil producing country in the middle east and compare the living conditions and employment rates. You might get your answer there.
US bans Israel to sell its own radars to China and India, but you claim that Israel is so powerful that can order US to attack any country it wishes?

And by the way, before US invasion in Iraq, Israel explicitly told US that Iran is bigger danger than Iraq and that Iran should be dealt first.

Look every one knows that US congress and senate is controlled by AIPAC which is run by jews and christian zionists... Jews zionist gave money during election to different candidates thats how they influence the decision making procedures... n as many jews control media they also influence opinion through thsi... n christian zionists act as a vote bank .... this group are bunch of apocalyptic cult those who are whining day and night for end times and return of messiah or jesus christ and want ultimately Armageddon and conversion of all jews to christianity... despite of knowing all these this 2 jews and christian zionist group are working on behalf of Israel by forming lobby group like AIPAC , Christian Ubnited for Israel, Friends of Israel etc...

To what extent this groups are extreme in their apocalyptic thought can be seen in the following video... even so called Islamic terrorism will be ashamed in front of them..

But I thought most of problems are because of Israel. :rolleyes: What about Yemen? Poorest Arab country. For sure its Israel's fault. No?

I dont care about your poverty problems, I just wondered because u said that all problems are because of Israel.

I talked about problem in the middle east not whole world...
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Jesus christ, do you listen to what you`re saying? What about the THOUSANDS of dead Libyan Arabs since this started? No sympathy for them because they "must be supported by the Israelis and the US"?

Israelis could care less about any muslims or arabs, they just need a chance to attck the muslims from any direction and any reason.
Sami, how does Israel's actions in Palestine justify Gaddafi indiscriminately bombing civilians in Libya? I think you need to lie down for a bit

On topic, apparently 2 Arab nations (yet to be named) are to participate in imposing the no fly zone and carrying out air strikes..

AlJazeera reporting that Egyptian Army have started arming the rebels. in the last few minutes

Why you are asking same question... I asked you to read my previous posts where I have addressed everything... I said clearly I do not support qaddafi and every loss of civilian life either by qaddafi or by rebel us regrettable. But what I also said is that this rebels are not like popular uprising like egypt, tunisia, bharain and yemen... Libya was relatively calm... This rebel only appeared due to funneling support by the US... otherwise such armed group can not appear...

N some arab countries are helping this as Gaddafi said he is the king of king of the arab world which is not liked by saudi king and there are rumor also that Gadaffi last year or few years back tried to kill saudi king... so due to saudi backing the arab countries are supporting these... but by supporting this I will say they are axing their own legs... as uprising in saudi and bharain is on the way I am just wondering what they will do when the protesters will demand the same in their case??

N I am not supporting this sanction and move by us as it is just to take control of libya and its oil by some of these corrupt rebel... it is still doubtful whether they have any major support or not... these groups are only power hungry and appointed by US to take control of libya...

some other arab countries also supported the sanction as this has lead to stop of all oil flow from libya and other arab countries are filling the vacuam..
Look every one knows that US congress and senate is controlled by AIPAC which is run by jews and christian zionists...
Then how come that US banned to sell our own radars to China and India? And why they attacked Iraq and Afghanistan although Israel told them that biggest danger is Iran?

I talked about problem in the middle east not whole world...
So Yemen is poor because of Israel?

BTW, if you were using your brain for something beside conspiracy you would see that Al Jazeera is biggest pusher for sanctions against Gaddafi now. They were forst to report about alledged bomb strikes, thousands killed and so on.
Italy has major stake in libyan oil and gas resources so they opposed sanction and I think germany also opposed sanction for the same reason...

Italian firm seen loading Libyan oil despite sanctions - Arab News

Eni calls for lifting Libya sanctions

China has invested a lot in Libyan oil fields and as someone mentioned earlier 10% of Libyan oil exports goes to China. So if this UN resolution was passed by Western countries to capture the Libyan Oil, why didn't China veto such resolution? Mind you Italy and Germany doesn't have veto power, China does! Surely if people like yourself know that this is the evil plot of Western World, China knows it too?
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