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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

PARIS: French warplanes swooped over the heart of Libya's uprising on Saturday as top officials from the United States, Europe and the Arab world launched a risky military operation to protect civilians from attacks by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's forces.

Mirage and Rafale fighter jets are flying over Benghazi and could strike Gadhafi's tanks later Saturday, a senior French official told The Associated Press.

The official said the jets are flying over the opposition stronghold and its surroundings. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the operation.

Libyan government troops forces stormed into Benghazi on Saturday, apparently ignoring a proclaimed cease-fire. The incursion into Benghazi and other cities by Gadhafi's forces could vastly complicate any international intervention, by allowing the troops to mingle in with the population — making airstrikes against them difficult.

The United States, Britain, France and 19 other participants in an emergency summit in Paris on Saturday "agreed to put in place all the means necessary, in particular military" to make Gadhafi respect a U.N. Security Council resolution Thursday demanding a cease-fire, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said.

"In accord with our partners, our air forces will oppose any aggression by Col. Gadhafi's airplanes against the population of Benghazi. Already, our planes are preventing air attacks against the city. Already, other French planes are ready to intervene against tanks that would threaten unarmed civilians," Sarkozy said in a brief declaration.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also at Saturday's summit and was expected to speak later Saturday.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said after the summit: "The time for action has come, it needs to be urgent."

Several countries clarified their possible participation in any armed intervention, laying out how long it would take for national forces to join in air strikes or surveillance overflights.

France, Britain and the United States had warned Gadhafi Friday that they would resort to military means if he ignored the U.N. resolution.

Sarkozy acknowledged the risks of the operation, and insisted it did not amount to an international occupation force.

"There is still time for Col. Gadhafi to avoid the worst by complying without delay and without reservations to all the demands of the international community. The door of diplomacy will reopen at the moment when the aggressions cease," Sarkozy said.

A communique from the summit participants, referring to the U.N. Security Council resolution, said: "Our commitment is for the long term: we will not let Colonel Gadhafi and his regime go on defying the will of the international community and scorning that of his people.

"We will continue our aid to the Libyans so that they can rebuild their country, fully respecting Libya's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

With the leaders meeting in Paris, the international military buildup mounted in the region. Six Danish F-16 fighter jets landed Saturday at the U.S. air base in Sicily, and American F-18s and Canadian CF-18 Hornets were in the region.

A senior U.S. official said Clinton has been following developments in Libya closely, and that "everybody recognizes the urgency of the situation."

"We've made clear what our expectations are and we have also made clear that the international community is prepared to act if (Gadhafi) doesn't meet those expectations," said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of a delicacy of the situation.

France, Britain and the United States were among the major backers of a muscular U.N. Security Council resolution passed Thursday that authorizes a no-fly zone over Libya and "all necessary measures" to protect civilians.

Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon were in Paris along with Qatar's emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani and foreign ministers of Jordan, Moroccan and the United Arab Emirates.

Italy has offered the use of seven air and navy bases already housing U.S., NATO and Italian forces. Sigonella's size and close proximity to Libya makes it a key staging point.

Canada is also readying for involvement. "While Canada supports quick action, Canadian fighter jets have just reached the region and will require two days to prepare for any missions," said Andrew MacDougall, spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

NATO's top decision-making body met Saturday to review military plans for a no-fly zone over Libya. The consultations were adjourned soon after they convened to await the results of the summit in Paris.

Officials said military staffs were putting the final touches on rules of engagement and on plans to deploy fighter-bombers, tankers, helicopters and surveillance planes to several air bases along Europe's southern rim. A NATO diplomat said it was likely that any such operation would be controlled from NATO's command center in Naples.

The North Atlantic Council must have the agreement of all 28 its members in issue the order to launch the operation.
we've had massive natural disasters in our region spiced up with what will be the worlds worst nuclear disaster and at the most opportune moment a no fly zone declared and bombing raids planned; to free libyans or to secure oil? this is the world we live in.
So once again the int'l police man has alarmed the world in to another war... very sad but again i suppose this country needs a change GOD help us all.
I really hope Gadhafi's military is able to shoot them all down and delivery a bloody nose to all of them. It's ridiculous how the UN led by the US is again trying to invade yet another Islamic nation.

Too bad those Islamic countries cannot unite together; they are being picked off one by one by a gang of Democratic countries and no one wants to step in and help.
You do understand that for over 6 weeks the Arab League has asked for this military intervention to save the civilians inside Libya who are fighting to end Gadhafi's 40+ year long dictatorship? No UN or NATO ground forces are or will be involved. Only the people of Libya fighting for themselves on a level playing field.

China's abstention was explained and is merely over technicalities.
I really hope Gadhafi's military is able to shoot them all down and delivery a bloody nose to all of them. It's ridiculous how the UN led by the US is again trying to invade yet another Islamic nation.

Too bad those Islamic countries cannot unite together; they are being picked off one by one by a gang of Democratic countries and no one wants to step in and help.

keep trying to flame...it always works on here though...
keep trying to flame...it always works on here though...

Iraq and Afghanistan are both Islamic states, so is Libya. Just telling what it is.

Do you honestly believe they are there to save the civilians??? LLOL
You do understand that for over 6 weeks the Arab League has asked for this military intervention to save the civilians inside Libya who are fighting to end Gadhafi's 40+ year long dictatorship? No UN or NATO ground forces are or will be involved. Only the people of Libya fighting for themselves on a level playing field.

China's abstention was explained and is merely over technicalities.

Check out the countries in the Arab League and you will see they all have something in common.

Want to take a wild guess?
I really hope Gadhafi's military is able to shoot them all down and delivery a bloody nose to all of them. It's ridiculous how the UN led by the US is again trying to invade yet another Islamic nation.

Too bad those Islamic countries cannot unite together; they are being picked off one by one by a gang of Democratic countries and no one wants to step in and help.

Non sense, everybody wants a military action to protect the civilians...

Army meant to fight to external forces not to bomb own people.
Iraq and Afghanistan are both Islamic states, so is Libya. Just telling what it is.

Do you honestly believe they are there to save the civilians??? LLOL

and do u honestly wants to me to believe u? ca'mon....
Iraq and Afghanistan are both Islamic states, so is Libya. Just telling what it is.

Do you honestly believe they are there to save the civilians??? LLOL

So what you are saying is the rebels are in the wrong? if so then the same must be true for Egypt and Tunisia? And by the way China abstaining on the vote is just like voting for. Since they knew very well that the measure would pass. Explain why they did not vote No and nix the whole thing?
Check out the countries in the Arab League and you will see they all have something in common.

Want to take a wild guess?

China too?

---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------

French plane opens fire in Libya at 1645 GMT: Military

PARIS: A French official says a French fighter jet has fired on a Libyan military vehicle, in a first reported strike in the international campaign to enforce a no-fly zone.

French defense ministry spokesman Thierry Burkhard says the strike was reported around 1645 GMT on Saturday. Burkhard says the target was confirmed as a military vehicle, but it was not clear what kind.

Earlier, AFP reported that Around 20 warplanes are involved in operations over Libya to enforce a UN-sanctioned no-fly zone and prevent Muammar Gaddafi's troops attacking rebels, the French defence ministry said.
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