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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

What makes you think any of these countries share your distaste for the US and the West in general?

How can you be sure that any of them wouldn't cut a backroom deal with the reigning powers in the West?

Facts on the ground are pretty clear which way the wind is blowing...

It doesn't have to be about distaste.

East-East co-operation doesn't rule out East-West co-operation in parallel. It doesn't have to be antagonistic.
Yes. We SHOULD all hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
But we live in a world where the BRIC countries share absolutely NOTHING with each other except playing second fiddle to the West.
Is envy and resentment of the West enough to form a coalition?

China is moving ahead and may bridge the gap to join the ranks of the elite. What then? Will it become the 'enemy' of BRI?

keep guessing
Whats the use of UNSC if it couldnt avert wars .
It's main principle was to avert wars .

Two permanent members Russia , China and other member India eyeing for permanebt status dont vote .
Really shame on all 3 nations that we couldn't face the wrath of USA .

It's high time now tht China,India and Pakistan should solve their problems and indifferences .
If we all 3 come together our defense budgets would fall sharply and we could utilize tht money for economic and social prosperity
See how USA has destabilized Iraq,Afghanistan
and now Pakistan .

Could not agree more to what you said. Its a shame China and Russia gave silent nod to another invasion. This time under different pretext.
why did India not show fortitude on this? this is mass murder of thousands... did India not do the same for Bangladesh? you want a seat with the big boys then show the moral fortitude to do the right thing.

once again America to the rescue to avoid the slaughter of innocent Muslims ...
There is no any evidence of mass murder. You should not believe everything what said on TV.
@ Indian Members

Please Avoid replying to this guy, on another(positive thread) thread started by a chines member this guy came in and started ranting there too. Few people have so much insecurity there where ever they see Indians and chines are reaching on consensus on any issue they just jump in with there usual Rants and give forecast about future.
@ Indian Members

Please Avoid replying to this guy, on another(positive thread) thread started by a chines member this guy came in and started ranting there too. Few people have so much insecurity there where ever they see Indians and chines are reaching on consensus on any issue they just jump in with there usual Rants and give forecast about future.

it's their forum , they have the right !
When's the bombing starting or has it started ?
It doesn't have to be about distaste.

East-East co-operation doesn't rule out East-West co-operation in parallel. It doesn't have to be antagonistic.

All this is off-topic ;) but anyway here goes...

The original post (in this thread) was about countering the "Wall Street Regime" and the US monopoly.

Now, I know below_freezing is not a racist or anything like that, but his thesis is that this is an alliance against the established players. My point is that it is just as likely for one of the up-and-commers to strike a deal with the ruling elite.

What is holding the also-rans together, other than the fact that they are not top dog?
China says it has "serious reservations" about the UN decision calling for a no-fly zone over Libya, but held back from blocking the resolution because of the demands of Arab and African countries.

The UN Security Council should seek to "resolve the current Libyan crisis through dialogue and other peaceful means," Jiang Yu, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, said in a statement.
wait ashok they are writing massages on bombs so its take time then they will load them .
In a note of caution, Berlin said no German forces would take part in any military intervention in Libya.

"We remain eminently sceptical on the option of military intervention... anticipated in this resolution. We see in it considerable risks and dangers. That is why we could not approve this part of the text," a statement by Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said.

German soldiers will not take part in a military intervention in Libya.

Germany said on Friday it abstained from the UNSC vote because it sees "considerable dangers and risks" in military action. Peter Wittig, Germany's UN envoy, said:

The likelihood of large-scale loss of life should not be underestimated.

If the steps proposed turn out to be ineffective, we see the danger of being drawn into a protracted military conflict that would affect the wider region.
As a person who allowed the US to bomb my country for the "greater good", I can safely say US coming to bomb your country is never a good thing. Bass kardoh bass!

A better solution would be for the US and the rest of the West to back off... Egypt has a huge Airforce with over 200 F16s... they are also Muslims and have to some extent allowed their people to remove the bloody dictator and tyrant General Hosni Mubarak from power recently...

The world should demand Egyptian Armed forces to intervene... With a track record of the United States atrocities, the rebels in Libya may start thinking about putting down their arms if they see America getting involved in this fight (infact Gaddafi may gain some popularity from this)... So Egypt should intervene instead of America...
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