Watch the video of a despicable act. Read the YouTube comments following the videos. They are duly condemning the acts of the Church, but it is legal !!]
The Churchs van is hit by a rock, an illegal act.
If you look at the first two pages of this thread, you ll find that the protest video in UK was put as an argument, as to why Islamophobia is on the rise, and why it seems to be a consequence of Muslim radicalism in the western countries. No one said that it was illegal, its just incites other people. Evil begets more evil.
These "church groups" protesting in America are fringe elements of the society, just like the radical jihadist nutters. The western society does enough to counter its nut cases, but I don't think the mainstream Muslims are doing enough to counter its fringe elements. This Islamophobia issue is pushing the mainstream Muslims into victim mentality. And the radical Muslims have got yet another tool in the name of "Western Islamophobia", to brainwash the normal Muslims and persuade them to join their ranks.
Once you are a accepted or born as a citizen in a country, all the perks are applied to you, unless otherwise stated. If the law says "if you are a naturalized Muslim, you cannot protest certain issues", however unfair that maybe, that law will have to be obeyed simply because you consented to it as a covenant. You gotta understand that law exists to control certain acts, absence of that those acts are legal acts.
If people protested violently against facebook issues, then they should be punished for that. If the pastor of that Florida church went ahead with Quran burning, I would have had no problem with that. I didn't notice any violent protest in USA about the burning issue.
Glad you agree that violent protests should be punished and everyone should follow the law of the land.
But earlier you said, how there's nothing wrong in the video, except the teacher hitting the kids, for which he should be charged with assault. So you have no issues, with the students being taught to vilify Hindus, being taught that over 1 Billion Hindus are dumb to follow their religion? Would you be ok with the fact that your kid is being taught to look down upon Hindus just cause they have different faith and beliefs? Thats 15% of the world population btw. You have no issues with student being taught to never trust a person who doesn't have a fistful of beard on his face? Do you have a fistful of beard ? Are you ok with the fact that young muslims are being taught to not trust people who look like you? You have no issue with the fact that young muslims kids are being taught to hate pretty much anything and anyone who is slightly different? That stupid mullah gave the kids all that "important knowledge" but failed to teach them one important thing, that respect is a mutual thing.
Shariah to be the law of England has as much chance as me becoming the Queen of England. I would put my money against that any day of the week, twice on a Sunday.
I know that too, so why doesn't the normal Muslims stop these nut cases from making such atrocious demands? What purpose does it serve apart from bring the closet racists out on the streets and doing anti-muslim hate crimes?