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Launch failures common: Experts

U ve got personal...but since my level of bringing up is not exacly not to ur standards..i shall not do it.

Was talking about Ms.Gandi.

its better u clarified it.

Lots of dead wariors i guess:woot:
lol if we had denied thousands of soldiers then why wasnt there protests?why didnt the thousands of familys ask for the bodies?
retard dont go on some weak fags statements see the fukin reality.
Also who the f..k are u?Dont talk to me like im ur father.And go STFU.Faggot

lol.....hw will the ppl protest wen the prime minister itself is not safe in ur country nd is deposed within a nite by the army..lol i can guess the "treatment" that will be given to those who dares protest.:rofl: nd ur not worth even by a long shot to be compared even to the foot dust of my father...measure ur words :angry:

Who was supplying mig 21s?where were bengladeshi?We they sitting at there homes while a illequiped and supply starved soldiers were gifting ghosts?F 86 was never manufactured by pakistan u dumb twit.
How many F104s were we having?U twerp thts why u lost air battles.

hey dumbooo...in all my replies i ve agreed that we were sitting on USSR shoulder..but my contention is that U too were no saints either nd u were bending over backwards to get USA,Arab nd chinese help..no dont u dare deny that.

Control ur fuking tongue u b....d we have people from FATA on this forum also u fukwit.

if u had even an iota of grey matter(a luxury u couldn afford) u would ve realised i have not generalised all the ppl from FATA.

How many oridance factories did u have?industries?wat about ur army?
U dumb twit do u know who was commanding it ? faggot do u even know the whole population of pakistan and number of soldiers we had at the time?

nothing to reply abt,...jus shows the level of u...

U bas...ds...still ur worthless women failed?

didn understand my reply huh..i guess so....u had said that we fought like women..for that i said if u bstill lost to women(us) then who exactly are u..?

Also 71 was not a fight FACE ON FACE it was indians,Bengladeshis supported by russia...dumbo see the history.

correction at that time there were no bangladeshis...jus oppressed nd repressed East pakistanis.nd U dumbo if history is correct the war was exactly INdia,USSR vs Pakistan,US,Arab world(specially Jordan,KSA) nd china(providing diplomatic support)

Note+Other people no offence continue ur discussion...this retard need some reality check

calling me a retard or for that matter will help nothing...at last history will judge everything accordingly.

@ mods:
sir there was no offensive words jus plain history in my post..but u deleted it.
Im no person to judje u..so im not questioning u...but if u can find my post offensive enuff then wat haapens to the reply given by PN..?
As per requested: The 14-ton payload GTO rocket, which has the world's second largest carrying capacity factor (0.0146) of any rocket, after Boeing's Delta IV Heavy, will be launching in 2014. The Chinese have exceeded the Russians in space rockets while India is struggling (failing) with a 2-ton. Clearly, India, which has yet to catch up with Russia, is not behind China.

Search harder before you make those types of claims.

S.P.Korolev RSC Energia - LAUNCHERS

low orbits of artificial Earth satellite - up to 100 t
the geostationary orbit - up to 20 t
the lunar mission trajectory - up to 32 t.

The latest DELTA IV has a 12.7 ton GTO and the March 5 isn't even ready, the retired ENERGIA had a 20 ton GTO, keep in mind this is OLD Russian technology, hence it's retired. Lets take a closer look at the ENERGIA's powerplant:


The RD-170 is the world's most powerful liquid-fuel rocket engine 1,773,000 lbf (7.887 MN)

If you say Chinese engines are more advanced than Russian engines than you're saying Chinese engines are more advanced than US engines because the US uses Russian engines, and the US didn't just pay one billion dollars for those engines because they felt generous but because they were the most advanced engines available, in other words many countries tryed to build a propulsion system similar to the RD-180's but failed because it was just too difficult and just too unreliale but Russia mastered it.

RD-180 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the early 90s General Dynamics Space Systems Division (later purchased by Lockheed Martin) acquired the rights to use the RD-180 in the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) and the Atlas program. As these programs were conceived to support United States government launches as well as commercial launches, it was also arranged for the RD-180 to be co-produced by Pratt & Whitney.
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GSLV mission: Scientists say cryogenic engine had ignited

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: A team of Indian space scientists has established that the indigenously built cryogenic engine had ignited for a second during the failed GSLV mission Thursday.

"This took place for a second and then the fuel supply to power turbo got blocked. The (Indian Space Research Organisation) chairman and we knew this on Thursday but then we wanted to be doubly sure about it. And now this has been substantiated with the data. By all means this is a great achievement," said a senior scientist who did not wish to be identified.

Speaking to IANS, senior space scientists said they have with them records to prove that compression had taken place and the cryogenic engine had ignited.

The GSLV D3 blasted off with a GSAT 4 satellite around 5 p.m. Thursday from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh but then stopped emitting signals within minutes.

A high-level meeting began here Saturday to review the flight data of Thursday's failed rocket mission.

The meeting is taking place at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) here, a unit of the ISRO.

ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan, who arrived here Saturday night, is leading the discussion.

"The two-day meeting has also decided to constitute a failure analysis committee, where complete reasons would be listed of the failure of the mission. Finer details of the probable causes of failure would be analysed thread-bare. This committee would be headed by our chairman and would have sittings here and in Bangalore and in a month the report would be ready," added the space scientist.

It was at ISRO's centre at Valiyamala, in the city suburbs, that the cryogenic project took shape from the design stage to the assembly stage.

GSLV mission: Scientists say cryogenic engine had ignited-ET Cetera-News By Industry-News-The Economic Times
I donot know why there is so much trolling in these threads and are moderators sleeping till this time or they are also playing one side game instead of being neutral.
another useless thread best place for trolling

wrong place for this thread this should be posted in indian space capabilities

i humbly request moderaters to merge this thread in indian space capabilities
its better to close the thread now..already long enough
Clearly China has to learn how to knock off weight from its sats, India is achieving all that she wants with sats within GSLV's payload. Maybe the Chinese need some help with fabricating lighter sats, and reducing the energy draining electronics on them.

On a more serious note

no, india has to learn how to make rocket to carry more heavy load, because most of communication satellites in orbit are around 5 t and are getting larger and larger. large satellite has longer life span and can carry more transponders for wider coverage. owners save a lot money without the need to build another sat for replacement and pay for another launch.........india can launch any satellites without restriction, unlike china. she can take a lot market share when has the capability..
another useless thread best place for trolling

wrong place for this thread this should be posted in indian space capabilities

I have posted this thread because their were 2 threads in India Defense section about the failure of ISRO's mission.

In those threads many pakistani and chinese members were posting troll and India Bashing BS.

So, i posted it to keep the morale, stop the troll and present a truth about it.

Indigenous cryogenic engine not responsible for failure: ISRO news

19 April 2010

Kochi: Senior Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) scientists, reviewing the reasons for the failure of the GSLV-D3 mission, which was primarily meant to test the indigenously developed cryogenic upper stage of the rocket, have determined that contrary to the initial impression it was a malfunction of another part, and not a failure of the cryogenic stage to ignite, that led to the mission going awry.

A preliminary study of flight data by the scientists has determined that the cryogenic stage did indeed ignite but failed to function thereafter as a fuel turbo pump that supplied fuel to the cryogenic engine stopped working just a second after ignition.

The two-day review meet was chaired by ISRO chairman Dr K Radhakrishnan.

According to reports, scientist say that data reveals that combustion did indeed take place as the rocket's acceleration increased for a second before it began to drift off the designated flight path. Scientists surmise that the turbine that powered the fuel turbo pump had somehow failed.

It is being given to understand that ISRO will now constitute a 'Failure Analysis Committee' to pinpoint exact reasons for the failure and submit its report by next month-end.

Dr Radhakrishnan is also due to brief prime minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday on the mission.

domain-b.com : Indigenous cryogenic engine not responsible for failure: ISRO
Pakistan has develop its SLV AND PSLV. That is Ghauri III, According to report as between May - June, 2004 "Ghauri 3 is ready to test", But coz of bad conditions of politics, it is not tested, as we know that Tipu-I and Shaheen-III (MIRV) is too ready for test as 2010, Its look like they just waiting for good time, In recent reports SUPARCO just teste hybersonic rockets Shahpar and Rakhnum, but it is said by SUPARCO officals, that it just use in civil porpose not for military use.

Pakistan have made serveral satellites, All Arabsats are made in Pakistan, you can see it name as Arabsat 4B, 4B for Badr-4, their alot more development in IT field in Pakistan, As recent reports discovers that Pakistan is one of country in world, fastest developing in IT. Infact PTCL have layout total 100% fiberoptic network in Pakistan, and Wifi network in Northern areas. The first Microsoft Virus is made by Pakistanis "Brain"...
Pakistan has develop its SLV AND PSLV. That is Ghauri III, According to report as between May - June, 2004 "Ghauri 3 is ready to test", But coz of bad conditions of politics, it is not tested, as we know that Tipu-I and Shaheen-III (MIRV) is too ready for test as 2010, Its look like they just waiting for good time, In recent reports SUPARCO just teste hybersonic rockets Shahpar and Rakhnum, but it is said by SUPARCO officals, that it just use in civil porpose not for military use.

Pakistan have made serveral satellites, All Arabsats are made in Pakistan, you can see it name as Arabsat 4B, 4B for Badr-4, their alot more development in IT field in Pakistan, As recent reports discovers that Pakistan is one of country in world, fastest developing in IT. Infact PTCL have layout total 100% fiberoptic network in Pakistan, and Wifi network in Northern areas. The first Microsoft Virus is made by Pakistanis "Brain"...

and this belongs here why ?
If RUSSIAN are more advance from China than why they still didnt setup its own GPS, but China have develop it, after US CHINA is only country to do this.. More over Microsoft, which US has proud of, now its products are made in China..

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