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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

one good thing has come has come from it they've really lost alot of support from these attacks and more people turning against these jihadi types will find a harder time finding shelter even today on news i saw anti-taliban rally in khyber pass region after the mosque bombing.
Whoever they might be they have to be expelled from pakistan as soon as possible they are enimies of pak and enimies of islam they must be eliminated>
who agrees with me?
I'm hearing different views here.....
- First - All terrorist blown themselves only on captured alive
- Second version few were hot dead, few blown up themselves and some of them overpowered & arrested
- Third - Only 3 terrorist died, one captured and rest surrendered

Not sure which one is true,, but the hostage situation is over for sure. When will security forces or GOP arrange media briefing to provide final outcome?
Before pinning the bame completely on Afghanistan, takea look at their situation. There is no way they could have had institutional support from Afghan government, and there is no Afghans today have the capability to carry out a nationalistic attack. Their country is shattered. And since all the militants today are operating from Pakistan, this argument is not at all valid.

And remeber that you have made several enemies in your tribal areas since you joined War on Terror.

many pro-taliban militants in pak have found to be foreigners being afghans,tajiks and uzbeks these are afghan ethnic groups and come through a-stan karzai also doing the same trying to destabalize pak by begging americans to attack it.This is why i suspect afghanistan.
Before pinning the bame completely on Afghanistan, takea look at their situation. There is no way they could have had institutional support from Afghan government, and there is no Afghans today have the capability to carry out a nationalistic attack. Their country is shattered. And since all the militants today are operating from Pakistan, this argument is not at all valid.

And remeber that you have made several enemies in your tribal areas since you joined War on Terror.

Why dont you tell your Indian governemnt to accept all the Afghani refugees into India that are living in Pakistan.
Even if they happen to be born in Pakistan but their parents took refuge in Pakistan fleeing Afghanistan, it doesn't make them Pakistani citizens..thats Pakistani law look it up. Pakistan doesn't grant citizenship to refugees or children of refugees...the only exception was in 1947 but that was an entirely different situation.

Today, with terrorism and all inside Pakistan, we can't afford to keep Afghani refugees, which many hate Pakistanis, in Pakistan any longer.

Pakistan has to think about its nation first.

in Peshawar we have been demanding for a long time that the Afghan refugees should be removed. Some of them are innocent people who work hard and happy to be in Pakistan. But many of them are leaching off of Pakistan --and at the same time introducing drugs and crime.

They take a lot of jobs, and still have arrogance to hang Afghan flag in Pakistan. It is similar to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Except Palestinian refugees are much more innocent people --whereas many of these Afghans later become brainwashed to join local chapters of taleban

Our main issues are

a.) difficult terrain makes it hard to stop border infiltrations
b.) we need to better train our police....an attack at the academy is very symbollic. This should give morale and resolve for the new cadets to SLAVE THEMSELVES to protect their country from these scum

c.) our leaders dont have the will or the capability to address the issues.....now that the long march is over, we MUST focus on accountability and on fighting these people who want to harm us and our way of life

d.) we need to do what Karachi has done. Intall CCTV cameras in every corner of the city in and around Lahore. Same MUST be done in Peshawar as well.

e.) until things slow down, we must set up more check-points in the cities. These should be efficient check-points with bomb-sniffer dogs and other measures.

enough is enough. We will not tolerate any more of this CRAP!

We have 25+ dead victims ---bystanders and police who were only doing their job. That is 25 families who will not have a bread-winner.

God bless the Army and the Police who risked their lives and ended up coming out victorious. Death to all the terrorists and ill-wishers of Pakistan!

United we Stand.
They are tribals! Not nationals, call them UZbeks/ Tajaks, but they are more like one day here the other day there. They dont fight for their country, but for themselves. There are no pure Afghan Militant outfit or Uzbek militant outfit, there are just a hand full of outfits, comprising of everyone.
Even if they happen to be born in Pakistan but their parents took refuge in Pakistan fleeing Afghanistan, it doesn't make them Pakistani citizens..thats Pakistani law look it up. Pakistan doesn't grant citizenship to refugees or children of refugees...the only exception was in 1947 but that was an entirely different situation.

Today, with terrorism and all inside Pakistan, we can't afford to keep Afghani refugees, which many hate Pakistanis, in Pakistan any longer.

Pakistan has to think about its nation first.

While I fully understand the emotive reaction during the course of these events that initially calls for Ethnic Cleansing, wouldn't it be patently far wiser and less costly to pursue a course of cutting the weeds of terrorism out by the roots rather than attempting to prune an entire bush - particularly as you might even leave those very roots behind?

If the media reports are to be believed then by far the biggest immediate gain has been that Pakistan security forces have taken some genuine captives.

Taking it as read that these are home grown operatives working to an agenda to destabilise Pakistan, attacking the many soft targets of strategic and symbolic importance - the question remains as to how often are the national forces and governments of the region willing to ignore the honest unity of purpose they actually all share?

This is a significant development, but do not close your eyes as your own and your neighbours civil and national forces have borne the full brunt of these Lord of the Flies militants who find the means to grow within for a good many years.
Why dont you tell your Indian governemnt to accept all the Afghani refugees into India that are living in Pakistan.

We have had our share with Bangladeshi refugees since 1971 which is about 30 million to date, and they are also a nuisance in India adding burden and th e fact they they have are also indulging in terrorism , and refugees are not flown across nations.

But the difference in our case, is that no section of Indian society/state is sympathetic towards terrorists, and that is the reason why terrorism is not a culture here.

Pakistani paramilitary soldiers arrest a militant near the site of a police training center in Lahore.

NOW this piece of **** feels like crying. Where exactly were his feelings when he probably was busy firing indiscriminately at any living thing that came across his path? Pathetic degenerates!
many pro-taliban militants in pak have found to be foreigners being afghans,tajiks and uzbeks these are afghan ethnic groups and come through a-stan karzai also doing the same trying to destabalize pak by begging americans to attack it.This is why i suspect afghanistan.

Sorry, but this is bullshyt.

Many of the attacks in Pakistan have been carried out by Pakistanis themselves. There have been some foreigners who have been the tools to carry out missions, but not in a very high amount of cases.
While I fully understand the emotive reaction during the course of these events that initially calls for Ethnic Cleansing, wouldn't it be patently far wiser and less costly to pursue a course of cutting the weeds of terrorism out by the roots rather than attempting to prune an entire bush - particularly as you might even leave those very roots behind?

If the media reports are to be believed then by far the biggest immediate gain has been that Pakistan security forces have taken some genuine captives.

Taking it as read that these are home grown operatives working to an agenda to destabilise Pakistan, attacking the many soft targets of strategic and symbolic importance - the question remains as to how often are the national forces and governments of the region willing to ignore the honest unity of purpose they actually all share?

This is a significant development, but do not close your eyes as your own and your neighbours civil and national forces have borne the full brunt of these Lord of the Flies militants who find the means to grow within for a good many years.

To me Pakistan and Pakistanis come first.

Today in Lahore an Afghan national was caught with grenades and was trying to attack a Pakistani police helicopter.

Millions of Afghan refugees live all over Pakistan.

Pakistan welcomed these Afghan refugees while they insult our nation and carry their Afghan flag over our cities.

Today we have terrorism, food shortages, over-population. Pakistan is going through one of its worse crisis in history. Enough is enough, no nation would ever have welcomed so many refugees for such a long period of time especially when some of them murder innocent Pakistanis, create ethnic tensions in our major cities, and try to weaken Pakistan.

This is the thanks Afghan refugees gave to Pakistan:
Read the article again, they were talking about the attack that happened on Sri Lanka players on March 3rd in the last two sentences of that article you provided.

In today's attack in Lahore, no terrorist escaped.

Even if they happen to be born in Pakistan but their parents took refuge in Pakistan fleeing Afghanistan, it doesn't make them Pakistani citizens..thats Pakistani law look it up. Pakistan doesn't grant citizenship to refugees or children of refugees...the only exception was in 1947 but that was an entirely different situation.

Today, with terrorism and all inside Pakistan, we can't afford to keep Afghani refugees, which many hate Pakistanis, in Pakistan any longer.

Pakistan has to think about its nation first.
Yes it does. It's called Birthright citizenship almost all countries grant citizenship to people that are born on its soil. You're the first person I heard say Pakistan doesn't grant birthright citizenship, please provide a link proving it.

Your anger and frustrations are understandable in this context, but they're not good in assessing such big issues of national interest. Nation issues are almost and always taken seriously considering the long-term interests of the country. And taking the pragmatist approach, I think sending millions of refugees back to a war-zone would create more hatred and differences between two nations and peoples that are distinctly closer in religion and somewhat culture.
To me Pakistan and Pakistanis come first.

Today in Lahore an Afghan national was caught with grenades and was trying to attack a Pakistani police helicopter.

Millions of Afghan refugees live all over Pakistan.

Pakistan welcomed these Afghan refugees while they insult our nation and carry their Afghan flag over our cities.

Today we have terrorism, food shortages, over-population. Pakistan is going through one of its worse crisis in history. Enough is enough, no nation would ever have welcomed so many refugees for such a long period of time especially when some of them murder innocent Pakistanis, create ethnic tensions in our major cities, and try to weaken Pakistan.

So, if one criminal is caught, everyone of the same grouping should be punished collectively? I think you'd find yourself falling into that category as well. Be careful what you wish for.
I do not think the argument is over collectively punishing the refugees, but of repatriating those in refugee camps back to their homeland now that the civil war there has largely ended.

In addition, after most of the refugees have been repatriated, perhaps some 'amnesty scheme' can be initiated wherein those Afghans (and any other aliens) living illegally in Pakistan, but able to show that they have assets and/or a means of livelihood in Pakistan that will not make them a burden on the State, are put through a process to become Pakistani citizens.

But just continuing with the refugee camps and the current illegal aliens is not an option anymore.

More importantly, local law enforcement HAS to be beefed up, in terms of equipment, training, resources, numbers, compensation and there can be no more 'no-go' areas anywhere.

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