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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

Really sad to see they weren't able to get anyone alive! All the terrorists inside blew themselves up... Only the Lahoris themselves captured one guy!
Really sad to see they weren't able to get anyone alive! All the terrorists inside blew themselves up... Only the Lahoris themselves captured one guy!

May be - if they would have given all the - situation in hands of lahori - things would be diffrent. jus kidding
WHta is the final verdict how many dead and how many alive?
even if all died, sir asim its a great fight by security forces,


Lahore encounter over; three terrorists caught alive

After hours of gunbattle between police and terrorists, the encounter at an elite police training academy at Manavan on the outskirts Lahore is over.

Lahore was under siege battling its second terrorist attack in a month. Heavily armed militants attacked the police training academy in Manavan, just 12 km from the Wagah border.

Over 22 people have been killed in the gunbattle while 90 have been injured.

Four of the attackers were killed in the firing by security forces while three of the six terrorists have been held alive from the scene of the crisis.

The attack comes less than a month after the attack on Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore.

A blast was heard and then eight to 10 attackers entered the training centre hurling hand grenades.

As per reports, the attackers came from two sides and were wearing police uniforms.

Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Mallik has ordered a judicial inquiry in the attack. While reacting to the attack, Malik said that they would try to catch the militants alive.

"Jehadi outfits have grown so much that it will take time to control them. This is an attack on Pakistan's unity and integrity," said Malik.

Malik said Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and Taliban might be behind the attacks.

Security across Pakistan has been put on high alert.

Reacting to the attack in the neighbouring country, Vice Chief of Army Staff Lt General N Thumburaj said that India is ready for any spillover.

"India is ready for any spillover. We are watching the Pakistan situation carefully," said Lt General Thumburaj, adding that Pakistan instability affects India.

India has condemned the attacks.

Meanwhile, Union Home Minister P Chidambaram has said India sympathises with the Pakistan government, but no parallel of the attack can be drawn with the Mumbai attacks.

"Our sympathies are with the government and people of Pakistan. No parallel can be drawn between this and Mumbai attacks," said Chidambaram.

Trainee policemen were doing parade when the attackers came. They scaled the training centre wall and threw grenades on trainee policemen, said media reports.

As per the reports, around 1500 cadets, who were inside the training camp, were held hostage by the attackers.

Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the attack.

Parallels are being drawn with the recent attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore.
The best thing about the operation is Local support, according to reports on Samaa tv, local residents gave their weapons to the police to help them fight the terrorists, also they gave water and snacks to affected people coming out of the Police training center during the operation.

Also the local residents used to form a circle around the helicopters after they landed to avoid any possible damage to them.

This is a sign that our Nationals have started to realize that together with the State and their contribution they can bring down the menace we are facing, all the rest of our National's should take this as a lesson from these events and do their best to help concerned authorities in the future if these attacks do happen.

Also, atlast it is recognized by our Government that they need to provide better weapons, training and other stuff to Police, because every time these incidents happen we donot want to disturb our army and call them in to get rid of these bastards.

If our police had sniper weapons the terrorists could have been taken out easily because the building has loads of windows and there was one terrorist on the roof which was spotted by media, if they had sniper rifles then they could have taken him out easily.

Government of Pakistan it is time for you guys to improve our police force, hope you will take action soon, inshallah.:pakistan:
These afghans should be thrown ont arabian ocean!!!
Hey buddy.....why do you wanna pollute the ocean?

jk. Dont use the word Afghan, just say 'terrorists'. Its not good because most afghans are ordinary people like us and have nothing to do with terrorism.

Afghanis should be all sent back to their country. Pakistan has done enough for keeping millions of them for decades....we can't afford to have ill-wishers of Pakistan in our soil anymore...enough is enough and its getting too dangerous today.
Most of those ''refugees'' are Pakistani citizens. Many are second generation Pakistanis, doctors, lawyers, successful businessmen and are well integrated in our society. And i highly doubt many have anything to do with terrorism.

This line of logic reminds me of racist/islamophobes political figures in the Western World who constantly ask muslims to leave because of the actions or statements of a few terrorists or sympathizers.

Neither democratic principles nor Islam encourages us to expel refugees. Western nations recognize teh rights of refugees and provide financial and other support to them. not to mention Islam places GREATER importance on supporting the muhajireen-they have rights on the locals that must be fulfilled. Islamic history has countless examples that illustrate the importance the rights of refugees...

we need to build bridges with isolated communities inside our country as well as with our neighbours. And I highly doubt expelling millions of Afghan refugees back to the war-zone would solve our internal security problems...but create more hatred and garner more support and recruiting for the terrorist/extremist groups that operate on the instructions of foreign agencies.
I think the first terrorist that they captured with grenades outside helped the security personnel to ***** the situation inside and could bring that to a close.
Good job....
Such attack cant happen without domestic help.


But this is the same thing that we trying to tell you after the mumbai attacks, but you were bashing pakistan!!
This is a big attack but mimbai attack was more huge, and india is more stable country then pak!!
Soch such is possible in pakistan but attack like mumbai was impossible without local help!! SO, think how much help was involved in mumbai attacks as they stopped whole india for that day!!
The best thing about the operation is Local support, according to reports on Samaa tv, local residents gave their weapons to the police to help them fight the terrorists, also they gave water and snacks to affected people coming out of the Police training center during the operation.

Also the local residents used to form a circle around the helicopters after they landed to avoid any possible damage to them.

This is a sign that our Nationals have started to realize that together with the State and their contribution they can bring down the menace we are facing, all the rest of our National's should take this as a lesson from these events and do their best to help concerned authorities in the future if these attacks do happen.

Also, atlast it is recognized by our Government that they need to provide better weapons, training and other stuff to Police, because every time these incidents happen we donot want to disturb our army and call them in to get rid of these bastards.

If our police had sniper weapons the terrorists could have been taken out easily because the building has loads of windows and there was one terrorist on the roof which was spotted by media, if they had sniper rifles then they could have taken him out easily.

Government of Pakistan it is time for you guys to improve our police force, hope you will take action soon, inshallah.:pakistan:

Locals have better weapons than Police??? wow thats really strange... :undecided:
It good news that the security forces has overpowered those culprits. But
Lost of lives cannot be ignored and I'm still not feeling good to congutratulate our friends.

like your avtar!:cheers:
Locals have better weapons than Police??? wow thats really strange... :undecided:

It doesn't really say that but the point was that they were even willing to provide their own weapons to police to fight the terrorists. Our Police and "Elite Force" is well equipped with latest and reasonable weapons. After all, the whole operation was a success because of a joint collaboration between the Police, Rangers and Army.
Afghan govt can play best role for solving the prob of terrorism, bur every one knows what they are doing, Pakistan always help them but Karzai always bark about pakistan, tell me why they didnt stopped indians to establishing consulates in afghanistan??

I also have read some peotry of Allam Iqbal,

It was something like this;

There are three ill-wishers

1. Afghans
2. Qambo(dont know what does that mean)
2. ..

If anyone have read that poetry then plz share!!

he was right i have always said this afghanistan is biggest thread to pak i think even first suicide woman bomber in pak was found to be an afghan woman :angry:
They were the only country to vote against recognising us at the UN and even tried to invade one time ! from my experience afghans absolutely HATE pakistan at the same time expecting us to take care of their refugees.
I have always been complaining that pak needs to heavily mine and fence the border now instead of caving to karzais B.S demands about tribes being split it's a freakin international border not an open crossing where illegal afghans can come as they please.
Ant you already first the srilankan team attack and now this, seems like an indian dream coming true.

Please - lets stop this for now.

Luckily some of the terrorists were arrested alive, I am sure we'll find out who was responsible once the investigation is concluded.

While I realize this has become a tit for tat blame game, we Pakistanis at least should try and rise beyond that and wait for the process to complete and concrete evidence before pointing fingers.

It good news that the security forces has overpowered those culprits. But
Lost of lives cannot be ignored and I'm still not feeling good to congutratulate our friends.

There can be no congratulations anytime there is a terrorist attack.

However, the LEA's and SF's do deserve our appreciation and thanks for ending the terrorist attack quite quickly.

On the positive side it seems some lessons were learned from the Sri Lankan team attack, and the response this time was very quick and organized.
Please - lets stop this for now.

Luckily some of the terrorists were arrested alive, I am sure we'll find out who was responsible once the investigation is concluded.

While I realize this has become a tit for tat blame game, we Pakistanis at least should try and rise beyond that and wait for the process to complete and concrete evidence before pointing fingers.

Actually if you read my previous post, there is not tit-for tat reaction nor did i blame any one(India) however what i said, i'm holds pretty close to how many would feel, shedding crocodile tears, well atleast i am not gonna fell for that.
he was right i have always said this afghanistan is biggest thread to pak i think even first suicide woman bomber in pak was found to be an afghan woman :angry:
They were the only country to vote against recognising us at the UN and even tried to invade one time ! from my experience afghans absolutely HATE pakistan at the same time expecting us to take care of their refugees.
I have always been complaining that pak needs to heavily mine and fence the border now instead of caving to karzais B.S demands about tribes being split it's a freakin international border not an open crossing where illegal afghans can come as they please.

Before pinning the bame completely on Afghanistan, takea look at their situation. There is no way they could have had institutional support from Afghan government, and there is no Afghans today have the capability to carry out a nationalistic attack. Their country is shattered. And since all the militants today are operating from Pakistan, this argument is not at all valid.

And remeber that you have made several enemies in your tribal areas since you joined War on Terror.
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