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Khalistan Thrives.

Yes, Khalistan thrives.

And India is Khalistan = "Land of the Pure"

India's Prime Minister is Sikh Dr. Manmohan Singh and till recently the Indian Army Chief was also Sikh General JJ Singh, currently posted as a Governor.

So, stop having wet dreams like Zaid Hamid.
This thread is useless, there aren't any demands or insurgency in Indian Punjab at this moment. :disagree:
To be followed by one from Gujrat, Tamil Nadu, Assam, etc etc.

As they say, world is your Oyster. :lol:

Yes and if you come back to our secular nation then perhaps someday we may find somebody from Lahore who isn't corrupt enough and fit enough to rule over India as PM :D
I KNOW THIS is useless but i just see who amuture indian members react on it see they throw there home mess on us even its 100% indian matter shameless people never be changed ever.guys using more smiles make fun joke will show that you ppl have no answer abut it better if you proove it with some documents which is very easy.i really feel bad abut your tasteless flames.

close the thread please its spread hate.
I KNOW THIS is useless but i just see who amuture indian members react on it see they throw there home mess on us even its 100% indian matter shameless people never be changed ever.
Thats in the same way you do it for your mess with the Taliban.....

guys using more smiles make fun joke will show that you ppl have no answer abut it better if you proove it with some documents which is very easy.i really feel bad abut your tasteless flames.

close the thread please its spread hate.

what documents do you need for something which does not exist as of now... it was crushed long back. the thread itself was started to flame.

Khan for PM..Sharukh for PM.. OR Omar Abdullah.

People across the border are scared of India not bec of Hindu's or Military/ Nukes etc , but they are more scared of "Idea of India".

Bec it is exactly opposite of Ideology of Pakistan. .. and on the same ideology they talk abt Kashmir and Junahgarh, However they no w know that same applies to Baluchistan and Paashtunistan.

Both are based on ethinicity subset of religion.

Whenever .. Pakistan and people of Pakistan will understand this .they will be no different from India.
be a indian citizen any one can be a prime minister irrespective of caste creed religon region sex or anything unlike other nations where your birth in particular community pre decides that you cannot be a prime minister not because you are capable but because you does not belong to a specific community

I have a feeling Sonia Gandhi will not agree with you.:disagree:
Hope you wake up to reality.

What happened to Tamil Nadu?? :hang2:

Gujrat is old news. Latest news is, it is fastest developing state.

Assam.....i guess you are talking about Naxalite/Maoist threat. Since you do not know anything it is sheer waste of time explaining you.

BTW, since Khalistan is busted now you started other states. Anyways try harder next time.

I was replying to the member who suddenly brought Kashmir into the equation, hence not my digression.
BTW, instead of shying away as usual, perhaps you do need to make an effort once in a while.
I have a feeling Sonia Gandhi will not agree with you.:disagree:

and it was her own decison before the elections to promote MMS as the prime minister not anyone else. she has never been defeated in an election... did she? or did she contested the elections. nopes. thats India that a lady who is christian steps down for a sikh for a nation of majority hindus.... It happens only in India.

Yes and if you come back to our secular nation then perhaps someday we may find somebody from Lahore who isn't corrupt enough and fit enough to rule over India as PM :D

Well then again you have had leaders like M J Desai, with very nasty habits, doubt any one from our side would resort to that level.;)
How can you say??then how People will do india bashing??:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

@@Mod: Do you think such disgusting(Which includes insult of a country Flag also) photos allow here??

The reality is the images are neither PS nor it's ISI agents having a fancy dress party.
Yes, Khalistan thrives.

And India is Khalistan = "Land of the Pure"

India's Prime Minister is Sikh Dr. Manmohan Singh and till recently the Indian Army Chief was also Sikh General JJ Singh, currently posted as a Governor.

So, stop having wet dreams like Zaid Hamid.

You people use the term "wet dream" so often that it's obvious that you either sleep or wake up on a wet patch.
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