We Indians are so dumb sometimes. With a country that produces so many smart ppl, why is our country in such a sad state of affairs. We should've been revere engineering from day one. As you can see the penalties, if any, that China endured was nothing. We should be actively engaging in secret programs and reverse engineering or even obtaining info thru any means necessary as if it is a fight for our survival. This info should include economical, military, educational, anything and everything. Even our textbook suck! Pakistan conduct secret projects.....why the fuk aren't we. At least we don't do it enough or we are too transparent. And don't tell me we live in a Democracy and how its an open society. That is something our enemies use to their advantage. Honestly, many times the stuff that comes out of our generals in the past two decades show they are incompetent and not equipped to think on a grand scale. Only recently with MMS we are moving in the right direction. Some of the decisions that our Military makes should've been done decades ago....thats why the Chinese say our ppl are smart but our Leaders are so dumb and corrupt. I have no military background but I can clearly tell you the "great" decisions our military has made could've and should've been made years ago. Years ago. It seems we don't have a proper mechanism to read the attest developments of all countries still. We should be watching every development in every country and make moves accordingly. The benefit of such analysis is tremendous. I remember how when we make defense contracts other countries get better deals. We could use that info to press for a better deal. We should also engage in active intelligence collection with students, businessmen or whatever else. The CHinese are doing it, so should we! FYI a cyber wing should've been invented a long, long time ago. The numbers should be extremely high considering the huge population we have. We have no strategic vision. We completely lack it for decades. Our myopic view slows us down. Whatever happens on this planet affects us all, not a just a particular area. Wake Up India!