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Kaveri engine to be installed in 2018

Ok. we got deadline. But my question remains will it power the tejas. I mean we can create engine but cannot guarntee it will not stop in the air. We are already suffering from MIG 21 and Kaveri could be another disaster.

But surely I am not having disbelief in the DRDO. If they have even wasted without getting final product, atleast they got the basic know how. yes indeed the little know how costed us 2000 crore.
Ok. we got deadline. But my question remains will it power the tejas. I mean we can create engine but cannot guarntee it will not stop in the air. We are already suffering from MIG 21 and Kaveri could be another disaster.

But surely I am not having disbelief in the DRDO. If they have even wasted without getting final product, atleast they got the basic know how. yes indeed the little know how costed us 2000 crore.
Arihant -

This deadline we are talking about is actually the time it will be used in Jets.
So definitely the testing phase will be over and ready for combat.

The recent high altitude tests have been successful, this has give enough confidence.
I am really happy that they are not depending on foreign help and already made claims of a 90Kn+ engine which will power Tejas.

Not only Tejas, it will be powering AMCA. AURA and other Naval vessels and sometimes later our MBTs.

This is going to be a success.
gys .. dont loose your temper on seeing the 2018 figure..

you are putting an approximatly $2 Million item in Approx $25 million item and if that $2 Million item fials in the ari your $23 million will be worth just few 100 thousand..

LCA is a single engined fighter, failure of 1 engine in mid air means, thats it . both risc to pilot, craft and people below.. thats why 2018 figure..

it needs complete testing..

Next thing..

we already have 100 ge 404 .. It will be replaced when the life of these ge gets over.. i.e. starting by 2018....

so it doesnt mean that it will be by 2018 we will have a working kaveri.. it will be by 2018 these MK1s need engine replacement
We may or may have not developed it fully, but the installation of this engine on LCA is a Political decision and pure Business.
We do not know the current status its a bloody secret. Good for us if its positive.

It's a R&D program and a superior one.
Just imagine, Test in RUSSIA(coldest climatic conditions), then in LEH (harsh climatic conditions)and after that in THAR( extreme hot conditions).
Whar are they building?
We Indians are so dumb sometimes. With a country that produces so many smart ppl, why is our country in such a sad state of affairs. We should've been revere engineering from day one. As you can see the penalties, if any, that China endured was nothing. We should be actively engaging in secret programs and reverse engineering or even obtaining info thru any means necessary as if it is a fight for our survival. This info should include economical, military, educational, anything and everything. Even our textbook suck! Pakistan conduct secret projects.....why the fuk aren't we. At least we don't do it enough or we are too transparent. And don't tell me we live in a Democracy and how its an open society. That is something our enemies use to their advantage. Honestly, many times the stuff that comes out of our generals in the past two decades show they are incompetent and not equipped to think on a grand scale. Only recently with MMS we are moving in the right direction. Some of the decisions that our Military makes should've been done decades ago....thats why the Chinese say our ppl are smart but our Leaders are so dumb and corrupt. I have no military background but I can clearly tell you the "great" decisions our military has made could've and should've been made years ago. Years ago. It seems we don't have a proper mechanism to read the attest developments of all countries still. We should be watching every development in every country and make moves accordingly. The benefit of such analysis is tremendous. I remember how when we make defense contracts other countries get better deals. We could use that info to press for a better deal. We should also engage in active intelligence collection with students, businessmen or whatever else. The CHinese are doing it, so should we! FYI a cyber wing should've been invented a long, long time ago. The numbers should be extremely high considering the huge population we have. We have no strategic vision. We completely lack it for decades. Our myopic view slows us down. Whatever happens on this planet affects us all, not a just a particular area. Wake Up India!
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We should've been revere engineering from day one. As you can see the penalties, if any, that China endured was nothing. We should be actively engaging in secret programs. Pakistan does it.....why the fuk aren't we. .

because we use money and we get it. Delay in Projects is not R & D failure, its political decision.
Next news would be Kavri engine ignition in 2025:lol:
This is ridiculous let this engine be installed on desert speed cars it would work ok lol.
We should be electing qualified officials. That should the mantra of new India, qualified and responsible elected officials. Rahul is not smart and cannot be compared in the league of MMS. Neither is Omar the CM of Kashmir, that is why he wants to quit. We should be educating each other the benefits of capable ppl in positions of power. We should all vote for the party that field s the most qualified candidate not someone like Laloo. It isn't very hard to turn the Indian Railroad into a profit making machine. It is just that previous corrupt officials turned a blind eye. The NYT pointed how South India is in a league of its own when compared to the rest of India when it comes to religious tolerance and progress of Dalits. We gave the Dalits an equal field to play on, and they are showing amazing results. It has produced some Dalit millionaires. When will a sami or guru come to North India and educate you **** heads that Caste is fumed up and should never be practiced. When will the youth grow some balls to stand up and tell MOmmy and Daddy thy are thinking backwards. When? When its too late? Not if we all do our part!
Why should the success of Kaveri be determined if Tejas is powered by it or not? As far as key technologies concerning making of an engine, we have imbibed most of it..so what if it takes 8 more years?

As far as smart comments from some? do we need a stamp of approval from them for every project we undertake? Heck..they don't even have a plan of such magnitude or probably don't even manufacture IC engines..

I'm proud of Kaveri :tup:
There is a grave fault if alone engine takes 33 years to install on a 1980's designed fighter like lca. So trisonics wakeup and accept those running the project have some serious problems if it was US they would have been fired within first 8 years of the project.
There is a grave fault if alone engine takes 33 years to install on a 1980's designed fighter like lca. So trisonics wakeup and accept those running the project have some serious problems if it was US they would have been fired within first 8 years of the project.

of course! but we are not the US and we are still a developing nation. If making a jet engine was so easy..there would be dozens of choices for every aircraft.

Indian projects launched in the 80s faced numerous problems, mostly our own..things are very different now and I don't want to write paragraphs on how our recent projects were accomplished in such short time be it the Naval variant of Tejas, the Arihanth, The Lunar Mission..etc. The point is they did not come up with the 2018 figure by chance..they surely have more tests and updates in mind. Engines obviously decide how fast, far or how long an aircraft can fly..so why is 8 years so long if its going to be a well tested, reliable engine?
Ok you would still not fire those after 24 years of engine not being ready to the point for installations. 24 years I'm talking about not even 8 years?
DRDO's concept of deadlines is a little like mine when I procrastinate about a lab report.

I'll finish the report by noon.
Ahhh that didn't happen, I'll finish it by dinnertime.


2 AM at night, me: #$&#* this lab and the horse it rode in on. I'm finally finished.
Ok you would still not fire those after 24 years of engine not being ready to the point for installations. 24 years I'm talking about not even 8 years?

It is Big F Deal, yes, no one is happy about the delays. There are cultural issues, systemic issues. Kaveri is not a complete dud. It only failed altitude tests and probably passed a good number of other tests which never made to the news.

For what it is, as long as we are learning from the mistakes.. I am fine with it. Remember we have to match the modern US/Russian/German/French made engines. That in itself is a feat.

LCA will have its day..
Kaveri will have its day..

even if it is a decade from now. To have successful project delayed or other wise is fine.
French Snecma's is partner and providing all the technical assistance to Indians.

Deal Not Signed yet, and India has Its own Single Crystal Blade, So Most Likely India Would not be going for a Foreign Partner , As There are High Chances For India To Improve On its Work......
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