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Kashmiris manhandling Indian police in occupied Kashmir

You keep forgetting the penetration we Kashmiris have in every level of Pakistani society and government. All top businesses are owned by Kashmiris - Mr. Sharif is most likely going to be PM next elections around - How would Pakistan not get involved in stopping such a genocide in Kashmir? Kashmiris are considered our people and we will nuke India to protect them. All of it.

Best of luck ........... No other words :lol:
You keep forgetting the penetration we Kashmiris have in every level of Pakistani society and government. All top businesses are owned by Kashmiris - Mr. Sharif is most likely going to be PM next elections around - How would Pakistan not get involved in stopping such a genocide in Kashmir? Kashmiris are considered our people and we will nuke India to protect them. All of it.

But in the process, you will loose Pakistan itself.

So either way Kashmir remains with India - only thing is that there will be no Pakistan after that.

Sounds like a good deal to me.

Nothing of India would hopefully be left to give a response to Pakistan. It will take a lot less than what Jack Sparrow wanted in Kashmir to get India nuked.

Hope fully the Martian energy shield will protect Pakistan from the Indian nukes :hitwall:
Nothing of India would hopefully be left to give a response to Pakistan. It will take a lot less than what Jack Sparrow wanted in Kashmir to get India nuked.

Why do you think India is spending billions of dollars on Nuclear submarines?At any point of time half of the fleet lurks in the seas with their deadly payload of nuke tipped missiles.It sends a clear message to the enemy that they are doomed even if they somehow succeed in destroying the entire nation which in the first place is remotely possible.I just hope who ever makes the decision of nuking India thinks about it over a 100 times because only god can imagine the retaliatory strikes.
Killing a billion+ for thousand others .. seems to be a good idea.

Hats off for the brilliance. :thinktank:
not thousands, but Millions.

And millions of our people who didn't do anything against a billion of your people who supported the violence against them.

Pearl Harbor eventually led up to Japan being nuked - remember the US and Pakistan are the only two remaining countries that maintain a first use policy and for similar reasons. Giving a massive disproportionate response. The US has already done it, Pakistan is ready for it.
not thousands, but Millions.

And millions of our people who didn't do anything against a billion of your people who supported the violence against them.

Pearl Harbor eventually led up to Japan being nuked - remember the US and Pakistan are the only two remaining countries that maintain a first use policy and for similar reasons. Giving a massive disproportionate response. The US has already done it, Pakistan is ready for it.

That is India's policy yaar.

A massive,disproportionate second attack that makes sure Pakistan as a nation is studied only in history class.
Where did I talk of genocide? Why will we commit genocide on our own people yaar? We are not Pakistani Army after all.:undecided:

May be you didn't understand me well. Let me clarify.


And please let us not talk about nukes, why do you want to get your country erased from the map of the world for a wild goose chase?

It is the full right of Kashmiris to kill Indian police officers who are there as an occupation force. Your officers' job is to die like a good boys - or of course leave and live. You're doing something wrong and its okay to kill your people, but its not okay for you to kill other people.

Indian occupation is termed as an enemy force - hostile. Deserving of kicks on the butt and more. Kashmiris are victims - with full rights of hurling stones at the illegal police and more.
not thousands, but Millions.

And millions of our people who didn't do anything against a billion of your people who supported the violence against them.

Pearl Harbor eventually led up to Japan being nuked - remember the US and Pakistan are the only two remaining countries that maintain a first use policy and for similar reasons. Giving a massive disproportionate response. The US has already done it, Pakistan is ready for it.

Why are you so "nuke" obsessed?

Do you think its a relavant term in modern era?

Have you ever heard anyone among us saying"we will nuke you, we will nuke you".. everytime there is a differance in opinion?
Great! :cheers:

Is Pakistan also ready to be erased from the world map?

I repeat in hindi/urdu:

Hum to bach jaayenge. Aapka kya hoga janaab-e-ali?:azn:
Why are you trying to convince me not to nuke you, as I said, the plan is already laid out, which is why we maintain the first use policy. How successful it would be, would be found out only after it is executed. You can glee at me if you survive our first strike.
Why are you so "nuke" obsessed?

Do you think its a relavant term in modern era?

Have you ever heard anyone among us saying"we will nuke you, we will nuke you".. everytime there is a differance in opinion?
I'm obsessed with freeing and protecting Kashmiris - if you don't know that Pakistanis "bombs barsadeinge" for Kashmiris yet, you don't know anything about Pakistan.
not thousands, but Millions.

And millions of our people who didn't do anything against a billion of your people who supported the violence against them.

Pearl Harbor eventually led up to Japan being nuked - remember the US and Pakistan are the only two remaining countries that maintain a first use policy and for similar reasons. Giving a massive disproportionate response. The US has already done it, Pakistan is ready for it.

Pakistan's first use policy is applicable only and only if India occupies large parts of Pakistan in a future conflict .

Side note - Man what is wrong with you ?Seriously .I always thought that you are one of the finest Pakistani members over here.You are talking about nuking India and destroying it completely when we both know that it is not possible.
I'm obsessed with freeing and protecting Kashmiris - if you don't know that Pakistanis "bombs barsadeinge" for Kashmiris yet, you don't know anything about Pakistan.

Nope for me a nationhood is about looking after the welfare of its people, not threatening others with weapons of mass destruction.

North Korea threatens south with similar threats, and world laughs at it..

The talks of war and all are irrelavant at this age and only fanboys indulge in them ..like people who are overly obsessed with war based video games..

between Gilani said this today

Resumption of dialogue only way forward as Pak, India can't afford war: Gilani
Why are you trying to convince me not to nuke you, as I said, the plan is already laid out, which is why we maintain the first use policy. How successful it would be, would be found out only after it is executed. You can glee at me if you survive our first strike.

just a question.........out of curiosity........

can you really nuke India????

Oh man I think we got Nuclear In charge of Pakistan here:pakistan:
China has shown the way. Remember Xinjiang!

Although we should not do like that, India always have the option to follow the Chinese example whenever required.
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