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Kashmiris manhandling Indian police in occupied Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and I believe that as long as terrorism is prevalent in Kashmir no talks on it can be possible, because then it will be Like bowing down to terror.
All parties involved in Kashmir issue are greedy, be they politicians, terrorists,
Pro-pak, pro-independence or pro-India groups. Kashmiris as a whole have spoken through elections their will should be heard, they want to be a part of mainstream Indian society.
The policy of carrot and stick adopted elsewhere will not work in Kashmir till article 370 is scrapped. And scrapping it at once will be counter-productive. This should be done gradually, allay their fears, pump in money, reduce their autonomy.

I would support Pakistan nuking India if it ever resorted such major human rights violations.
Sense should Prevail, Sensibility should Prevail, Sensitivity should Prevail.
Accept or not accept, did Pakistan ever talk about those states?

Pakistan can force just like it did in Kashmir.

You were in no position dear. If not for the stupid ,idealistic policies of Nehru you wont be having Kashmir either.

Huh, occupiers doesn't know that most Kashmiris follow the Pakistani culture & Sufiesm culture. & they speak Urdu language. Amarnath temple is on otherside of river on a mountain & you can take those areas.

Just because they converted to another religion doesnt automatically delete the ties they had. It can never be erased.

All i have to say is india if want to rule these people then grow some balls and if not let these people live in peace for GOD's sake .

All I can say is "Dont make us grow the balls". Not good for them.
Originally Posted by Asim Aquil

I would support Pakistan nuking India if it ever resorted such major human rights violations.

I would support India nuking Pakistan over and over if Pakistan ever nuked India.

You see?............these kind of responses leads no where. You being a moderator, very disapointed by your response, actually very disgusted.
I could just as well go on rants about the freedom movements in Manipur, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Maghalaya, Tripura, West Bengal, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu and so on,

Oh please you are a moderator for godsake !!! What is the strong urge to bring in my state into everything ?? If you have no idea of what Tamil Nadu is dont include that in this list. (which by itself is nothing but the imagination of Pakistanis to comfort themselves). And West Bengal,Meghalaya - Seriously ?? *facepalm*

Or if you want to dispute that, I as a native of Tamil Nadu is ready.

Here's the thing. If the people of Kashmir "by and large sided with the Indian Army" against the mighty evil Pakistan Army, as you say, you should have absolutely no problem with holding a plebiscite. Seriously, just shut us up and hold a damn referendum. If not, drop the act and accept your role as the New East India Company.

We dont need to hold referendum to prove a point and that too especially to Pakistan. Frankly your country can do nothing about it.Period.

Of course you don't care for his nationality and label him a traitor. Isn't that what you do with all people who go against the propaganda machine? ajtr should be honored to be put in the same league as Arundhati Roy.

Fine no problem - but then I guess you know about the *respect* Suzanne Arundati Roy has in India. ;)
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I would support India nuking Pakistan over and over if Pakistan ever nuked India.

You see?............these kind of responses leads no where. You being a moderator, very disapointed by your response, actually very disgusted.

If Pakistan nuked india there would be no more india. :cheers:
They should hold thier country together before talking about kashmir.

Pehle apna wajood sambhalo phir Kashmir kee bat karna

and your country is stable? last i recalled everybody in india hates each other. you indians even hate yourselfs...if not then there would be no 'fair and lovely' products. :rolleyes:
and your country is stable? last i recalled everybody in india hates each other. you indians even hate yourselfs...if not then there would be no 'fair and lovely' products. :rolleyes:

We are not perfect but damn it considering what we have gone through lot last 60 years, we are one of fastest growing economy in the world. World leaders and linening at our door to do business with us. We will pervail.

I am least concerned about his nationality, he might be India, quit possible, but his views are not which many Indians share. And gadhhar (traitor) to hote hain, big deal.

Could be another case? Living in India does not make anybody Indian.. Lots of people from our neighboring country are married in Indian Hyderabad so don't be surprised if they carry over their native propagandist mentality along.
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not required..There are lots a nutcases in the world you can not argue with them all.. God knows what few people think of themselves..
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We are not perfect but damn it considering what we have gone through lot last 60 years, we are one of fastest growing economy in the world. World leaders and linening at our door to do business with us. We will pervail.


nobody cares.
Thread Reopened
Continue on topic. I have seen the results of leniency, therefore, expect stricter moderation from now on.

Wow, just came across this while cleaning up:

Mr. Clown here better hope he never runs into me on the road. After beating the crap out of him, I'll follow his suggestion number 3 and leave.

Wow is right except that I would save that expression for your remarks. Threatening to beat up people is not a great idea, especially so if you happen to be one of those given a special status to keep tempers in check. Maybe the Moderator should show signs of some moderation.

I have never been more serious about anything in my life.

Really? If so, that's a sad commentary on your life, my friend; a sad commentary!

Asim Aquil just became my new best friend.

Why? Because he threatened to nuke India? To wipe out a billion point two people from the face of the earth? While you only threatened to beat up one? Stupidity really is contagious! While Asim atleast has the excuse of letting his temper get the better of him in the midst of a heated discussion, you have had quite a few hours to think this over. What's your excuse? Little wonder this forum resembles an akhara. Even the referees can't seem to hold themselves back from getting dirty.
Nope , if Pakistan had rejected the accession of Junagadh to it by the ruler even though the overwhelming majority were Hindus then what you said would have been morally correct.

But Pakistan accepted the accession of Junagadh to it on the basis of the 'ruler chose Pakistan', then it was correct on the part of India to have Kashmir on the same grounds of 'ruler chose India'.

You cant have it both ways. And FYI Pakistan was in NO position to force India on anything.

OK than if you are going by this theory than India should hand over Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh Manavadar states to Pakistan. Dude you cannot save your a$$ in both ways India has spoil the peace of subcontinent. We did'nt raise voice for Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh Manavadar because we accept that due to Hindu majority it will go to India. now people of Kashmir want to be part of Pakistan & as per 2 Nation theory, culture,language,geography Kashmir rightfully belong to Pakistan. Just think for a moment how frustrated would you be if Pakistan had occupied Rajhasthan or Gujarat states like this. Pakistan was soo peaceful that Punjab state had majority Muslims so whole Punjab should ve come under Pakistan including East India Punjab, Haryana, Dilli etc but Pakistan accept division, half of the UP was majority Muslim but we never demand for it, now Kashmir is Pakistan by each & every mean.
Wow is right except that I would save that expression for your remarks. Threatening to beat up people is not a great idea, especially so if you happen to be one of those given a special status to keep tempers in check. Maybe the Moderator should show signs of some moderation.

Really? If so, that's a sad commentary on your life, my friend; a sad commentary!

Why? Because he threatened to nuke India? To wipe out a billion point two people from the face of the earth? While you only threatened to beat up one? Stupidity really is contagious! While Asim atleast has the excuse of letting his temper get the better of him in the midst of a heated discussion, you have had quite a few hours to think this over. What's your excuse? Little wonder this forum resembles an akhara. Even the referees can't seem to hold themselves back from getting dirty.

What a comment bro, beautifully said :cheers:
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