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Kashmiri students allegedly beaten up for not shouting anti-Pak slogans in Greater Noida

Yea, all your efforts boil down to alleged, chewing brains may be your best part time , had you even bothered to go through the full article or so much as watched the video, your enlightenment would be complete.
As for the drivel, i'm sure you will think twice before dragging irrelevant issues into subject at hand. Never drive is not the only advise when drunk. :D

Sure they do. Unlike in Pakistan, till proven, an accusation is alleged. And there in lies the need for the qualifier of "If true" which you so gleefully bolded in red ;)

And you still maintain the record for having more than 80% of you content in a post to qualify for drivel of the day award ;)
I dont know what you offer for Kashmir except daily sectarian violence, bomb blasts and national bankruptcy which is visible in all parts of Pakistan today, but irrespective of whether that is better or worse, Offer rejected. Thanks but no thanks ;)

We offer them peace which they don't have right now unlike Kashmir on other side of LOC. By the way this again is a very lame post and has nothing to prove the legality of your claim on Kashmir.

I don't have to. It's Pakistanis who need to tell themselves that some day they will get Indian Kashmir. Anybody who understands reality knows that Indians don't need to convince themselves, but deluded Pakistanis do.

We don't need to say anything since we would practically do what is needed for freedom of Kashmir.
We offer them peace which they don't have right now unlike Kashmir on other side of LOC. By the way this again is a very lame post and has nothing to prove the legality of your claim on Kashmir.
Dude, you are not able to offer peace to your own citizens who are presently part of Pakistan. On what basis do you claim to offer that peace to Kashmiris? And for your information, I do not feel the need to prove any legality of our claim on Kashmir to any Pakistani citizen. And hence am not even attempting to do that.
Dude, you are not able to offer peace to your own citizens who are presently part of Pakistan. On what basis do you claim to offer that peace to Kashmiris? And for your information, I do not feel the need to prove any legality of our claim on Kashmir to any Pakistani citizen. And hence am not even attempting to do that.

We are giving peace to people of our Kashmir. Something which citizens of IOK lack. You can't prove the legality since it doesn't exist in the first place.
We are giving peace to people of our Kashmir. Something which citizens of IOK lack. You can't prove the legality since it doesn't exist in the first place.

Is that the reason freedom index of P O K is worse as compare to all, Even J&K have better freedom index as compare to rest of pakistan

'J&K has more freedom than Azad Kashmir' - The Times of India
Is that the reason freedom index of P O K is worse as compare to all, Even J&K have better freedom index as compare to rest of pakistan

'J&K has more freedom than Azad Kashmir' - The Times of India

Only freedom that people of IOK have is the freedom to die. While people of AJK and GB are free from daily curfews, human rights violations, killings, mass graves etc etc. Something which is common in IOK.
We are giving peace to people of our Kashmir. Something which citizens of IOK lack. You can't prove the legality since it doesn't exist in the first place.
I want to ask you something,promise me you will not runaway but answer to the question.it will answer all your legality,love and all the other things you claim.
We are giving peace to people of our Kashmir. Something which citizens of IOK lack. You can't prove the legality since it doesn't exist in the first place.
Funnily enough you are right. While rest of the Pakistan is burning, the numbers from Pak Occupied Kashmir are zero. Frankly, either its a coincidence of the highest order (low probability) or suppressed news (high probability).

The only legal document in the Kashmir story favors India, since the defunct UN resolution is not a binding resolution to begin with. So as I said, I dont feel to prove the legality of India's claim on Kashmir to you since in my view, Pakistan has no standing there except being in illegal possession of a part of Indian territory.
Only freedom that people of IOK have is the freedom to die. While people of AJK and GB are free from daily curfews, human rights violations, killings, mass graves etc etc. Something which is common in IOK.

That is why world organisations are giving such reports about P O K??
Pakistanis don't want Kashmiris, they only want the land.

So would I. The land offers more advantages than the people.
Even the Kashmiris want the land and none of the 'kashmiriyat' they keep harping about.
Why else would they displace their own people who had lived in Kashmir for eons and shared the same Kashmiriyat?

Neither your occupation would be accepted nor struggle for freeing it would be stopped.

The Kashmir issue provides countless people job security in both our countries. We are happy the way things stand on Kashmir.
This is true face of India Kashmir never was and never will be part of India no matter how much they try

Kashmir was and is a part of India and will remain so forever no matter how much you try.

Kudos to the brave Kashmiri students for not giving in to Bharti scum. .... you can beat them but you will never buckle them..... an acute example of quality Vs quantity.

Doesn't matter.

Well we already have 35% of it. So every inch of it bakwas doesn't fully apply practically here. About the rest. Neither your occupation would be accepted nor struggle for freeing it would be stopped.

But that won't change the realities on the ground, Kashmir is India and Kashmir is for all Kashmiris irrespective of their caste, creed, or religion, we won't allow an exclusively Sunni state there that some bigots are trying to create in Kashmir, eventually the damage will be undone and all displaced Kashmiris including Buddhists, Shikhs, Hindus, & Shias will be reinstated back in their ancestral land.
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That is why world organisations are giving such reports about P O K??

World organizations like Amnesty international have many other reports about IOK too. Guess you never share those reports with us due to obvious reasons. :)

Funnily enough you are right. While rest of the Pakistan is burning, the numbers from Pak Occupied Kashmir are zero. Frankly, either its a coincidence of the highest order (low probability) or suppressed news (high probability).

The only legal document in the Kashmir story favors India, since the defunct UN resolution is not a binding resolution to begin with. So as I said, I dont feel to prove the legality of India's claim on Kashmir to you since in my view, Pakistan has no standing there except being in illegal possession of a part of Indian territory.

Well news can be suppressed to an extent. With IOK burning right next to AJK and GB, it is hard to hide anything in case something was happening there.

Well we haven't seen that so called legal document. Also India invaded Kashmir even before that "legal" document was signed. And third local jammu population already revolted against the ruler who signed that "legal" document. So such dubious document cannot be considered as a proof to decide the fate of millions of people.

The Kashmir issue provides countless people job security in both our countries. We are happy the way things stand on Kashmir.

I go one step ahead and say even if it takes millions of lives from both side to free Kashmir from Indian occupation then it is worth it. Pakistan shouldn't hesitate in taking the matters to the extreme for the independence of Kashmir.

I want to ask you something,promise me you will not runaway but answer to the question.it will answer all your legality,love and all the other things you claim.

Yeah go ask. I already know the nature of your question and would feel sorry for asking such type of question but don't let that stop you.
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But that won't change the realities on the ground, Kashmir is India and Kashmir is for all Kashmiris irrespective of their caste, creed, or religion, we won't allow an exclusively Sunni state there that some bigots are trying to create in Kashmir, eventually the damage will be undone and all displaced Kashmiris including Buddhists, Shikhs, Hindus, & Shias will be reinstated back in their ancestral land.

Ground realities change all the time. As for Kashmir yes it is for Kashmiris and it is Kashmiris who should decide whether they want to live with India or not. In case India gives them the chance to plebiscite which it once promised.
Well news can be suppressed to an extent. With IOK burning right next to AJK and GB, it is hard to hide anything in case something was happening there.

Well we haven't seen that so called legal document. Also India invaded Kashmir even before that "legal" document was signed. And third local jammu population already revolted against the ruler who signed that "legal" document. So such dubious document cannot be considered as a proof to decide the fate of millions of people.

Well, it took decades for the news about missing persons and mass graves of Balochistan to come out. So yeah, news can be suppressed. Specially when all powerful and above the law organizations like ISI are at the helm.

And as I said, the tit-a-tat on legality of Kashmir's accession to India can go on for next 100 pages without either or us being able to convince the other. hence I dont feel the need to convince you of my side of the argument. After all, you dont have anything that we need but the converse is not true. So knock yourself out trying to convince India and Indians that Kashmir belongs to you. I know which way that's gonna go :D
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