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Kashmiri students allegedly beaten up for not shouting anti-Pak slogans in Greater Noida

Well in nuclear scenario nobody is a winner. About the rest of the post. Pakistan needs to keep the things on the boil and make sure that India continuously pay some price of its occupation of Kashmir. And hit it hard when it gets a good chance. Things won't remain the same you know.

Which is exactly why we are justified in letting Pakistan burn..create so much nuisance in your country ,that you do not become a nuisance for us.

Your hunger for land (Kashmir) will be the ruin of you.
Well we already have 35% of it. So every inch of it bakwas doesn't fully apply practically here. About the rest. Neither your occupation would be accepted nor struggle for freeing it would be stopped.
35%? Na Na. Only 10-15%. Coz rest was so called GIFTED by Pakistan to China. So much for the all weather friend.

One country which can sell its land for personal gains talking bout concern for those people. IRONY.
when I was in Mumbai I went cinema and we had to stand up for the national anthem :enjoy: all I can say is that everybody takes a beating some day :rolleyes: but from the looks of their faces it was most probs a slap or 2. I met tonnes of Kashmiris in Goa on my last visit they were cool and lovin the tropical life and doing well in business.
35%? Na Na. Only 10-15%. Coz rest was so called GIFTED by Pakistan to China. So much for the all weather friend.

One country which can sell its land for personal gains talking bout concern for those people. IRONY.
And some one claimed they where buying peace,by doing that.
That is one peculiar thing about Mumbai. When I first went to Mumbai it felt so weird. :lol:

half way through the movie the lights came on I was thinking wtf is going on lol intermission time :lol: time for some munchies. I just got back from Colombia in March one amazing country! and the girls omg stunning to say the least!
And some one claimed they where buying peace,by doing that.
They can buy peace by gifting some to India too. :D :D

By da way, for peace sake no one needs to gift or snatch anything. Be happy with what u have. PEACE FOREVER.
Bow infront of superior??

Are you talking about 71 war and 93K soldiers??

Maybe you can explain where the extra 53,000 soldiers came from, when there was only 43,000 there in the whole of East Pakistan. Now tell me how many you fielded against such a number and then with whole country up in insurgency against Pakistan, no country on earth could win such a fight.
half way through the movie the lights came on I was thinking wtf is going on lol intermission time :lol: time for some munchies.

Intermission is common everywhere in India but only Mumbai has the national anthem tradition.
I am just say and believe that Indian state is far away from lies. What you said as a theory perfectly applies to India in its apparent words.

My dear.. That applies to this whole world.. Not just India. Its just that some people are not able to grasp the true meaning..

When did we fight for Hyderabad, Junagadh. As far as I know Indian gorces surrendered in Skardu a year after India's independence.

dude, the instances are many.. Bana post ring a bell? the one you used to call the Quaid post.. Musharraf still gets an anxiety attack on hearing that name..

In Kashmir's case. It is the individuals. State is only relevant in massacring the individuals.
Now you are making no sense.

Well the kind of shit you often say about Kashmir here on PDF, I am perfectly sure if you or anyone else say that in Srinagar, your security would be in huge jeopardy.
You have no clue about what I can and can not do in Srinagar. What I do for sure every 15 August is to hoist an Indian flag in a large gathering in Srinagar.

Or in Kashmir's case this is the best an Indian come up with. ;)
No. The best is that all Kashmiris still carry an Indian passport when they travel and use Indian currency when they buy stuff. Talk is cheap, but when rubber hits the road, they are all Indians. You can ask some of your SSG commandos from 1965 and they will vouch for it ;)
Indian Occupier terrorists must be flushed out from IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir.

Death to 7 lakh Indian Occupier terrorists...where is international community? Where are Human Right Organizations? Where is UNO? Shame on them for not raising voice & sanctioning India for it's state sponsor terrorism in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir.

Maybe you can explain where the extra 53,000 soldiers came from, when there was only 43,000 there in the whole of East Pakistan. Now tell me how many you fielded against such a number and then with whole country up in insurgency against Pakistan, no country on earth could win such a fight.

Report those who are uneducated students of Modi the old terrorist.
Indian Occupier terrorists must be flushed out from IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir.

Death to 7 lakh Indian Occupier terrorists... where is international community? Where are Human Right Organizations? Where is UNO? Shame on them for not raising voice & sanctioning India for it's state sponsor terrorism in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir.
The reason you have to as the highlighted part is,in your first sentence and that is where are the 7 lakh forces in kashmir.
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