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BJP will occupy "Azad Kashmir" and make it integral part of India, it's our promise: Union minister Jitendra Singh

Kashmiris accuse the Indian Union of colonial intentions just like in Manipur or Assam using the instruments of resolutions and Darwinian laws

I was responding to a different kind of point made by @I.R.A that Indian army is not taking back other parts of Kashmir inspite of a resolution, and therefore is not subservient to the civilian administration.

AFSPA is an Act, one step ahead of a resolution and has always existed even before the 1994 resolution. I am with you that such legislation impacts armed forces ability to carry out operations.
I was responding to a different kind of point made by @I.R.A that Indian army is not taking back other parts of Kashmir inspite of a resolution, and therefore is not subservient to the civilian administration.

You are right. There is no civil military divide in India when it comes to occupying disputed territory
Really...? Thats what ur game plan is? Pitching some random junkie armed with an AK against a million strong infantry..? Not to mention air support, armoured units, SIGINT, electronic countermeasures and special forces. Good..i think this gonna be easier tham we thought. And imo China will not come to save Ajk..they might condemn india and give speeches supporting "iron brother" Pakistan though.
They would be fighting alongside Pakistans military against India and when it comes to urban warfare or guerrilla warfare all those cool toys mean nothing as we’ve seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. Guess you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t see what happened to superpowers when they had to fight in valleys or cities.
I was responding to a different kind of point made by @I.R.A that Indian army is not taking back other parts of Kashmir inspite of a resolution, and therefore is not subservient to the civilian administration.

AFSPA is an Act, one step ahead of a resolution and has always existed even before the 1994 resolution. I am with you that such legislation impacts armed forces ability to carry out operations.
I don't know whether this is appropriate at this moment between two people who are having a quiet discussion on their own.

Please recall that in the laws of the colony of India, the laws of the home country, so called, the Union of Great Britain, were followed. The military, specifically, the Army, was kept firmly in its place. Neither Parliament nor the sovereign wanted another Col. Fairfax, or an army with a mind and a will of its own; the personal imprisonment of King Charles was due to a cornet of horse, although Fairfax was the General and Cromwell his Lt. General. So the military was severely restricted in its role within the country, and the operations of the Army (always the British Army, never, ever, the Royal Army, unlike the Royal Navy, or the Royal Air Force) were severely restricted.

In India, the Army was NOT entitled to intervene except in two sets of circumstances - martial law, and the empowering orders of a magistrate with the authority to order troops - or armed constables - to open fire. It was in these circumstances, when the civil authorities had fled, and military operations in Nagaland were extensive, that the Army demanded the protection of law for what it did, and that is how the AFSPA was born.

There was nothing colonising about it, in the wording or in the operation, except in the eyes of those opposed to the very concept of the Union of India.

They would be fighting alongside Pakistans military against India and when it comes to urban warfare or guerrilla warfare all those cool toys mean nothing as we’ve seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. Guess you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t see what happened to superpowers when they had to fight in valleys or cities.
Once you have read up on Operation Gibraltar, come back and start a thread.
Indian army don't use Tanks, Airforce, Artillery to crush Kashmiri fighter. It would be an half day's job to level the area where ever some/slight indication of militant presence. Take out that assumption from your head.

That was not the point....the point was lightly armed fighters have held done a considerable number of Indian troops and you have silly Indian politicians mouthing off like they can take Azad Kashmir as a cake walk. Might be for the domestic audience still shows the delusion they live in.
To all the Pakistani relying on China to backup Pakistan in case of war with India or over the Kashmiri cause :

Chinese media: China and India in dialogue, long-term strategic relationship and bilateral partnership after a history of clashes.
When it comes to Kashmir Chinese stance has been the same for decades
Its one country that wont change its relationship with us
In Pakistan it is straight forward not wrapped in a pile of lies and bollywood bubbles, Parliament passed a resolution to not become part of conflict in Yemen and Pakistani armed forces respected that, the political leadership decided that it is time to teach next door neighbors a lesson, next day the whole world saw what happened in the bright day light.

On the other hand indian military it seems is running its own show, they don't even feel embarrassed to tell lies.
This was a fun read. Its entirely wrong and you probably need to spend time learning the basics of your own national power structures. But still, this one’s a gem :)
Yes, I know but that is not the point, every time you nail an Indian he will straight away make it an India vs Pak thing.

Indians start by copying the western designs. When they have a working prototype, then they claim the origins as theirs like Vedic Veyman. ISRO, and Indian IT industry are prime examples of that.
Do tell.

I've watched ISRO grow in front of my eyes. I've already mentioned this, but since fanboys, counting you as one, have convenient memories, that has already been steered away from.

I had asked about the SLVs that were mentioned; nobody came back to me. This - ISRO and IT - seems to be one more trope like the one million Indian soldiers in Kashmir trope.

Yes, I know but that is not the point, every time you nail an Indian he will straight away make it an India vs Pak thing.
The point is that we hear twenty-year old experts spouting about institutions and areas of expertise about which they know Jack Squat, and congratulating themselves in little asides on the clever ways they have trapped those silly Indians.

How come you run away like little bunny rabbits every time a blunt question is asked?

Interacted with many Indians, they are born to hate Pakistan.
Either you have interacted with the wrong Indians, or you have gone out there looking for hate for Pakistan.

This was a fun read. Its entirely wrong and you probably need to spend time learning the basics of your own national power structures. But still, this one’s a gem :)
Not fun, pathetic.

It isn't the kids making horses' arses of themselves that is depressing, because kids have always managed to do that. I remember having mentioned the fact the only year that my Tata IT-related organisation scored over TCS in software exports, and the old hickory of the industry, F. C. Kohli, asking an irritated question about that.

It's the older people, those in their late 30s and early 40s, going around saying utterly ridiculous things that reminds one very sharply that for every ten bhakts we have, they have one or two of these types, and that just fits into the demographics.

Have to live with that, but with this forum presenting a distilled version of outside society.
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Speaking to reporters, Jitendra Singh said that just like the government abrogated Article 370, which was "'beyond the imagination" of people, it will also make PoJK an integral part of India.

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Union minister Jitendra Singh said on Sunday that the BJP government will keep its promise to "liberate" Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), Union Minister Jitendra Singh said on Sunday.

Speaking to reporters, Singh said that just like the government abrogated Article 370, which was "'beyond the imagination" of people, it will also make PoJK an integral part of India.

“Parliament passed a resolution unanimously in 1994, emphasising that Pakistan must vacate parts of Jammu and Kashmir under its illegal occupation. It is our promise to liberate the PoJK,” the Union minister said.

Singh, who is the minister of state for the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), was in Jammu to unveil a 20-ft statue of Maharaja Gulab Singh, the founder of erstwhile J&K state - in Kathua district.

“When we spoke about scrapping Article 370, it was beyond the imagination of many people. Now, Article 370 is removed and it was done in accordance with the BJP's promise. Likewise, former prime minister AB Vajpayee had predicted a landslide victory for the party in 1980, which was again beyond the thinking of the people.

"The Modi government took over and under his leadership, all the pledges and promises made to the people, including liberation of POJK, will be fulfilled,” Singh said.

Several leaders and ministers of the BJP have time and again asserted that Azad Kashmir will be freed from Pakistan's illegal occupation and made

Last month, Lieutenant General KJS Dhillon (retired) said that Azad Kashmir will become a part of India “at an appropriate time” as the country is bound by its Parliamentary resolution to this effect.

Earlier, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh had said that the Modi government will change the face of Jammu and Kashmir with its development works so much that people from Azad Kashmir will demand to be part of India.

Wishful thinking by hardline Hindus may end up losing their own territories to hungry neighbours. :lol:

FIX this :

Then violate LOC Surprise will wait for you:

2022-03-27 01_43_02-Window.png
india wanting more land and but is huge land itself and cant feed the poor or build quality infrastructure. wat are you gonna do azad kashmir except bankrupt, rape and oppress.
no modi big hairless 56 inch breast are not going to feed milk to our economy.
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