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Kashmir | News & Discussions.

So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Re: India has lost Kashmir

i thought we lost it long time ago.. & it's called azad kashmir now!!
I also don't agree that the protesters that burnt the church deserve to die- just like Qur'an burnings are 'a freedom of speech', shouldn't the church burning be 'free speech' as a retaliation? Not that it's right, of course

Burning any book can be/is considered as Freedom of Speech - atleast in US. Burning a building anywhere - is considered as Arson - a punishable offence. Cannot club two together.
death toll rises to 18, as the sissy forces continue their crackdown against protestors

APHC chief released a well-timed statement

"I urge the Muslims to protect members of [the] minority community and their religious places. We should at any cost maintain the age-old communal harmony and brotherhood for which Kashmir is known the world over," he said.

BBC News - Police shoot dead 18 during protests in Kashmir
So basically, you are saying that a Hindu prince was right to ask India to take over the whole country?

Kashmir is a Muslim majority, and as far as I know, the terms of the creation of Pakistan was that areas of a Muslim majority will be given to the newly created country of Pakistan.

Tell me that the Pakistani troops did not have a right to 'invade' Kashmir? And now, because of the Hindu prince that 'invited' India to take over, what do you get? Mass protests. You're being quite one sided in your approach so I will say it straight: The people of Kashmir do not want to be a part of India, period.
Reports suggest that stone-throwing rioters defied curfews and torched a Christian school (Tyndale Biscoe School) in a surge of anger stoked by the desecration of the Holy Quran. Regardless, it was just a school or Church, it was in the heat of emotions or planned, can not be supported. Kashmiris should stick to their cause and such act won't help them. We support for their just cause but condemn this act of arson as we condemned Israeli attack, desecration of the Holy Quran or the Caricature issue. All such acts cannot be supported for any reason.
Reports suggest that stone-throwing rioters defied curfews and torched a Christian school (Tyndale Biscoe School) in a surge of anger stoked by the desecration of the Holy Quran. Regardless it was just a school or Church it was in the heat of emotions or planned, it can not be supported. Kashmiris should stick to their cause and such act won't help them. We condemn this act of arson as we condemned Israeli attack, desecration of the Holy Qurandesecration of the Holy Quran or the Caricature issue. All such acts cannot be supported for any reason.

That was what I was saying... our Indian 'friends' should stick to the topic...
I think if Kashmir does break off, it would be better off as an individual country (and obviously as an ally to Pakistan- but then it would be hard to turn it into a battlefield). I wonder how it'll work out. Doesn't seem staying with India is an option to the people of kashmir :tup:

This also can't be supported
Dont bother. You cannot win over us in the west with the fanatical Islamic version. We like to deal with only moderate Islamic parties and Islamic intellectuals. I saw videos of Kashmir protests and they look right out of some fanatical Islamic country with uneducated, rag tag people hurling stones. No one will support a movement like that, just to let you know.

In your opinion, 'moderate muslims' should stay silent like they are right now if they are being abused, killed, stereotyped and targeted by the media? The people of Kashmir want freedom- you think they'll get it by asking?

"India, can we break up from you as you have no right over us? Please? Apparently democracy works that way. We will not argue or make any noise if you say no- or else we're being 'terrorists' from 'some fanatical Islamic country'. No way. That will make us look like 'uneducated, rag tag people hurling stones! Nobody will support a movement like that'"

Sad bro. Just sad.
If India believes that this Israeli style attitude of shooting dead protesters for throwing stones is justified then they need to ask a few simple questions.........

1.) Does India, or its establishments behave in a similar fashion elsewhere in India where protests erupt, if not, why not..........

2.) Is India any position to complain, when freedom fighters or terrorists, whatever suits your choice, decide that if India finds it acceptable to kill stone throwers by using brute force, then they too feel totally justified to kill and murder Indians also inside India by using either bombs or suicide tactics. If India can justify there actions, then they should not moan when these people go to target India itself. Whether civilians die or not doesn;t make any difference, as Indian soldiers/police too have killed Kashmiri civilians..........

Nice example to set by the worlds biggest democracy.............
If India believes that this Israeli style attitude of shooting dead protesters for throwing stones is justified then they need to ask a few simple questions.........

1.) Does India, or its establishments behave in a similar fashion elsewhere in India where protests erupt, if not, why not..........

2.) Is India any position to complain, when freedom fighters or terrorists, whatever suits your choice, decide that if India finds it acceptable to kill stone throwers by using brute force, then they too feel totally justified to kill and murder Indians also inside India by using either bombs or suicide tactics. If India can justify there actions, then they should not moan when these people go to target India itself. Whether civilians die or not doesn;t make any difference, as Indian soldiers/police too have killed Kashmiri civilians..........

Nice example to set by the worlds biggest democracy.............

Does India, or its establishments behave in a similar fashion elsewhere in India where protests erupt, if not, why not......

the same thing happened in north east of india,those morons used to hide in bhutan and bangladesh.but bhutan took action and same was done by the bangladesh govt which is pro india.we killed many terrorists there who did bomb blast etc there.there is same armed forces act there which is in kashmir.

Is India any position to complain, when freedom fighters or terrorists, whatever suits your choice, decide that if India finds it acceptable to kill stone throwers by using brute force, then they too feel totally justified to kill and murder Indians also inside India by using either bombs or suicide tactics. If India can justify there actions, then they should not moan when these people go to target India itself. Whether civilians die or not doesn;t make any difference, as Indian soldiers/police too have killed Kashmiri civilians..........

Nice example to set by the worlds biggest democracy...

whether you accept or not,the problem is more political.the other parties which are not in govt also wants to drink money which party in govt enjoys.i accept there are separatist group but first problem is also responsible.terrorist and kashmiri civilians are not same.when any terrorist come n **** n kill those civilians then these separatist dont speak.they know they can be next target.go n google the terrorist pics in the kashmir which were killed.childrens are killed under fire ,who told their parents to let them come n join the protest.separatist uses them so that to provoke the incident.

the main point is integrity of the country ,those who disturbs this are against the nation.they dont deserve any political benifits rather than bullet
I don't know what you supported or what your views are since I do not know you; nor do I really care to.

We can both agree that 2 wrongs don't make a right. I personally am very against occupied Kashmiris burning a Church down. It wont be good for their cause, it would be counter-productive.

Buring is church and burning a Quran is not the same thing from a legal stand point in a secular country

While I totally oppose the burning of Quran in the US, its not legally a crime (as long as it is the property of the one burning it)

Buring a church or any building so to say, is legally a crime.

Hence the difference..
If India believes that this Israeli style attitude of shooting dead protesters for throwing stones is justified then they need to ask a few simple questions.........

1.) Does India, or its establishments behave in a similar fashion elsewhere in India where protests erupt, if not, why not..........

2.) Is India any position to complain, when freedom fighters or terrorists, whatever suits your choice, decide that if India finds it acceptable to kill stone throwers by using brute force, then they too feel totally justified to kill and murder Indians also inside India by using either bombs or suicide tactics. If India can justify there actions, then they should not moan when these people go to target India itself. Whether civilians die or not doesn;t make any difference, as Indian soldiers/police too have killed Kashmiri civilians..........

Nice example to set by the worlds biggest democracy.............

Would you apply the same lense when a TTP terrorist blows up a bus full of people in peshawar or Quetta. After all, PA is also targetting TTP cadres in a KP areas and a lot of civilians are also getting killed as collatoral damage and they are not even throwing rocks. They get killed just because they are in proximity of a suspected militant camp and a bomb from F 16 can not distinguish between the two.

So apart from the oft repeated mantra of Disputed area, the 2 situations are not too different. If you justify a mumbai, then you are in same vain, justifying a Lahore, Quetta or Peshawar.. Aren't you?
Reports suggest that stone-throwing rioters defied curfews and torched a Christian school (Tyndale Biscoe School) ... Kashmiris should stick to their cause and such act won't help them. We support for their just cause but condemn this act of arson as we condemned Israeli attack, desecration of the Holy Quran or the Caricature issue. All such acts cannot be supported for any reason.

Well thats what you call a typical "Mob Mentality"... when in a mob, actions by a few individuals are usually followed by the whole crowd... without even spending some time to think about their actions... I think few individuals with political aspirations are trying to maximize the impact of the unrest by convoluting the reasons behind their protests...

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