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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Will this ever end? It's about time India listened to the Kashmiris. If you think they belong to India, then act as if they are like people from Delhi or Mumbai or Bangalore!!!
Strange we lose moral ground pretty fast . India does not lose moral ground even after confirmed killing 70 unarmed men in 3 months and we llose it becuase two buildings were brunt (We even deny it and also condemn it )....perhaps in moral universe kashmir has already freed itself from India

This is Pakistan's Flag. An Islamic Flag (non national) does not have a vertical white stripe.

This is an Islamic Flag, it must be green not red as Turkey's is.

Thousands protest after new death in Indian Kashmir

Posted 26 minutes ago

Thousands of villagers demonstrated in Indian-administered Kashmir on Sunday, police say, after a protester was killed by a police bullet - the 71st death in three months of unrest.

The 30-year-old man died in hospital on Sunday after being injured last week when police fired on a demonstration in the northern village of Palhalan.

His death brought thousands of residents in Palhalan and adjoining villages out onto the streets chanting pro-independence slogans, said residents reached by telephone.

"Thousands of men, women and children attended the funeral," said Ghulam Ahmed, a resident, adding that mourners later dispersed of their own accord.

Government forces have been battling for months to contain violent demonstrations in the mainly Muslim region that were ignited by the police killing of a 17-year-old student on June 11.

A total of 71 protesters and bystanders - including some children - have been killed, mostly by security forces firing on demonstrators after being pelted with stones.

Palhalan, around 30 kilometres north of the region's summer capital Srinagar, has been tense since last Monday, when police opened fire on a violent demonstration, killing four people and leaving dozens more injured.

Each death has sparked a fresh round of violence in the region, where anti-India sentiments run deep.

A survey conducted for the Sunday Hindustan Times newspaper showed Sunday that about two-thirds of residents favour independence for India-administered Kashmir, with fewer than one in ten backing a merger with Pakistan.

On Sunday, Indian police fired shots and used teargas to control young Kashmiris who defied a strict curfew and attacked the residence of a senior local minister, police said.

The guards of Kashmir Education Minister Peerzada Mohammad Sayeed opened fire and lobbed teargas in southern Kokernag village to repulse an attack by stone-throwing protesters, a police spokesman said.

Police said one protester and five policemen were hurt during the clash at the minister's house, which suffered some damage, though the minister himself was unhurt.

In the summer capital of Srinagar and northern Baramulla town, hundreds of young men defied a curfew and held noisy demonstrations, prompting security forces to fire teargas and warning shots.

There were clashes at nearly a dozen places across the Kashmir Valley, leaving 10 policemen and 14 protesters injured, police said, adding that demonstrators had set fire to a government school and hurled petrol bombs at a security force vehicle.

The curfew was imposed a day after prayers marking the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan erupted into anti-India demonstrations.


Thousands protest after new death in Indian Kashmir - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

By the way flag on the building in whatever position is the same as the one in the red circle. Both are Pakistani flags. ;)
if u think BJP installed Shri Abdul Kalam (the most loved president aka common people's favourite) to save india's secular image then my dear friend even GOD cant help u...:pop::pop::pop:

When you Indians have got nothing to say, you come up with GOD CANT HELP YOU and WASH YOUR FACE type of posts.

Keep sleeping because apparently, kashmiris have woken
up and giving your country some serious headache.

yes dear...

they have freedom to speak, write, publish, watch movies, sing, pray any god, walk on the street , travel to any part of Inida, they can buy land in any part of inda, they are free to choose their leader , they are free to not choose any one.

They enjoy more freedom than any oteher place where you think human rights are valued...

the problem is self created..

step 1. 100s of young brainwashed people will go and throw stones at police station and govt buildings

step 2. when the try to set a vehicle or police personal on fire, first tear gas shells will be thorwn..

step 3. these people will not run. some small boy will be hit by the tear gas shell and he will die...( extreme cases only they will use live rounds..even police are people)

step 4. the next day his funeral will happen and will be published all over the world that innocent kashmiri boy was gunned down by brutal Inidan police...

Now go back to step 1 because of step 4....

Kashmirs have every freedom now and they are in the incubation of a wealthy ( or one which is not alteast totally bankrupt) mother land.

if they every get independence, after the next erath quake ( it is sesmically active zone).. every Kashmiri will have to look for aid from International community to survive ..

Free Kashmir is not sustainable unless it has excellent economy .. which it doesn't have , Even Pakistan Part of Kashmir doesnt not have excellent economy.
One interesting thing that I see from these statistics is that most of the people in J&K.. except the Kashmir valley (almost 75%) are in favor of complete merger of the whole J&K region into India... It is only in the valley that people want to break free into a new country... but the problem that I see with that is that a country that small is not feasible without support from both Pakistan and India... do people in the valley realize that an independent country is not a valid option with just the valley? The only possibility that I see is if the Pak occ Kashmir region merges with them... someone should conduct a similar unofficial survey in Pak occ Kashmir

Another solution I see is to separate the valley as a self governing autonomous territory within India and merge the Jammu and Ladakh regions into another state. Hopefully peace prevails fast before these issues can be discussed on the table.... violence is not going to help... just increase frustration of the people.
but u people r leaving 1 important thing....^^% in Kashmir valley want it as an independent sate(poll no 6)
One interesting thing that I see from these statistics is that most of the people in J&K.. except the Kashmir valley (almost 75%) are in favor of complete merger of the whole J&K region into India... It is only in the valley that people want to break free into a new country... but the problem that I see with that is that a country that small is not feasible without support from both Pakistan and India... do people in the valley realize that an independent country is not a valid option with just the valley? The only possibility that I see is if the Pak occ Kashmir region merges with them... someone should conduct a similar unofficial survey in Pak occ Kashmir

Another solution I see is to separate the valley as a self governing autonomous territory within India and merge the Jammu and Ladakh regions into another state. Hopefully peace prevails fast before these issues can be discussed on the table.... violence is not going to help... just increase frustration of the people.

MMS is very much willing to do that. Take it from me.
Kashmirs have every freedom now and they are in the incubation of a wealthy ( or one which is not alteast totally bankrupt) mother land.

if they every get independence, after the next erath quake ( it is sesmically active zone).. every Kashmiri will have to look for aid from International community to survive ..

Free Kashmir is not sustainable unless it has excellent economy .. which it doesn't have , Even Pakistan Part of Kashmir doesnt not have excellent economy.
I agree to your point here... not sure how the independent economy can sustain the people in the valley without any links on both sides (India and Pakistan).... if people understand this ... then although they will get political freedom... but economically they will still be very dependent on both the countries for sustaining their livelihood...and maybe have to go under more severe hardships...

Forming a separate political entity is always in the interest of a few leaders who have regional hold and know that they can't compete on the state scale... hence they are trying to split up the state to get their own seats of power.
MMS is very much willing to do that. Take it from me.
It is high time he should step up to the center stage and take control of the situation... allowing the violence to continue is not helping the situation
It makes me feel sick to see the politicians, media men side with a bunch of people who take on a state's policy with religious aggression...

Jammu & Kashmir =Jammu + Ladakh + kashmir.

so who are the bloody kashmiri stone pelters to decide the fate of jammu and ladakh regions??
What did the awam of kashmir do for LEH in its worst tragedy so far in the floods recently??
what was the reaction of the kashmiri ppl to the agatating jammu region during amarnath agitation??

Did the ppl of kashmir support ever support the causes of jammu and ladakh ppl?? the answer is plain NO.

But when they speak of freedom they want it for jammu and ladakh too, as if kashmiri ppl represent the ppl in jammu & ladakh..
:rofl::rofl:cant be anymore wrong..Its just yet another protest movement....Personally I am more concerned with the remote parts of India where there is significant lack of development and less options for livelihood
Then sir please go ahead & show your concern to those remote areas.But oh! you are :rofl: here.:woot: .Is this your concern:lol:.Now I understand the reason why these remote parts are struggling to deny your concerns ASSAM,NAGALAND,TRIPURA,TAMILNADU,MANIPUR & many other.Actually people here are giving priority to Maoists's concern over your concern & the reason is that you are trolling & using rofls on Indian occupation in kashmir on PDF instead of concerning about those remote areas.& to be honest if you will continue your this state of concern then a time will come that you could have to listen only to maoists's concern.
Kashmir,though not one of the top GDP earner for India is more or less economically stable.But employment issue is still there.Most of the protest movements can be traced back to unemployment.

You will be surprised to know that some of the youth who were throwing stones in rallies of anti-India protest movements were also found in the recruitment drives of the Indian Army.What does this tell us?? Idealogy is not the issue here,unemployment is.

Yes man i am really surprised by seeing some Indian army Mens in civil dresses throwing stones at Anti INDIA rallies in kashmir & I think this is the last thing they can do after wasting thousands of bullets & spreading terror in the region
Too bad to see worlds unique Army using stones & hiding in civil dresses to stop the rallies against thier country :rofl:
Pity on them man How poor they are.I wish maybe I can give them some donation from my POcket money so that they can buy guns & they dont have to use stones :rofl:

About Ideology part its been 60 years & still ANTI INDIA& PRO PAKISTANI protests in kashmir even knowing the odds faced by Pakistan.
If unemployment is an issue then Pity on POOR india who couldn't give employment to kashmiris in 60 years.Why Kashmiri people should live with such a POOr nation who has not given them employment in damn 60 years

Sorry man but your soldiers are using stones & your government has not given the employment to kashmiris.So Kashmiri peoples independence is justified.Again I would like to donate some money to you people because in this context you people are more poor than our flood affected people.

If employment is an issue then kashmiris should demand an independent state so that they can give employment to thier people themselves.. But hey they are hoisting PAKISTAN FLAG in kashmir. BUT Pakistan itself is facing difficulties!!! so POOr GUY if you dont know what is IDEOLOGY then i am telling you that IDEOLOGY IS THAT KASHMIRI PEOPLE WANTS TO JOIN PAKISTAN EVEN AFTER KNOWING ABOUT THE ODDS FACED BY PAKISTAN.IDEOLOGY IS THAT "PEOPLE WANTS TO JOIN A NATION WHOS BELIEFS ARE VERY SIMILAR TO THE BELIEFS OF THEIR & THEY WANT TO BE PART OF THAT NATION & THEY ALSO WANT TO JOIN THE DIFFICULTIES OF THAT NATION.THIS IS IDEOLOGY".:coffee:
The funny thing is that Pakistani media will pick this up as 66% in Indian Kashmir want independance. Even though it is only the valley where this opinion is there and which comprises of about 50% of the states' population.
Correct, which is why they refer to it as 'Indian occupied Kashmir' instead of 'Indian occupied J&K' ...
What is also interesting is that the valley respondednts by 87% were against the splitting up of JAmmu Kashmir and Ladakh regions because they know that just an indepedant valley by itself will not be politically or economically viable.
Which means that the most feasible means of resolving the issue is a region wise plebiscite after tripartite negotiations between the three parties to the dispute; Pakistan, India and Kashmir-Jammu-Laddakh residents.
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