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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Those who protest against HR violations in Kashmir, India is with them and this is proven by the fact that the Indian media gave more time about Kashmir HR violations than the entire International media and even Pakistani media put together.

It was Eid prayers when thousands were gathering, and many were protesting peacefully.

But the aim of the miscreants by burning down Kashmiri property, thier own offices and buildings. Power departments e.t.c. show that these section of the people want to take the valley back to the dark age.

The Hurriyat (G) had announced that there will be no strikes or shutdowns for 3 days of eid. Then why did this happen.

And despite of all these provacations,not a single casualty on the part of the security forces.

Unfortunate reward: PDD, Kashmir Times

SRINAGAR, Sept 11: The Power Development Department (PDD) has expressed its deep shock over setting on fire their headquarter near Exhibition Chowk by group of mob, despite serving people round the clock by providing electricity to all nooks and corners of the valley during continuous turmoil and hartals. He further said that thousands of its employees risked themselves by attending their duties during hartals and today reward was given by setting on fire the headquarter.
The spokesman of PDD department has said that people should not forget that our employees never shirked their duties during recent months of turmoil and attended their duties in respective fields and offices for convenience of the people.
The Power Development Department ensured that during the current Ramzan month, at Sehri as well as at Iftar time no power cut or load shedding was resorted to at any place of the valley but today’s unfortunate incident where unruly mob inspite of instructions from their leaders not to resort to any violence, in broad day light set on fire their headquarter. As a result of this, service records of thousands of employees was destroyed. He said, “power supply record registers, fee payment datas and important power related documents of thousands of people was destroyed as a result of condemnable action of the unruly mob particularly on holy day of Eid.” He said the entire power department machinery was fully engaged to provide electricity round the clock on Eid day to their respective dwelling units.
The spokesman said that PDD employees are part of the society and have played exemplary role in providing power supply to all, even replacing worn-out transformers and repairing the transmission line both HT and LT even during odd hours so that people do not suffer on account of it.
The spokesman in strong words termed today’s “reward given to them by group of miscreants by burning their office as the most unfortunate reward.”
Pity it takes 62 years and still counting..since you mentioned dollars...then you must be knowing the source too..The "popular" dollars all come from single country :usflag:

Sorry, Finding Who is Behind Who is Not My Business, there are far more learned and Talented People than me to figure that out and Neutralize it If Necessary or Use the Opportunity to there Will....
Hey guys here's a snapshot of a survey conducted by hindustan times in J&K and India,


Hindustan Times

Click on point 12 on the left-hand bar to see the result of the survey.


You are wrong, a green flag with 1/3rd of its part white and a crescent moon and star is Not necessarily a Pakistani flag..... Its an Islamic Flag used even before the very existence of Pakistan..... These Even resemble those used to cover the dead Bodies of A Person from Muslim community

Oh Really? Then why is that Pakistan is the only Islamic country with this flag.


Its off topic, but here's a little information for the ignorant minded people on the flag of PAKISTAN.

Flag of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stone pelters claim one life in Kashmir - India - DNA

Late night stone pelting by some unidentified persons on a car claimed the life of a 55-year-old man when he received head injuries after being hit by a brick.

The deceased has been identified as Ghulam Mohammed Guroo, a resident of Maloora in Sumbal area, a police spokesman said.

The victim was travelling along with his two brothers from Letpora to Malora Sumbal when some unidentified persons pelted stones on his vehicle at Tengpora Bypass last night. Guroo received head injuries after being hit by a brick. He was admitted to Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences where he succumbed to his injuries this afternoon.

A manhunt has been launched to nab the culprits.

The death of Guroo is not an isolated case as such incidents have taken place earlier also when innocent civilians had fallen prey to senseless killing, the police said.

In another incident last night, some persons intercepted and set ablaze a car driven by a head constable of the Jammu and Kashmir police at Ompura, Budgam.

The policeman, however, managed to escape from the spot.

---------- Post added at 04:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 AM ----------

Hurriyat leader to be quizzed for helping hawala dealer escape - Hindustan Times

Security agencies are probing the role of a senior Hurriyat leader in helping Nasir Safi Mir, alleged to be the 'financial brain' behind the Hurriyat Conference and other separatist leaders, to flee the country after paying for a forged passport from a southern state. According to sources in central security agencies, Mir, against whom a non-bailable warrant was issued last year, managed to flee the country using Nepal route from where he had used the forged passport procured with the help of a senior separatist leader in Kashmir.

The Hurriyat leader is alleged to have used the help of some over ground Hizb workers and got the passport made from a southern state, the sources said, adding Mir, who was released on parole, reached Dubai after making a detour from Europe and Libya.

Mir was earlier arrested by Delhi Police in February 2006 while carrying Rs 55 lakh from a Delhi-based jeweller along with some explosives, but had jumped parole which he had got after several requests made by his family to a court citing medical problems.

Now investigators claim that some clues have emerged indicating that a senior Hurriyat leader had helped Mir with monetary help and some assistance from Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist group to procure a passport from a southern state to ensure his quiet departure from the country. The 39-year-old Dubai-based businessman, who owns carpet showroom and money exchange firms in Gulf, had been regularly reporting to the nearest police station till earlier October 2008, but after that he never turned up at the police station as well as at the court on the hearing date.

Mir, who was considered as a prize catch by the Delhi Police following a well-executed operation by central security agencies, was suddenly missing which prompted the court to issue a non-bailable warrant against him.

Delhi Police had shown its inability to trace Mir, whom they had claimed was very much hiding within the country.

There have been technical intercepts where Mir allegedly spoke to the separatist leadership after reaching Dubai.

A former Union cabinet minister had also taken up the case of the release of Mir with the government after Hurriyat Chairman Mirwaiz Umer Farooq had put this as one of the pre-conditions for entering into a dialogue. According to the police files, Mir was last spotted publicly with the Mirwaiz at a five star hotel in south Delhi in September 2008.

During the interrogation, Mir had allegedly told police that the money was meant for the Mirwaiz and also claimed to have spilled beans about huge investments made by the Hurriyat chairman in Dubai, they said.
Oh Really? Then why is that Pakistan is the only Islamic country with this flag.


Its off topic, but here's a little information for the ignorant minded people on the flag of PAKISTAN.

Flag of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, I dont have an answer to why only Pakistan as a Country is Using an Islamic Flag for there Identity..... No Answer sorry, But I can throw some photos to prove my claim if you want to... And Be careful dear, dont go Personal, if You are Intending to do so, You win.....
A few important points to note,

1. Kashmiris' are themselves divided about what they want.
2. 68% in the valley say that " India should give kashmir control over everything except defence, foreign affairs and communication. This clearly means that those 68% want India to retain overall control. Yet again, 66% in the valley say "Complete freedom for entire J&K as a seperate country".

Two thing becomes very clear,

1. Valley and only valley wants independence but even they could be satisfied with things like greater autonomy with India giving up control for everything except defence, foreign affairs and communication. GoI is game for that.
2. Nobody wants to join Pakistan


All the anti india opnions have ranked higher in the valley and no they dont want merger with Pakistan either. India should have its eyes open before blaming!!
Well, I dont have an answer to why only Pakistan as a Country is Using an Islamic Flag for there Identity..... No Answer sorry, But I can throw some photos to prove my claim if you want to... And Be careful dear, dont go Personal, if You are Intending to do so, You win.....

The Pakistani flag was designed by Amiruddin Kidwai, and is based on the All-India Muslim League flag. (Islam was revealed to mankind 1400 years old. The All-India Muslim League was formed in the 20th century.)

The green represents the majority Muslim community in Pakistan, whereas the white stripe represents religious minorities. In the centre, the crescent and star symbolize progress and light respectively. The flag symbolizes Pakistan's commitment to Islam, the Islamic world, and the rights of religious minorities. It is based on the original flag of the Muslim League, which itself drew inspiration from the flag of the Sultanate of Delhi and the Mughal Empire in India.

Flag of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes please show me pictures of Arab Muslims and Iranian Muslims hosting the Pakistani flag on top of their clock towers.
The funny thing is that Pakistani media will pick this up as 66% in Indian Kashmir want independance. Even though it is only the valley where this opinion is there and which comprises of about 50% of the states' population.

What is also interesting is that the valley respondednts by 87% were against the splitting up of JAmmu Kashmir and Ladakh regions because they know that just an indepedant valley by itself will not be politically or economically viable.
The funny thing is that Pakistani media will pick this up as 66% in Indian Kashmir want independance. Even though it is only the valley where this opinion is there and which comprises of about 50% of the states' population

Even those 66% can be satisfied if they are granted greater autonomy with India giving up control of everything except defence, foreign affairs and communication.
The Pakistani flag was designed by Amiruddin Kidwai, and is based on the All-India Muslim League flag. Islam was revealed to mankind 1400 years old. The All-India Muslim League was formed in the 20th century.

The green represents the majority Muslim community in Pakistan, whereas the white stripe represents religious minorities. In the centre, the crescent and star symbolize progress and light respectively. The flag symbolizes Pakistan's commitment to Islam, the Islamic world, and the rights of religious minorities. It is based on the original flag of the Muslim League, which itself drew inspiration from the flag of the Sultanate of Delhi and the Mughal Empire in India.

Flag of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes please show me pictures of Arab Muslims and Iranian Muslims hosting the Pakistani flag on top of their clock towers.

I do Not have any Objection To Your Claim, I only said, that Anything which resembles Your Flag is not Your flag, for example Your two videos.... And The flags which Are In those pictures and Videos of Yours are used as far as I know to cover the dead bodies of a Person from a Muslim Community, and those are not Pakistani flags either, so How come You stand to your claim those Flags which have Crescent star and Moon with Green and White shades as a Pakistani flag..... There are Proper alignments, are they visible in any of Your Pictures???
I do Not have any Objection To Your Claim, I only said, that Anything which resembles Your Flag is not Your flag, for example Your two videos.... And The flags which Are In those pictures and Videos of Yours are used as far as I know to cover the dead bodies of a Person from a Muslim Community, and those are not Pakistani flags either, so How come You stand to your claim those Flags which have Crescent star and Moon with Green and White shades as a Pakistani flag..... There are Proper alignments, are they visible in any of Your Pictures???

This is my last post to you cause your obviously trolling or in denial or maybe just .........

Here's the flag that was hoisted in India Occupied Kashmir:


And here's a Pakistani flag from Pakistan Defence Forum:

This is my last post to you cause your obviously trolling or in denial or maybe just .........

Here's the flag that was hoisted in India Occupied Kashmir:


And here's a Pakistani flag from Pakistan Defence Forum:


Look at the alignment of Moon and distance of the Star from the crescent moon... Its very clear, its an Islamic flag not a Pakistani., and if that flag's white is Made to come in the left as pakistani flag, the crescent moon and the star would be facing the other way... There are several Flags raised Like this when Getting a Dead body moved out of houses to graveyards in India..... There is a Moon and Star and the green with white shades.... Now we are going deep into A nations Pride, which Iam not Intending to Spoil...... Iam An Outsider, I have fair amount of chance to get banned , I made my point clear, its upto you to take it and Back Yourself from posting stuffs which Belittles non other than Yourself
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Violence erupts as thousands march in Kashmir

Published: Sep 11, 2010 22:07 Updated: Sep 11, 2010 22:07

SRINAGAR: Tens of thousands of Kashmiris staged a mammoth rally in the heart of capital Srinagar Saturday to push New Delhi for a settlement of the 63-year old Kashmir dispute.

The demonstrations broke out immediately after people offered the congregational Eid Al-Fitr prayers in the morning and ended in violence and arson.

The marchers chanting ‘we want freedom’ and ‘Go India, go back’ converged on the city center Lal Chowk filling sprawling area to the brim.

The biggest march, led by the moderate All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq began its five kilometer long journey from the prayer grounds at Eidgah in the old city.

“Mirwaiz Umar Farooq incited the situation by leading a procession to Lal Chowk from Eid Gah taking the advantage of the Eid congregation and thus vitiated the Eid celebration in Srinagar,” a police statement said.

Shouting anti-India slogans, the procession comprised of mostly youth with scores of them wearing masks to hide their faces.

As the procession reached Lal Chowk, massive sloganeering by cheering mobs greeted it.

Earlier groups of youth climbed the clock tower and hoisted green flags on it.
Hundreds of trucks and buses brought people, many of them sitting on roofs and hanging out of windows.

The violence comes as New Delhi is trying to respond to demonstrations reminiscent of the late 1980s when protests against India’s rule sparked an armed separatist conflict that has so far officially killed more than 47,000 people.

Omar Abdullah, the chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir state, earlier this week said “efforts were on to break the ice” but on Saturday said the separatists had betrayed his trust in them.

The scenic region, claimed by nuclear-armed rivals Indian and Pakistan, has been hit by strikes and curfews for three months. Protesters have defied curfews to attack police with stones and set security camps and police stations on fire.

“The law of jungle was prevailing in Kashmir and the troops were randomly killing Kashmiri youth to frighten people to submission,” Farooq said. “But our struggle will continue.”

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