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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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yes dear...

they have freedom to speak, write, publish, watch movies, sing, pray any god, walk on the street , travel to any part of Inida, they can buy land in any part of inda, they are free to choose their leader , they are free to not choose any one.

They enjoy more freedom than any oteher place where you think human rights are valued...

Nonsense - they do not enjoy the freedom to exercise the right to self-determination promised them by the Indian State and the United nations to determine their future status, and confirm their status as part of the Indian State, if they choose to do so.
So basically the muslim regions want to be free of india and the majority hindu regions want to be with india......i could have told you that without doing a survey.
Another solution I see is to separate the valley as a self governing autonomous territory within India and merge the Jammu and Ladakh regions into another state.
Any solution to the current problems will be along these lines, especially if MMS backs it vocally - that's from an Indian POV. But a realistic solution nonetheless.

The indecision and mess within Congress on how to handle the situation is allowing this to spiral out of control. I don't see the need to announce 'packages' on symbolic days like Eid, just speak to the separatists and get things moving!
Hey! I am happy for the results of survey. :D

Referendum as per UN resolution? Now are you guys ready or same cry baby looser stuff?
Is media allowed in occupied Kashmir?
Than why don't they report the arrested children in recent turmoil.
Then sir please go ahead & show your concern to those remote areas.But oh! you are :rofl: here.:woot: .Is this your concern:lol:.Now I understand the reason why these remote parts are struggling to deny your concerns ASSAM,NAGALAND,TRIPURA,TAMILNADU,MANIPUR & many other.Actually people here are giving priority to Maoists's concern over your concern & the reason is that you are trolling & using rofls on Indian occupation in kashmir on PDF instead of concerning about those remote areas.& to be honest if you will continue your this state of concern then a time will come that you could have to listen only to maoists's concern.

Yes man i am really surprised by seeing some Indian army Mens in civil dresses throwing stones at Anti INDIA rallies in kashmir & I think this is the last thing they can do after wasting thousands of bullets & spreading terror in the region
Too bad to see worlds unique Army using stones & hiding in civil dresses to stop the rallies against thier country :rofl:
Pity on them man How poor they are.I wish maybe I can give them some donation from my POcket money so that they can buy guns & they dont have to use stones :rofl:

About Ideology part its been 60 years & still ANTI INDIA& PRO PAKISTANI protests in kashmir even knowing the odds faced by Pakistan.
If unemployment is an issue then Pity on POOR india who couldn't give employment to kashmiris in 60 years.Why Kashmiri people should live with such a POOr nation who has not given them employment in damn 60 years

Sorry man but your soldiers are using stones & your government has not given the employment to kashmiris.So Kashmiri peoples independence is justified.Again I would like to donate some money to you people because in this context you people are more poor than our flood affected people.

If employment is an issue then kashmiris should demand an independent state so that they can give employment to thier people themselves.. But hey they are hoisting PAKISTAN FLAG in kashmir. BUT Pakistan itself is facing difficulties!!! so POOr GUY if you dont know what is IDEOLOGY then i am telling you that IDEOLOGY IS THAT KASHMIRI PEOPLE WANTS TO JOIN PAKISTAN EVEN AFTER KNOWING ABOUT THE ODDS FACED BY PAKISTAN.IDEOLOGY IS THAT "PEOPLE WANTS TO JOIN A NATION WHOS BELIEFS ARE VERY SIMILAR TO THE BELIEFS OF THEIR & THEY WANT TO BE PART OF THAT NATION & THEY ALSO WANT TO JOIN THE DIFFICULTIES OF THAT NATION.THIS IS IDEOLOGY".:coffee:

:rofl::rofl:How old are you exactly???

Well,when you will be a little more matured and have a little more idea about Economics and the financial situation of a country,then you will realize that the state of Pakistan is in a much worse condition politically ,socially and economically.It does not feature in the top 10 list of Most Failed Countries without a reason.

I can also very well understand the paradox of talking to somebody about India while he knows almost nothing about India.

In relation to the issues in India's north East,are you even aware of India's joint operations with Bhutan,and co-operations with Myanmar and Bangladesh???The militants were all flushed out long time back,with most of their leaders either killed or captured.

We don't even hear about militant attacks in Kashmir that much anymore,which was a daily norm even sometime ago.

Regarding Tamilnadu,well well well,do you have an iota of idea regarding what you are talking about???
That state is one of the top GDP contributors of India,The 2007 estimate of Tamilnadu's GDP puts the figure at US $ 70billion.Now that is almost half of the GDP of entire Pakistan alone even if we calculate Pakistan's GDP by 2010's estimate.

Let us just say that the general concern among people have led to the development of India.And our concern seems to be about everything that concerns India.

My suggestion to you.it will be better for you to get a bit concerned too.We had a Mumbai like attack some time ago.But you people experience attacks like that on daily basis.Sometimes Lahore,sometimes Karachi,sometimes Quetta....

.Also your economy looks like a shattered piece of glass to me.The government even had to take loan just to pay the salary of the employees.Your country has a forex reserve of US $ 16.7 billion while the external debt is well about US $ 53 billion

There has been a recent flood,probably the biggest ever for Pakistan.That flood has destroyed agricultural lands and left million without food.You please donate your pocket money to those people,we will take care of our army and our people.

Also,do something about corruption in your country.From what I here,it seems Zardari recently bought a 140 million pound worth apartment recently even while a part of his country has just experienced floods.
Is media allowed in occupied Kashmir?
Than why don't they report the arrested children in recent turmoil.

More media presence on the Indian side than on the Pakistani side.

That is why you know about those arrested here while there is no info about similar arrests in Gilgit baltistan e.t.c.
Correct, which is why they refer to it as 'Indian occupied Kashmir' instead of 'Indian occupied J&K' ...

Which means that the most feasible means of resolving the issue is a region wise plebiscite after tripartite negotiations between the three parties to the dispute; Pakistan, India and Kashmir-Jammu-Laddakh residents.

The dispute is the entire historical state of J&K and not just the valley.

The vally consitutes about 50% of the J&K population, with Jammu and Ladakh together providing the other 50%.

The valley residents DO NOT want a sepration from Jammu or Ladakh regions for obvious reasons and neither do they want to join Pakistan as per the survey. So making the valley alone independanct or giving it away to Pakistan will not satisfy them.
So basically the muslim regions want to be free of india and the majority hindu regions want to be with india......i could have told you that without doing a survey.

Well there are muslim majority districts in Jammu andcomprise almost 30% of the population. Similarly Ladakh is almost 45% mostly shia muslims.

The results of the survey are not new. It is the same results that we are seeing since the 2008 www.peacepolls.org or the Chatham house opinion survey.

However, we are still ignorant of any proper opinion surveys being conducted in Gilgit Baltistan to make an educated guess of what the entire historical J&K vote would look like. Maybe when GoP finally opens it up to media presence of Pakistani journalists are bold enough to that themselves will we see something.
Strange we lose moral ground pretty fast . India does not lose moral ground even after confirmed killing 70 unarmed men in 3 months and we llose it becuase two buildings were brunt (We even deny it and also condemn it )....perhaps in moral universe kashmir has already freed itself from India

The entire Indian civil society condemned the killing of civilians unless you have not been watching Indian media or following the news stories.

No international media or organisation did anything for the past three months. Even Pakistan hardly made a squeak about the situation.

And who said that you burned the buildings. They have specifically said that Masrat Alam supporters and Hurriyat (G) workers have done it. Probably to put pressure on Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and under cut him. It was after all the Paksitani backed militants who killed his father. And when he tried to forge a unity with Geelani he rejected it.

So dear, you dont have to deny that you burned the building. Ofcourse the average Kashmir would not support that. But just like the freedom movement was hijacked by Pakistani backed militants in the early 90s, if people like you are no vigilant and dont' see beyond the slogans, it will go the same way.

I think the tradegy with Kashmiris in the valley is that they have never had any honest or visionary leaders except probably Sheikh Abdullah and the tradegy still continues today. None ofthe current leaders particularly the sepratists have a global outlook that is necessary in this era and are confined to the valley. Had it not been for GoI unnecessary hostile attitude under Nehru and Indira to Sheikh Abdullah in the early years, the situation would have been quite different.
@ejaz really did they condemn the killings?
While ur media says they r paid 500 rs each by ISI
They are addicts high on cocaine or heroine ISI sends.
They need holidays etc. etc..
When people like arundhati roy says give them FREEDOM u guys start abusing... calling her crackhead b,,,,, or s...

U guys truely have 2 faces.
This just shows how much paid guys are there in the protest. The real Kashmiris protesters only want independence and not to be sided with PAK.

India and RAW have more money than ISI and pakistan than why cannt you guys get few PAID protesters to hoist Indian flag in the ralley. ???

Really i feel sympathy for you indian members. :no:
And who said that you burned the buildings. They have specifically said that Masrat Alam supporters and Hurriyat (G) workers have done it. Probably to put pressure on Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and under cut him. It was after all the Paksitani backed militants who killed his father. And when he tried to forge a unity with Geelani he rejected it.

The bulidings were burnt by the supporters of Hrriyat(G) and Musarrat Alam but the Govt of IOK files case against Mirwaiz. Lolzzz

Hemmed in from all sides, the state government for the first time filed three cases against moderate Hurriyat chairman Mirwaiz Umer Farooq for yesterday’s violence at Lal Chowk, which led to the burning down of a government office and damage to the clock tower.

Minister’s house attacked, govt slaps FIRs against Mirwaiz for first time


By the way flag on the building in whatever position is the same as the one in the red circle. Both are Pakistani flags. ;)

Actually these all are home made flags with hands stiching. ofcourse you cannot go and just buy Pakistan's flag in any bazar in IOK like we get in pakistan. So ignore the flag's condition just feel the emotions of the flag carriers.:pakistan:
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