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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Now it is clear that the mass are not behind the movement

Oh really?

Eid Festival Sparks Protests, Clashes in Kashmir

Tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Indian Kashmir, some setting fire to a police station and other government offices.

Protesters filed into the streets of the main city of Srinagar following prayers for the Muslim festival of Eid-al-Fitr Saturday, many waving green flags and chanting, "Go India, go back," and, "We want freedom."

Following the violence, police tried to disperse the crowds by opening fire with live ammunition and tear gas. No casualties have been confirmed.

For the past three months, Kashmir has been gripped by nearly daily protests against Indian rule. At least 69 demonstrators have been killed in the unrest, many after security forces opened fire on stone-throwing crowds.

Officials in Kashmir blamed separatist leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq for inciting the violence when he called for Kashmiris to join the protests during prayers marking the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

Earlier on Saturday, officials released fellow separatist leader Syed Ali Geelani.

Indian police arrested Geelani earlier this week after he threatened to intensify protests against Indian rule.

Various Muslim separatist groups in Kashmir have been waging a decades-long struggle for independence from India or a merger with Muslim-majority Pakistan.

Eid Festival Sparks Protests, Clashes in Kashmir | Asia | English
Give Kashmiris their plebiscite, the one they were promised under the ruling of the United Nations. It's got something to do with the idea of 'democracy', a notion indians brag about. Self-determination is what Kashmiris want.
Give Kashmiris their plebiscite, the one they were promised under the ruling of the United Nations. It's got something to do with the idea of 'democracy', a notion indians brag about. Self-determination is what Kashmiris want.

Kashmiri's are at best confused people.
1) The UN Plebiscite had some pre conditions.
2) Kashmiri's are not party to UN resolutions.
3) UN resolutions are not mandatory
4) Its only 4 districts of a state, rest are fine.
5) Not even a single none Muslim from valley is with them.
6) Kashmiri themselves have raped and murdered fellow Hindus. So much for their innocence.
7) If life is difficult their for them, they themselves are responsible for it, as they are behaving like cry baby.
If you(Pakistanis) want plebiscite in kashmir. I want a plebiscite in whole Indian sub-continent to check what people want 1 country or 3 countries.

Only 3 countries with 17 separatist movements in India.
The best face saving exercise indians have got in kashmir matter is false propoganda.

One thing for sure, yesterday’s violence was the biggest dent in the so called movement by the Separatists. By hoisting Pakistani Flag, they have made it clear who is actually behind the violence, and what is their objective. Now it is clear that the mass are not behind the movement

Thou shall find every hint to blame Pakistan?? So what that Pakistani flag manufactured in Faisalabad??? Did ISI supply it to them through LeT? It was hoisted upside down..damn the Kashmiris for their lack of manners..We take the risk of infiltrating them some freedom flag and they cant even fix it right..seriously Pakistan blaming is getting so ridiculous now..You actually make us feel good..keeping 700K of your army engaged in Kashmir, daily media embarassments by protests and the "big" country cant do anything??

Even the Bangladeshis did not "indianise" the way Indra was wet dreaming and now they have to resort to rigged elections with slave AL to project a positive image.
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Khilafat essentialy means arab imperialism and never really survived the initial phase where all Khalifas were assasinated one by one. The longest running Islamic empire was ottoman which was at best secular, progressive and elective in its political constitution.

One, all Khulafa were not assassinated and second, no one was assassinated for grabbing power. Please correct your record
Buildings Are Set Ablaze During Protests in Kashmir

NEW DELHI — Thousands of demonstrators staged a violent protest in Kashmir on Saturday, setting fire to a police office and other government buildings in the latest angry outburst after three months of almost daily Muslim protests against Indian rule in the Himalayan region.

Security forces reportedly fired into the air to dispel the crowds. There were no deaths, but three civilians and two police officers were injured, according to the authorities.

The demonstrations came after Muslims in Kashmir had finished their prayers for Id al-Fitr, the festival culminating the holy fasting month of Ramadan. Thousands of Muslims swept through the city of Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian-held Kashmir, with some protesters torching the office of a government power company and a police administrative office, which were closed for the holiday.

In Jammu and Kashmir, the police attributed Saturday’s violence to the leader of a moderate Muslim group, the Hurriyat Conference. Kuldip Khoda, the police director general, said that the authorities had granted permission to the group’s leader, Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, to lead a march on Id al-Fitr after receiving reassurances that it would be peaceful. Instead, Officer Khoda said protesters attacked the power company and began rampaging through Srinagar.

“Public property was set on flames on the day which is a day of peace,” Officer Khoda said in a statement.

He said officers had exercised restraint, despite attacks against police vehicles and officers. In recent months, the Indian authorities have been criticized for firing on stone-throwing protesters with live ammunition. At least 70 people have been killed during the bloody summer.

The violence is the latest setback to bringing peace and order after a bloody summer in Kashmir that began with the death of a teenager struck by a tear-gas canister. Since then, thousands of rock-throwing demonstrators have defied government curfews, demanding the removal of Indian troops from the region, which is claimed by both Pakistan and India.

In the 1990s, Indian paramilitary forces poured into the Kashmir Valley to fight an insurgency backed by Pakistan. Thousands of those officers have remained and their prolonged presence has become a central complaint of separatists. Officers enjoy special immunity from prosecution under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, and many Kashmiris say this immunity has led to human rights abuses.

On Saturday morning, before the protests, there were reports in the Indian news media that the government was considering a good-will gesture on the holiday, like the release of some political prisoners and the lifting of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act from some areas in the region.
Kashmir burns on Eid, Omar slams separatists (Roundup)

New Delhi, Sep 11 (IANS) Hundreds of young people screaming separatist slogans unleashed an orgy of unprecedented violence after mass Eid prayers in Srinagar Saturday, attacking police and government buildings in a frenzy that also saw violence in two smaller towns of the Kashmir Valley.

As the prayers ended at the famed Sufi shrine of Hazratbal in the morning, thousands egged on by moderate separatist leaders Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Yasin Malik marched to the city centre Lal Chowk, indulging in arson attacks that took the Jammu and Kashmir administration by surprise.

It was one of the most violent days in Srinagar, the urban hub of a Muslim separatist drive raging since 1989 that has left thousands dead but shows no signs of ending.

As police and paramilitary personnel refrained from firing at the mobs so as not to kill civilians, the crowds went on an arson spree, starting right from the Hazratbal shrine where police barracks within the complex were set on fire.

The Mirwaiz-led procession later broke into smaller groups that torched the building of the state electricity department and offices of the Crime Branch of the Jammu and Kashmir Police, witnesses and officials said.

Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, who was in New Delhi for consultations with Indian leaders, charged the separatist leaders with 'betrayal' and accused the men who led the prayers of provoking their supporters to resort to violence.

In no time, it became apparent that the violence had been carefully planned and executed, knowing well that the administration would hesitate to kill on a holy day like Eid.

As the first batch from the Hazratbal reached Lal Chowk, hundreds of young men riding motorcycles gathered there raising pro-independence slogans. Some climbed the historic clock tower and hoisted green flags - a colour that symbolizes Islam.

A policeman from the Crime Branch was beaten mercilessly with an iron rod, leading to his hospitalization.

One mob attacked the women police station in Rambagh area and the nearby office of the superintendent of police.

Giant flames rose in the sky as violence spread rapidly in Srinagar. Traffic on the roads quickly came to a halt and panic gripped the city as wild rumours did the rounds.

Police said mobs also attacked police stations in north Kashmir's Sopore and south Kashmir's Pulwama towns.

In Srinagar and other towns of the valley, authorities had not imposed curfew or restrictions Saturday to allow people to offer Eid prayers and celebrate the festival.

Police and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) were posted at various sensitive places. But despite provocative slogans by the mobs, they enforced restraint and only fired gunshots in the air.

Speaking to reporters in New Delhi, a visibly anguished Abdullah decried the violence in Kashmir as 'highly condemnable and unfortunate'.

'The separatists have betrayed us by provoking the mobs to violence,' he said, accusing the separatists of triggering unprovoked violence on a day of 'festivities and peace'.

The chief minister said Yasin Malik, who heads the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), had contacted his office and sought official approval for protests on Eid.

'While we permitted peaceful demonstrations, you saw what happened,' Abdullah said, adding the 'whole campaign of the separatists that the security forces have been provoking violence has been exposed'.

In Srinagar, the chief minister's office disclosed that the Mirwaiz, who heads the so-called moderate wing of the Hurriyat Conference, had spoken to Abdullah Friday assuring him that the prayer congregations in Srinagar would remain peaceful.

A home ministry official in New Delhi told IANS that the central government 'was monitoring the tense situation'.

'There are sufficient forces stationed in the valley. We will respond as the situation develops,' he added.

In Srinagar, Director General of Police Kuldeep Khoda praised his men and the paramilitary forces for showing 'extreme restraint in view of Eid'.

'The elements (separatists) who led the procession were bent upon provoking tension,' he added.

Police blamed activists of the hardline Hurriyat group led by Syed Ali Geelani, who favours Jammu and Kashmir's merger with Pakistan, for the violence.

'Workers of the Hurriyat (Geelani) and Muslim League, who have been identified, disrupted the peaceful prayers at Hazratbal. Investigation reveals that these elements had planned in advance to provoke the administration and use the Eid congregations to disrupt festivities and create the misconception that this was a popular movement,' a police statement said.

'(The) Geelani faction has been using hooligans to force people to participate in the protests,' it said.

'This is the first time Eid congregations have been converted into protests and the people of Srinagar have not been allowed to celebrate Eid peacefully,' it said. 'Seeing the gathering at Eidgah and Lal Chowk, it seems that people by and large are being held hostage by the vested elements.'

Saturday's orgy, however, saw no death. A total of 69 people, mostly teenagers, have been killed since June 11 by security forces while attempting to break up stone-pelting protesters.

The J&K police - the real sons of the soil and the supporting CRPF have done an excellent job is exercising restraint faced with such blatant provacation. Espicially working on Eid to protect the local population is a comendable job of the police forces.
the first line of this article reads "Thousands of demonstrators " yet Indians blame the riots on few miscreants. Definately few renegades cannot be thousands of demostrators. Where is an end to this self denial hypocrisy?? The forces must have practiced restrain due to fear of being out numbered or in fear after paying a visit to few of their stoned colleuges in hospital.
India Must leave Kashmir , today or tomorrow , its just a matter of time.

MODS Please change the title of the thread. This is only PDF indian member's opinion that Separatists in Indian Occupied Kashmir are losing moral ground. No where in the article reflects the opinion of indian member EjazR.

And there is already a thread open on Anti-india rallys in India Occupied Kashmir during Eid. Please merge this thread with the following thread:

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