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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The only thing that they cannot do is ask for different country

But that is precisely what they want. Once you deny them that right, everything else you say is just disingenuous trolling.

So you are saying if peaceful protest does not work you should start killing innocent people and hope they do not respond.

India has 400,000 hostage takers who have killed 70,000 Kashmiris.
I think you are somewhat confused about who is doing the killing.

What I saw in that protest is that people of Kashmir are so in tolerant that they will start stone pelting at drop of hat and does not care if anyone gets hurt.

People might get a tad upset when they see their sons tortured or killed and their daughters raped by the occupiers.

The moment you start killing innocent you are branded terrorist

In that case, I will correct my earlier statement: Indian army has stationed 400,000 terrorists in Kashmir.
Kashmir is part of India in our opinion. It has Kashmiri chief minister, khamiris participated in election 60% voted. Till any other means is determined this is enough to prove they want to be with us. And for those hurriat proterster's I have a question, why these people were contesting election till 1980's.
Pakistan has no rights to legislate over Gilgit-Baltistan.Its a disputed land.Their main concern is to build Bhasha Damn that why to get international funds they are pretending to give autonomy to this region.
Governer is ****..IG is ****..Finance secretory..Auditor General ****..Primne Minister Will be head..is this autonomy..??

Sorry your notion is already multiplies with Zero viz viz funds as WB, ADB already refused to fund the project (although its quite another matter that these bodies have funded Indian projects in disputed Held Kashmir)

China is funding Bhasha dam and Inshallah we are going to work on it.
Kashmir issue has kept Pakistani people busy..just hating India..your politicians and Generals have conveniently kept you busy with that... While they were ammasing wealth.
Getting Kashmir resolved will not solve Pakistans problems.. It has led to its fall only...you cry about it further you will get into trouble.
India has 400,000 hostage takers who have killed 70,000 Kashmiris.
I think you are somewhat confused about who is doing the killing.
Show me sources which claim that majority of the casualties are due to Indian forces' actions!

People might get a tad upset when they see their sons tortured or killed and their daughters raped by the occupiers.
Oh, I see. That doesnt happen if militants do it? And majority of the cases of atrocities are by Indian forces? Source?

See, without authentic, respectable sources, its all hyperbole, propaganda, dissemination of false information by one of the belligerent part to the conflict!

In that case, I will correct my earlier statement: Indian army has stationed 400,000 terrorists in Kashmir.
What about Pak army in P0K= Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir? Did you happen to read the human rights violations in that occupied area? No one speaks for the Kashmiri Pundits? Arent they 'original' Kashmiris? What about flouting international norms when Pakistan 'donated' Aksai Chin to China? Did Pakistan ask for Kashmiris' consent before carving out the area? Oh isnt that a violation of Kashmiri's rights/self-determination?
Aww, c'mon man. And Pakistan speaks for the Kashmiris? Hypocritical, init?
Kashmir issue has kept Pakistani people busy..just hating India..your politicians and Generals have conveniently kept you busy with that... While they were ammasing wealth.
Getting Kashmir resolved will not solve Pakistans problems.. It has led to its fall only...you cry about it further you will get into trouble.

atleast it will resolve Kashmiris' problems, and more than that it will relieve them of brutalities, dialy fake killings of Kashmiris, rape of Kashmiri women at the hands of Indian army and paramilitary men.

Dont worry about Pakistan my dear we will look after ourselves.
How do you "restore" the pandit population?
Many have been killed, most have their houses destroyed/looted and displaced. And the organisations responsible for all these are still active from across the border.
So it may not be as easy as you make it sound to get them back!


Yes, we do not deny the fact that there are some morons in our society. And although they have their right to freedom of speech as stipulated in the Indian constitution, we don't let them speak for the rest of us!
If you watch the clips of Mumbai attack on the Taj, you will see many an elderly people sporting hennaed beards helping and talking with the security personnel! Do you want me to explain that?

No, my point was that there would be opportunists who would use it to further their agenda against India's Muslims. We agree, so let's leave it at that.

Why do you think anyone wants to neutralize Pakistan? For what purpose?

So India can devote its full attention to countering China -- militarily and geopolitically. The US neocon agenda foresees an inevitable conflict with China, and sees India as a useful tool against China. India is not projected to be strong enough to be considered a strategic threat to the US.

You are an independent country, you've got diplomatic mission in all the countries in the world, including India!
Otoh, it might not be neutralizing, but more of a containment of Pakistan till the taliban menace is taken care of!

Containment, neutralization, balkanization, whatever we call it. As long as Pakistan is not a factor in a India/China conflict, the neocon agenda is satisfied.
Show me sources which claim that majority of the casualties are due to Indian forces' actions!

This has been debated ad nauseum on this forum and elsewhere.


If this is not enough, please do some searches to satisfy yourself.

What about Pak army in P0K= Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir?

There is no comparable independence movement in Azad Kashmir. Perhaps you were watching an Indian TV drama?

No one speaks for the Kashmiri Pundits?

Not sure why you keep saying that when I accepted their right of return.

Aww, c'mon man. And Pakistan speaks for the Kashmiris?

No, the Kashmiris speak for themselves.
If India will only let them.
In a plebiscite.
I think Pakistan should do for Kashmiris what India did for Bangladeshis....
Kashmir is not part of India so there is no question of breaking away from India. Rather India should get out of Kashmir or in future sooner or later the suicide bombing would not take longer to reach that part also as it has been quite affective in Iraq.

Why not bring it on now!! LTTE suicide bombers also ravaged Sri Lanka. But they all finally bit the dust. If a tiny island of Sri Lanka can do it. so can India.

P.S. In the past as well several Fidayeen attacks were carried out especially by LET. What happend?? India is still there in Kashmir whereas LET has caught the eye of the world. I wouldn't be surprised if sooner or later Drone attacks start happening on Mureedke or interiors of Punjab.
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Why not bring it on now!! LTTE suicide bombers also ravaged Sri Lanka. But they all finally bit the dust. If a tiny island of Sri Lanka can do it. so can India.

That is up to Kashmiris to take it up or not.

But till now the Kashmiris have never been involved in attacking any part in India.

The Kashmiri freedom fighters are fighting in Kashmir not India.

The day any of them started exploding Indian territories it will be indeed a long fight keeping size of India coupled with two dozens insurgencies.

There is limit to everything and i feel there will be limit to sufferings of Kashmiris at the hands of Indian occupied forces which might force them to opt for this one day.
That is up to Kashmiris to take it up or not.

But till now the Kashmiris have never been involved in attacking any part in India.

I accept that most of the Kashmiris have not been involved. It is the other "non-state" actors doing the bidding.

The Kashmiri freedom fighters are fighting in Kashmir not India.

Sure Ofcourse, those "Non-State" Kashmiri Freedom fighters just went all the way to Mumbai to distribute the share of sweets from Ramadan.

The day any of them started exploding Indian territories it will be indeed a long fight keeping size of India coupled with two dozens insurgencies.

Thats what I said.. bring it On!!! Even with those 100s of insurgencies, it is not India that is topping the list of failed states or called unstable by anyone(except for Pakistan ofcourse). But, if u still believe then why not give a try? Maybe Pakistan might just get lucky after 62 years of agonizing wait.

There is limit to everything and i feel there will be limit to sufferings of Kashmiris at the hands of Indian occupied forces which might force them to opt for this one day.

No point rendering a vile threat of suicide bombing and then making "emotional" statements of sufferings and occupation and freedom.

I am not discussing the semantics of right/wrong or Justice/Injustice here. All I am saying is, If you do believe that suicide bombings are going to be that effective, then just do it!! We all know for sure that atleast it won't be Kashmiris to Start Suicide bombing
The Indian army is one of the most professional armies in the world. If this plan gets a go ahead then this would be such a disgrace and bring nothing about but shame even for the true soldier amongst the ranks of the Indian armed forces. This would be the case not just for the Indian army but for any army of the world that inducts such a degrading act of human rights.:frown:
Rising Kashmir, Daily Newspaper, Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir - Police admits laxity in counter insurgency

Wasim Khalid
Srinagar, Sep 13: Disappointed over the ‘security breach’ by militants, the Deputy Inspector General of Police Central Kashmir Sunday pulled up the police officers in a meeting here for stopping work on the militancy front in Srinagar.
A senior police official, wishing anonymity, told Rising Kashmir that early morning DIG Central Kashmir H K Lohia convened a meeting of all Station House Officers (SHOs), Sub-Divisional Police Officers (SDPOs) and Superintendents of Police (SPs) of Srinagar to discuss the security breach in Saturday’s car bombing near Central Jail, Srinagar.
Three cops and a woman were killed and 15 others mostly policemen were injured in the powerful explosion, that completely damaged a police vehicle.
“The first thing he observed was police have stopped working against militants for past sometime,” said the police official, who was present in the meeting.
The visibly angry Lohia, according to the official, sought reasons from SHOS and other police officers about their laxity in fighting militancy. “How has a car filled with explosives reached the central Jail, Rainawari. The explosives-laden car was able to pass through almost 21 police stations,” Lohia told officers.
Expressing displeasure over the working of district police, Lohia stressed on SHOs and other officials present in the meeting to gear up their men and intensify checking and patrolling.
“DIG told us to increase frisking of suspected persons and vehicles, lay ambushes for militants and setting up of nakas to counter militant threats,” the official said.
When contacted DIG confirmed that he had convened a meeting of officers to review the security situation in central Kashmir. “We discussed issues pertaining to blast and I briefed them about the investigations,” Lohia told Rising Kashmir.
He said the meeting was held after wreath ceremony of the policemen killed in car bomb was over.
However, he refrained from divulging details about the meeting.
On Investigations
Lohia said they have launched investigations into yesterday’s car explosion in Srinagar.
Asked whether the explosives laden car entering deep into city can be termed as security breach, DIG said, “One lakh vehicles come and leave Srinagar on daily basis. It becomes difficult to check each and every vehicle”.
He said they have activated their intelligence grid to track down the culprits. “This year, it is perhaps the biggest incident in Srinagar. We are looking at it seriously”.
Asserting that militancy has not ended in the State, Lohia said, “Whenever they get a chance, they attack troops and police”.
Accusing Pakistan of fomenting the trouble in Jammu and Kashmir, he said, “After seeing that stone pelting has stopped in Valley, they intensified the militant activities”.

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 PM ----------

Rising Kashmir, Daily Newspaper, Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir - She braved life but death came too sudden

Hakeem Irfan
Srinagar, Sep 13: Gloom had descended on the entire neighborhood. Intermittent screams emanating from the windows of the two-storeyed old house which had been painted red to give a facelift. Brave heart Khadija lived here along with her four children.
Khadija was killed in an IED blast Saturday evening, few hundred meters from her home at Khwaja Yarbal. Her sons Yaseen (30) and Afaq (27) were struggling to control their tears.
“Allah took her back. Nobody could change the destiny. I wish she could have lived to be part the marriage of her three children,” said Afaq, working as mechanic in a local workshop.
The body of Khadija lay in the Police Control Room Srinagar for the whole night and was handed over to the family Sunday morning.
Breaking the lull, Yaseen sighed, “She wished me luck morning when I left for the daily routine, only to never see her again. I should have stayed at home.”
Khadija was returning from the shrine of Makhdoom Sahib after offering 'Asar' prayers when she was fell victim to the disastrous blast and lost her life. “She would always get ‘Tabaruk’ for us from shrine,” Yaseen recalled.
According to the relatives, Khadija had brought up her four children working day in and out. Her husband Abdul Rehman Anchari had left her in year 1993.
The conversation was broken with the scream of Khadija’s younger daughter Rehana “who will put mehandi on my hands. Who shall I share my secrets with”.
Hanifa, another daughter of Khadija, is married. Abdul Rehman Bulla, brother of Khadija who helped the family though thick and thin, chipped in. “Her body was charred. I could hardly bear to look at it. I recognized only her teeth. But she is a martyr. She will have a place in heaven.”
Diabetic and an arthritis patient, Khadija was seen as a resilient and caring woman by the neighbors. “We have lost a good neighbor. She has lived here from her childhood and we cannot forget her easily,” said neighbor Kulsum.
The blast site bore testimony to the gory face of death; also the sandals of Khadija that still lay there stained with blood. Move over security personnel and men, women and children were now inspecting the blast site and giving respective remarks and judgments about the incident.
Nobody other than the Tehsildar had visited the family and recorded the names and other necessary information.

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