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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Interesting...As far as independence goes..Pakistanis clearly support Kashmiris will...if they want to independent state then Pakistanis will support them regardless of Official Pakistani GOP Stance.Independent Kashmir will of course have a lot of Pakistan's Influence and that territory will act as a buffer between India and Pakistan.I far one support establishment of new Kashmir state comprising of both AJK and J&K.

The bolded part is the bone of contention. What exactly is the assertion.

Pakistanis can take the moral high ground of supporting the Kasmiri independence, but it will be GoP's official position that will determine the outcome. Exactly the duality used by Pakistan driving the Kashmir issue.

Never has Independent Kashmir been an official policy of GoP and never has it been proposed by Pakistan as a solution officially. Nowhere in the UN resolutions is the option for independence mentioned. It is just the carrot suspended beyond the reach of Kashmiris enticing them towards violence.

The survey has thrown in results not too different from earlier one's. The indecisiveness of the results indicates the neutrality of it. Reflects perfectly on how things stand: NO SIMPLE FIX.
Pakistan could take the lead in this, since Pakistanis are so genuinely concerned about the welfare of the Kashmiris.
Make Azad Kashmir Azad. Also, Azad Gilgit baltistan.

Discussin over here is going fine uptill now, please dont troll, and also what the hell is Azad Gilgit Baltistan :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Discussin over here is going fine uptill now, please dont troll, and also what the hell is Azad Gilgit Baltistan :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Seems people like to use the word troll a lot these days.. Its the truth..stop spreading crocodile tears for Kashmir..

check the latest survey about Kashmir...around 44% of Azad Kashmir wants independence compared to 42% of Indian Kashmir

truth hurts...doesn't it :lol:
Seems people like to use the word troll a lot these days.. Its the truth..stop spreading crocodile tears for Kashmir..

check the latest survey about Kashmir...around 44% of Azad Kashmir wants independence compared to 42% of Indian Kashmir

truth hurts...doesn't it :lol:

What are you doing changing the figures, its 43%, what were you thinking i cant read :lol:did you read the whole thing, it also says
* Concern over human rights abuses stands at 43% on the Indian side and 19% on the Pakistani side.

nways, did you read my last post
If Kashmir wants Independence, why dont both India and Pakistan give them once in for all, end of discussion forever

See truth isnt hurting me, might be hurting you, isnt it??:lol:
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Anything that must be done must according to the wishes of Kashmiri people.If they want Independence then that should not be a problem to Pakistan.
If Kashmir wants Independence, why dont both India and Pakistan give them once in for all, end of discussion forever

Because neither India, nor Pakistan will ever agree to that.

It is pretty easy to make such sympathetic statements and win online discussions, it is another thing to put your money where your mouth is. We Indians admit we'll never let J&K out of our country. Hypocrisy comes from across the border in the form of 'we sympathise with Kashmiris but our government wants something else'.
Srinagar, May 26 -- The United Jehad Council, an amalgam of more than a dozen P-0-K-based militant outfits, has expressed willingness to enter into a dialogue with New Delhi in response to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's recent invitation for talks. "The Government of India must realize that the bilateral efforts made in the past have proved futile due to the absence of the real Kashmiri representatives in such initiatives.

India's stubborn attitude towards Kashmir issue has always been an impediment in the meaningful talks," Syed Sadaqat Hussain, a spokesman of the UJC, was quoted by local dailies in Srinagar on Wednesday. The UJC's new stand was lead story of most of the English and Urdu dailies in Srinagar today.

The militant conglomerate, though have set pre-conditions for the talks, has scaled down on their demands compared to its past statements on dialogue. "If Dr Manmohan Singh is sincere on initiating meaningful talks with militant leadership, he must take these initiatives to set the process in motion," said Hussain.

The pre-conditions set by the UJC to sit with New Delhi are revocation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and Public Safety Act (PSA), release of political detainees and curbing all kinds of human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir. Moderate All Parties Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq for creating conducive atmosphere for a dialogue has put the same conditions forth.

Conspicuously, the traditional line to declare Kashmir as a dispute by India was missing in the UJC statement. "There should be no precondition like asking militants to lay down arms before entering into any parleys.

If the talks process (with militant leadership) is initiated in good faith and with a sincerity of purpose and it makes headway towards the resolution of the issue, the militant activities would cease on their own," said Hussian. Dr Manmohan Singh had at a press conference in Delhi on Monday said his government was ready to hold dialogue with all groups in Jammu and Kashmir "which are outside the political mainstream provided they shun violence.

" Past dialogue initiative In July 2000 Hizbul Mujahideen, largest indigenous militant outfit of Kashmir, declared a unilateral cease-fire. The cease-fire collapsed after two rounds of talks in Srinagar.

Jehad council ready for talks with New Delhi - Yahoo! India News
I know , Indian stand of Kashmir will stay as is forever, which ever govt tries to negotiate on the stand , will call for political death.

There are international/ huge domestic capitalistic interests in Indian politics, to keep a favorable govt in center. They can Buy polls / peblicite /or what ver/ even UN officials, Tum log Baat kya kar rahe ho.

Who cares about people!!
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Because neither India, nor Pakistan will ever agree to that.

It is pretty easy to make such sympathetic statements and win online discussions, it is another thing to put your money where your mouth is. We Indians admit we'll never let J&K out of our country. Hypocrisy comes from across the border in the form of 'we sympathise with Kashmiris but our government wants something else'.

Yeah right, like once we give independence to Kashmir, your country barge in, and capture the remaining part, Kashmir dont have any military to stop your Army, and same thing will happen just like it is happening in Jammu, human Violation, if you think its Hypocrisy so be it, at least it is giving Kashmir protection against one of the most savage and brutal force :agree:
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My bet, let the peblicite happen in Indian Kashmir, in front of Kofi Annan. Sure India will win. "Bhaiya sabse bada rupiah!!"

And even if the officials are from Pakistan even then the result will be same.
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Yeah right, like once we give independence to Kashmir, your country barge in, and capture the remaining part, Kashmir dont have any military to stop your Army, and same thing will happen just like it is happening in Jammu, human Violation, if you think its Hypocrisy so be it, at least it giving Kashmir protection against the most savage and brutal force :agree:

If that's your only concern, the solution is simple.

Ask UN forces to come to P O K and withdraw Pakistani forces from there. Then conduct the plebiscite.

Would that not serve the purpose?
Although the figures given here specially about AJK i personally don't agree but Few points that you did not wanted to highlight but i will....

A survey which a British academic says is the first systematic attempt to establish the opinions of Kashmiris has produced "striking results".

Robert Bradnock interviewed more than 3,700 people in Indian- and Pakistani-administered Kashmir to assess their views on various issues.

One of the key questions put to respondents was how they saw the future of the territory.

Nearly half of those interviewed said they wanted independence.
(Again shows they don't want to be with India)
Another question asked for their views over the continuing insurgency.

Dr Bradnock - an associate fellow at the Chatham House think-tank in London - says that the survey has produced startling conclusions, especially in relation to the future of the territory.
No 'simple fixes'

It revealed that on average 44% of people in Pakistani-administered Kashmir favoured independence, compared with 43% in Indian-administered Kashmir. (No matter what but one thing is for sure that majority don't want to be with India)
"However while this is the most popular option overall, it fails to carry an overall majority on either side.

"In fact on the Indian side of the Line of Control [LoC] - which separates the two regions - opinions are heavily polarised," Dr Bradnock told the BBC.
Journalists take cover during a clash in Srinagar (file photo) The Kashmir insurgency has raged for 20 years

The survey found that the "overwhelming majority" of people want a solution to the dispute, even though there are no "simple fixes".

Dr Bradnock said that in the Kashmir valley - the mainly Muslim area at the centre of the insurgency - support for independence is between 74% and 95%.

But in the predominantly Hindu Jammu division to the south, support is under 1%.

Other findings include:

* 80% of Kashmiris on both sides of the LoC say that the dispute is important to them personally

* Concern over human rights abuses stands at 43% on the Indian side and 19% on the Pakistani side

* Concern over unemployment is strong across the territory - 66% on the Pakistani side and 87% on the Indian side
* Few are optimistic over peace talks - only 27% on the Pakistani side and 57% on the Indian side thought they would succeed.

Dr Bradnock said that it was "clear" that a plebiscite on the future of Kashmir - along the lines envisaged in UN resolutions of 1948-49 - is "extremely unlikely to offer a solution today".

"The results of the polls show that that there is no single proposition for the future of Kashmir which could be put to the population... and get majority support," he said.

"The poll offers no simple fixes but offers signposts - through which the political process, engaging India, Pakistan and wider Kashmiri representation - could move it towards resolution."

BBC News - 'First' Kashmir survey produces 'startling' results
My bet, let the peblicite happen in Indian Kashmir, in front of Kofi Annan. Sure India will win. "Bhaiya sabse bada rupiah!!"

And even if the officials are from Pakistan even then the result will be same.

Your rupiah isnt giving any good to kashmiri people or is it??

There is no peace in this Forum already and this Kashmir Issue is making it alot worst, let just dont discuss it alright:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
If that's your only concern, the solution is simple.

Ask UN forces to come to P O K and withdraw Pakistani forces from there. Then conduct the plebiscite.

Would that not serve the purpose?

yeah it will, if it happens in the both sides and at the same time
If that's your only concern, the solution is simple.

Ask UN forces to come to P O K and withdraw Pakistani forces from there. Then conduct the plebiscite.

Would that not serve the purpose?

Why India don't pullout its troops from kashmir ?? After all it was india that took kashmir to UN not pakistan... and India accepted the UN resolutions .....
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