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Kashmir | News & Discussions.

So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Kashmiri spit more on idea of joining Pakistan then they spit on idea of joining India.

Check the polls done by anyone.

When was the last time was there a protest in Kashmir against Pakistan?

When was the last time a Kashmiri protester was shot dead in Azad Kashmir by Pakistani police/troops?

When was the last time any Kashmiri protester was waving your tricolor indian flag? (waving it, not burning it)

You can read all the polls done by indians, realities on ground tell you something totally different from your biased indian polls.
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An article which reflects the sentiments of Indians in general over the Kashmir issue......

The colour of 'Azaadi' cannot be green or saffron
The Pandits of the Kashmir valley, currently in exile, the Dogras and Muslims of Jammu, the Buddhists of Ladakh, the Shias and Gujjars in different parts of the state have never been part of any Azaadi movement, let alone any Islamic Azaadi.
They, in fact, are fairly clear that they want greater integration with a secular India, let alone any loosening of ties. In fact, the greater the cry for Azaadi, the greater is the desire for integration in Jammu and Ladhakh.
So, what does Azaadi mean for them? It means the continued domination of valley politics and politicians over their affairs. It means the continued neglect of their areas, witnessed during the last 63 years. And, if Azaadi is Islamic, it means further discrimination and insecurity.
Finally and perhaps crucially, the demand for Azaadi if understood as freedom from India is clearly unacceptable to the India state. No government of India can accept the demand for Azaadi over the needs of atoot ang. The people of India would never spare such a government, whatever its shape and hue and whatever its majority.
So where does this leave the Azaadi debate?
The example of the 'raiders' in 1947 is clear proof that an Azaad or 'independent' Kashmir would not be able to survive or preserve its independence. Even Gilgit, which overthrew the Maharaja's rule on November 1, 1947 and declared itself independent, could remain so only for less than three weeks before Pakistan took control of the territory.
The colour of Azaadi cannot be green. The minorities would not accept it and it would mean the de-linking of Jammu and Ladakh from the valley.Similarly, the colour of Azaadi cannot be saffron. The majority would not accept it. Only under the tiranga, a secular India, can the true essence of Kashmir flourish and prosper. It is here that their distinct cultural and ethnic identity would be preserved and strengthened.
Azaadi, too, cannot be accession to Pakistan. Barring a few die-hard votaries, no one in his right mind would think of joining Pakistan. Not only is there distrust of the Punjabi-Pathan elements, there is a realisation that Kashmir's cultural identity would have no chance of survival in a failing and increasingly Talibanised Pakistan. Azaadi, therefore, has to be freedom from Pakistan, once and for all and freedom to enjoy what the other citizens of India take for granted.
But, there has to be a limit to what the Kashmiris think they can extract from India in the garb of Azaadi. Bargaining for concessions is a democratic right that all Indians enjoy, no less the Kashmiri. But where bargaining is perceived as blackmailing, and especially if it has an international dimension, then what gets compromised is the freedom to enjoy what others in India enjoy. It also undercuts support that other civil society members and political parties in India can offer.
At the same time, the government of India needs to treat the cry of Azaadi as a cry for justice, a cry to undo past wrongs, and above all, a cry to give the Kashmiris a stake and pride in India, rather than bullets and doles, an assurance that their identity would be as secure in India as is say the Tamil identity or the Marathi identity or the Bengali identity.
Today, clearly, the Kashmiris don't perceive this to be the case. Hence, the cry for Azaadi for want of another slogan that can penetrate the ear plugs worn by the Indian leadership.
Well, we are willing to let them vote. Why aren't you? We know that they are could easily become independent, and are willing to allow that. If we don't, we'll have the world to answer to.

So please please please let them vote, hold a referendum and give them azadi, it has been 60+ years now, what is stopping you, huh?
Hmmm he's not, not in my books, not for Kashmiris. Indians like to pretend and live in this make belief.

But the truth is, you kill Kashmiris because you know they spit on this idea of joining India.

Let it be in your own book, and even in the Kashmiri mindset. But Kashmir will, I repeat will ALWAYS be with India whether they like it or not. As maps still show Kashmir part of India, that 8 year old boy is still an Indian citizen.
that 8 year old boy is still an Indian citizen.

Then why are you not condemning this killing, why are you not demanding questions to your goverement, in why your security forces are failing in there duty. Honestly what is the point in having a huge GDP when you can't even train your forces, who seem to have poor equipment....pity.
Then why are you not condemning this killing, why are you not demanding questions to your goverement, in why your security forces are failing in there duty. Honestly what is the point in having a huge GDP when you can't even train your forces, who seem to have poor equipment....pity.

Do you want me to go to India and talk to the Indian government because of this killing? Because I'll go right now and talk to them

I never said it was the right thing for the security forces to do, in fact I wish to see justice for the boy and his family.

Besides they were poorly trained forces with poor equipment as you speak of. How could've the child been killed? :what:
But Kashmir will, I repeat will ALWAYS be with India whether they like it or not.

From the above statement, clearly India is not quite democratic, but is run on dictatorship. By the way I believe in a theory called what goes around, comes around. My meaning is India is oppressing the Kashmiri people, but there will be a time when the same might happen to India.
Do you want me to go to India and talk to the Indian government because of this killing? Because I'll go right now and talk to them

Well these killing's which are conducted by your Security forces, are not obviously being condemned by ordinary Indians, because if that was a case then there would be protests in India. However obvioulsy you lot don't give a sh!
Well these killing's which are conducted by your Security forces, are not obviously being condemned by ordinary Indians, because if that was a case then there would be protests in India. However obvioulsy you lot don't give a sh!

If they were Hindus, I wouldn't see Pakistanis making a big deal out of it. :disagree:
There is nothing more in my power but to say that I do in fact condem the killing.
Protest or no protest. Pakistan's Kashmir was invaded and never asked about their choice.

But they're content... if it wasn't an 'invasion', then they'll all be there and Indian army will gun more of them down.
Please all civilised souls here join hands against Indian terrorism against innocent Kashmiris

On Saturday September 25, 2010 at 12:00 PM Kashmiris are gathering in front of The Consulate General of United States of America at 360 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1S4 Canada against the murder of more than 109 innocent civilians by the Indian army and to implement United Nations resolutions.

Along with the ongoing curfew, the Indian government is giving collective punishment to all Kashmiris because they are pursuing their rights to self determination. Children are not receiving sufficient rations for survival and even emergency services such as ambulances and doctors are inaccessible. Any medical staff or media personnel arriving to fulfill their occupational duties are beaten by the Indian forces in order to discourage their bravery. Most protesting civilians the majority of which are children, women and teenagers have been killed by the police, Indian army and paramilitary forces.

Since all kinds of draconian laws including the PSA, AFSPA, Disturbed areas act etc are in effect here, there is lack of accountability and immunity for the forces to perpetuate these crimes.

Anybody sympathetic towards the Kashmiris and willing to contribute their voice against cruelty please arrive at the above address.
But they're content... if it wasn't an 'invasion', then they'll all be there and Indian army will gun more of them down.

Content or not invasion is invasion.
They never had problem with India before 1989. Also only habitual protesters of 4 districts(only Muslims not even 100%) are protesting.
Ontopic these are accidental deaths, no one killed 8 year old with intention of doing it. Only naive people fall for such news spread only with intention to create hatred against India. Clearly they are successful.

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