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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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This is a remarkable suggestion. But because they are Kashmiri and have an inalienable, God-given right to their own land, they will take a per-capita portion of the land with them too. Hold such a referendum and I think the GoP would be open to supporting it. If 50% of Kashmiris presently under Indian control want to join Pakistan, half of IoK comes with them. If all of them do, then...

Good point, but as the recent polls suggest, majority wants to go independent, so if the Kashmiris including the ones in AJK want their own land, would the you agree to let go of the land in ***.?
Why is Pakistan pleading to USA now ? seems quite comical that a country which identifies itself as being the "Leader"of muslim nations would ask for help from the "American Infidels" the muslim world hates so much. Kashmir is just another point for Pakistan to maintain an issue internally and externally to basically define its own existence. As noted by a famous psychiatrist, its very important for a failing society to have an "Enemy" image to define its own image. For Pakistan that enemy image is India and its definition depends solely on its fictitious support on the Kashmir issue. Take away this issue and another Kashmir will rise somewhere else in India and the rhetoric will start again. Kashmir is more of an excuse to adjust south Asia to a more favorable for Pakistan and nothing more than that. With the thoughts of 1971 still very much alive, the policy of dividing India up also seems to be the primary goal of the Pakistani federation. After Kashmir, it will be Hyderabad, then the Naxal affected states and so on. Only India can provide the people of Kashmir with what they require to grow, living in the shadow of a Islamist Pakistan will only ruin the little system India has managed to maintain in the region. Kashmir welfare is with India and sooner or later that understanding is bound to take shape.
Good point, but as the recent polls suggest, majority wants to go independent, so if the Kashmiris including the ones in AJK want their own land, would the you agree to let go of the land in ***.?
AJK functions pretty much as its own state right now, so if they wanted full independence, they can have it.
AJK functions pretty much as its own state right now, so if they wanted full independence, they can have it.

really, so AJK can have freedom if they want it ? please stop kidding, first give them the resources to survive before you give them freedom. The economic condition of AJK is the single biggest deterrent for any Kashmiri dreaming of joining Pakistan. You can compare Indian Kashmirs and AJK's economy too see where I am coming from, the differences are huge.
AJK functions pretty much as its own state right now, so if they wanted full independence, they can have it.

By swearing loyalty to Pakistani constitution. By swearing to be an Islamic state? When the whole of kashmir can only join Pakistan? This independence charade is just going too far.
Indians need to step up and stop this senseless murders of Kashmiris. 8 year old boys are not a fair kill in their name.

Remember if you make Kashmiri 8 year olds a fair kill, tomorrow someone will make Indian 8 year olds a fair kill. No matter what the reason, there is no justification of killing small children.
It's not funny. Kill your mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son and then make jokes about their death first, then make fun of Kashmir's plight.

If you can't... Then don't belittle Kashmir either.
The freedom US gives will be full freedom for kashmir. That is good for pakistan will be cut smaller again..
Loosing an arm for the enemys one finger is not a great option

but its not pakistani kashmir the one, receiving genocide from pak army??
Hmmm he's not, not in my books, not for Kashmiris. Indians like to pretend and live in this make belief.

But the truth is, you kill Kashmiris because you know they spit on this idea of joining India.

Kashmiri spit more on idea of joining Pakistan then they spit on idea of joining India.

Check the polls done by anyone.
Kashmiri spit more on idea of joining Pakistan then they spit on idea of joining India.

Check the polls done by anyone.
Open your eyes and see the slaps, kicks and spits being thrown at the core representative of the Indian nation state - The Indian security forces.

Pakistan has never forced them to join Pakistan and is fighting for their right to choose. Read the polls again, they love to have their freedom to choose.

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