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Karzai wants US to protect Afghanistan from Pakistan

We do not have to explain that to anyone, the fact that we have a shia president should shut people up, other wise, haters gonna hate.

I think the only sect that that President of ours & almost everyone in the top echelons of Pakistan's Civilian & Military Executive, adhere to is 'Ahl-e-Dollar' or 'the Followers of the Dollar' ! :undecided:
What's so wrong about this? protecting ones country makes him a puppet? The whole world knows where is the sanctuary of every anti-Afghanistan armed group... Karzai is only using his opportunity that has come after a long time to make some concrete ground for the future of Afghanistan and US now needs Afghanistan more than we need US that's why such things are coming out from Afghan government before any military agreement between US and Afghanistan which is already suspended by Karzai and is badly hurting US Afghan-Pak policy and they are running out of time.
What's so wrong about this?
Nothing, we find it very amusing that Pakistan haunts karzoiiii
protecting ones country makes him a puppet?
No, but begging again and again for help against evil Pakistan makes him a puppet.
The whole world knows where is the sanctuary of every anti-Afghanistan armed group...
and the whole world knows who provided millions of Afghans place to live when every other country turned away, do not play the victim card here.
Karzai is only using his opportunity that has come after a long time to make .
yes, to earn some extra cash for personal purposes.
Nothing, we find it very amusing that Pakistan haunts karzoiiii

Pakistan does the same thing when it lacks power to defend certain issues in international arena and would rather get help from a third country remember bin laden's case? So yes the whole world is amusing in that case.

No, but begging again and again for help against evil Pakistan makes him a puppet.

He isn't begging it's the US and allies asking him to give them ground in Afghanistan for another decade so it's his right to ask in reward the safety of his country and people.

and the whole world knows who provided millions of Afghans place to live when every other country turned away, do not play the victim card here.

Well, Afghans are thankful for every good thing Pakistani people have done to them but do you remember those same refugees were then trained, armed as mujahideens by Pakistan and sent back to Afghan? doesn't that policy hurting both countries equally today? surely victim are both countries.

yes, to earn some extra cash for personal purposes.

Asking for this doesn't give him cash in return there are 100s of other ways he can get billions.
Karzai wants the US to start a war with Pakistan so Afghanistan can use that as an excuse to move it's troops and try to annex it's claimed areas. The US is smarter than that, they won't fall for his buffoonery.
The question to be asked is why is pakistan anti northern alliance, just becuase they are from minority tajik and uzbek community....

Pakistan's stance on it has ZERO to do with ethnicity; if anything, it was Pakistan that has tried over decades to overcome the ethno-centrism that has plagued Afghanistan for so long. If it were a thing of ethnicity then non-Pashtun refugees would not have been allowed in Pakistan.

Our stance is simply that as long as we have a lot at stake as far as how things transpire in A-stan, we will be damn sure to have a say in matters there at least till they get their acts together and until the support for anti-Pakistan groups (be they militias or terrorist groups like TTP, BLA/BRA etc which have generous donors and backers - both local and foreign) is ENDED then we will continue to do whatever is in our power to create bulwarks against those threats

and you indians need to accept the fact that as non-neighbours who share no border with them, that your say and leverage on this matter is close to null

Why is Pakistan hellbent on making Afghanistan a majority dominated government, isn't that the same fear on which Pakistan was formed....

what are you talking about?
What's so wrong about this? protecting ones country makes him a puppet? The whole world knows where is the sanctuary of every anti-Afghanistan armed group... Karzai is only using his opportunity that has come after a long time to make some concrete ground for the future of Afghanistan and US now needs Afghanistan more than we need US that's why such things are coming out from Afghan government before any military agreement between US and Afghanistan which is already suspended by Karzai and is badly hurting US Afghan-Pak policy and they are running out of time.

Yo mean to say Nuristan, Paktia helmand and all over afghanistan, there is not a single taliban sanctuary in afghanistan and all terrorism is emmiting from pakistan. That is my friend the biggest joke I ever heard every time from Northerners.

last time i check 70 percent afganistan is still controlled by taliban
What's so wrong about this? protecting ones country makes him a puppet? The whole world knows where is the sanctuary of every anti-Afghanistan armed group... Karzai is only using his opportunity that has come after a long time to make some concrete ground for the future of Afghanistan and US now needs Afghanistan more than we need US that's why such things are coming out from Afghan government before any military agreement between US and Afghanistan which is already suspended by Karzai and is badly hurting US Afghan-Pak policy and they are running out of time.

I suggest you tell your boy karzai to protect his palace first from taliban.....make sure tje door dont hit him on the way out....US is already fed up of your homeboy
Truly disappointed with your views in this thread. You SHOULD know Iran enjoys a lot of support in this forum. You should know that, nutjobs notwithstanding, Shias have historically enjoyed prominence in Pakistan.
Pakistan has its share of nutjobs--and they are most likely supported to at least some extent by foreign forces. These nutjobs target ALL segments of the society--and not just Shias. Their actions are not cheered.
But, trust me, Pakistan is not in the pockets of some 'Wahabbi' Arabs.

All Pakistan wants in Afghanistan is a govt. which doesn't force Pakistan to deploy tens of thousands on its Western borders.

The problem is Pakistani thinking is like, 'you are either with us or against us' there is no middle path.

Let take the policy , live and let live. Let them decide what to do, only interfere when there is a threat. Abandon the idea of 'strategic depth'.
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Yo mean to say Nuristan, Paktia helmand and all over afghanistan, there is not a single taliban sanctuary in afghanistan and all terrorism is emmiting from pakistan. That is my friend the biggest joke I ever heard every time from Northerners.

last time i check 70 percent afganistan is still controlled by taliban

Check? is it a bank account? you only know names you have never visited Afghanistan and you are feed via mass media; sanctuary and presence are two different things.
Check? is it a bank account? you only know names you have never visited Afghanistan and you are feed via mass media; sanctuary and presence are two different things.

and same thing is happened with you and your country folks. You are constantly feed via mass media; sanctuary and presence are two different things
What's so wrong about this? protecting ones country makes him a puppet? The whole world knows where is the sanctuary of every anti-Afghanistan armed group... Karzai is only using his opportunity that has come after a long time to make some concrete ground for the future of Afghanistan and US now needs Afghanistan more than we need US that's why such things are coming out from Afghan government before any military agreement between US and Afghanistan which is already suspended by Karzai and is badly hurting US Afghan-Pak policy and they are running out of time.

Nothing is wrong as long as he makes the request to the right party :).

The problem with Karzai is he is NOT Going to stand and elected as Prez for third time as per constitution. Neither his brother has any chance so he is shooting in the air which is hurting Afghanistan's interests itself.

Recently Karzai also accused US of supporting terrorism in Afghanistan and now he is asking for saving him?
Check? is it a bank account? you only know names you have never visited Afghanistan and you are feed via mass media; sanctuary and presence are two different things.

so what makes you so sure we have sanctuaries in Pakistani territory? have you been to sanctuaries ?
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